‘वेस्ट टु कम्पोस्ट’ टैक्नोलॉजी अब मात्र 4 घंटों में पायें खाद


चंडीगढ़, 6 जून, 2018:

उत्तर भारत के शहरी क्षेत्रों में नगर निगमों द्वारा कचरे के प्रबंधन में आने वाली समस्याएं अब बीते कल की बात बनने जा रही हैं। पुणे की भोर इंजीनियरिंग कंपनी के इंजीनियरों के नये आविष्कार से कचरे को तेजी से कम्पोस्ट में बदलने वाली टैक्नोलॉजी का होटल जे डब्ल्यू मैरियटचंडीगढ़ में अनावरण किया गया। सर्वजीत सिंहअसिस्टेंट कमिश्नरनगर निगम मोहाली ने भोर इंजीनियरिंग के एमडी अरविंद राजपूत और रेनेविक मोहाली की एमडीअमनप्रीत कौर मंगत व डायरेक्टर परमप्रीत कौर की उपस्थिति में विभिन्न क्षमताओं की इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मशीनों वाली टैक्नोलॉजी का अनावरण किया। बाद में नई तकनीक के बारे में मीडिया को भी जानकारी दी गयी। प्रौद्योगिकी को विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस के अवसर पर चंडीगढ़ में लाया गया है। मशीनों का उपयोग करके कचरे से कम्पोस्ट कैसे तैयार किया जाता हैइसका एक डिमोंस्ट्रेशन भी किया गया।

यह प्रौद्योगिकी नासिक नगर पालिकापुणे नगर निगमहैदराबाद नगर निगम और महाराष्ट्र विधान मंडल जैसे सरकारी संगठनों में पहले से ही उपयोग में है। प्रौद्योगिकी भारत सरकार की जीईएम योजना के तहत सूचीबद्ध है और प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के स्वच्छ भारत अभियान को साकार करने में मदद कर रही है,’ अरविंद राजपूतएमडीभोर इंजीनियरिंगपुणे ने कहा।


उल्लेखनीय है कि विजन इकोलोजिकाटैकनेक्स्टपेसिफिक लेबोरेट्रीजअल-फुट्टेइम एक्सोवाजो इस टैक्नीक के वैज्ञानिक मानकों के लिए एनालिटिकल डेटा उपलब्ध कराने वाले प्रसिद्ध संगठन हैंने अपनी रिपोर्ट में प्रमाणित किया है कि यह प्रौद्योगिकी इकोलॉजिक रूप से उपयुक्त है और इसका सी:एन अनुपात 20 से कम है। साथ ही यह अन्य मानकों पर भी खरी उतरती है।

मशीनों की क्षमता दो डिवीजनों में 2 किग्रा से लेकर 1000 किग्रा तक में वर्गीकृत हैजो कचरे को क्रमश: 4 से 20 घंटे के अंदर कंपोस्ट में परिवर्तित कर देती हैं। खाद गंध रहितमीथेन गैस मुक्त और पर्यावरण के अनुकूल होती है,’ अमनप्रीत कौर मंगतएमडीरेनेविक मोहाली ने कहा।

यह मशीन घरोंहोटलोंस्कूलोंअस्पतालोंखाद्य प्रसंस्करण इकाइयों से निकले जैविक कचरे को 4 घंटे में विघटित कर सकती है। प्रौद्योगिकी की इको फ्रेंडली और यूजर फ्रेंडली विशेषताओं को देखते हुए ही मोहाली नगर निगम ने निर्माताओं को मशीन के ऑर्डर दिये हैं।

यह इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मशीन अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन के खतरनाक मुद्दे से निपटने के लिए एक हथियार है और अब हमारा फोकस कचरा प्रबंधन की समस्या को दूर करने में मदद के लिए उत्तर भारतमुख्य रूप से चंडीगढ़पंजाबहरियाणाहिमाचल प्रदेश और जम्मू-कश्मीर क्षेत्र पर रहेगा,’अरविंद राजपूत ने बताया।

भारत में हर रोज 1,00,000 मीट्रिक टन कचरा पैदा होता है और अगर हम इस क्षेत्र को देखते हैं तो हरियाणा के गुरुग्राम और फरीदाबाद में रोजाना 1600 टन कचरा पैदा होता है। साफ-सफाई को जमीनी स्तर से जोडऩे की जरूरत है। अत्याधुनिक प्रौद्योगिकी वाली इन मशीनों से नगर निगमों काबोझ कम होगा और घरेलू कचरे को निपटाने में भी ये मशीनें बहुत कारगर साबित होंगी,’ रेनेविक मोहाली की डायरेक्टर,परमप्रीत कौर ने कहा।

सरकारी कार्यालयोंआवास समितियोंकॉलेजों और ट्राइसिटी के अस्पतालो से जो बायो डिग्रेडिबल कचरा निकलता हैउसके निपटान के लिए इस ब्रांड न्यू समाधान को अपनाये जाने की धीरे धीरे शुरुआत हो रही है।

ये मशीनें कृषि क्षेत्र के लिए वरदान हैं। कम्पोस्ट को कृषि क्षेत्र में खाद के रूप में इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता हैजहां यह रासायनिक उर्वरकों का स्थान ले सकता है और स्वस्थ भोजन के उत्पादन के लिए अच्छा साबित हो सकता है। साथ ही अपशिष्ट फसलों को भी खाद में परिवर्तित किया जा सकता है और इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है। खाद के रूप में प्रयोग होने से बेकार फसलों को जलाना नहीं पड़ेगा जिससे प्रदूषण नहीं होगा। न केवल यहहमारे पास एक मशीन ऐसी भी है जो कचरे को पानी में परिवर्तित कर सकती हैजिसका उपयोग सिंचाई और अन्य कृषि प्रयोजनों के लिए किया जा सकता है,’ अमनप्रीत कौर ने कहा।

यह प्रौद्योगिकी शहरी भारत के कचरा प्रबंधन के संकट का समाधान हो सकती है। इसे न केवल पूरे भारत में नगर पालिकाओं द्वारा अपनाया गया हैबल्कि आवास समितियों को भी इससे फायदा हुआ है। ऐसा लगता है कि पीएम मोदी की स्वच्छ भारत दृष्टि को आखिरकार ऐसी तकनीक मिली है जो बेहद कारगर है।

मुख्य मंत्री खट्टर के घर आग

बुधवार सुबह जब मुख्यमंत्री के रामनगर स्तिथ निवास स्थान पर जब बीजेपी के कार्यकर्ता जो वहां पर लोगों की समस्या सुनते हैं, वह मुख्यमंत्री के निवास स्थान पर पहुचे जैसे ही वह निवास के बाहर पहुचे अंदर से आग का धुआं नजर आया जिसके बाद बीजेपी कार्यकर्ताओं के होश फाक्ता हो गए , अंदर जाकर देखा तो घर में माजूद कीमती सामान जलकर राख हो चूका था।
घटना की सुचना पुलिस और पार्टी के अन्य कार्यकर्ताओ को दी जिसके बाद वहा पुलिस के आला अधिकारी समेत बीजेपी कार्यकर्ता पहुंचे। वहीं पुलिस का कहना है आग शॉर्ट सर्किट के कारण लगी है, जिसमें कुछ सामान जलकर राख हो गया है, एफएसएल की तरफ से आग लगने वजहों की जांच की जाएगी।

Police File




Two arrested for consuming liquor at public place

Two different cases U/S 68-1(B) Punjab Police Act 2007 & 510 IPC have been registered in PS-17, Chandigarh against two persons who were arrested while consuming liquor at public place. Both later on bailed out. Investigation of the case is in progress.This drive will be continuing in future, the general public is requested for not breaking the law.

Two arrested under NDPS Act

Crime Branch of Chandigarh Police arrested Jasvir Singh R/o Village Hulka, P.S. Banur, Distt. Mohali (PB) near CRPF campusnear ISBT-43, Chandigarh and recovered 25 gram of Heroine from his possession. A case FIR No. 218, U/S 21 NDPS Act has been registered in PS-36, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

Chandigarh Police arrested Sharanjit Singh R/o # 34, Village Badmajra, Distt. Mohali (PB) at Maloya turn, Gawala Colony,Chandigarh and recovered 26 injections of drugs from his possession. A case FIR No. 134, U/S 22 NDPS Act has been registered in PS-Maloya, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.


A case FIR No. 121, U/S 279, 337 IPC has been registered in PS-03, Chandigarh on the complaint of Sh. Vishal Sabta R/o # 782/1, Jogiwara near Ram Mandir Ambala City (HR) who alleged that driver of Fortuner car No. CH-01BE-8282 hit to complainant’sM/Cycle No. PB-46N-8969 near New Barricade Chowk, Chandigarh on 31.05.2018. Complainant got injured and was admitted in GH-16, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.


A case FIR No. 252, U/S 279, 337 IPC has been registered in PS-31, Chandigarh on the complaint of Sh. Harbans Singh R/o Jagatpura Distt. Mohali (PB) who alleged that driver of car No. CH-01AQ-0670 namely Surinder Singh R/o # 593, Sector-48/A, Chandigarh hit to M/Cycle No. CH-03J-2583 driven by Pardeep R/o # 2917/2, Sector 47/C, Chandigarh at road Sector 47C/D, Chandigarh on 29.05.2018. Motor Cyclist got injured and was admitted in GMCH-32, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

MV Theft

Sh. Narinder Kumar R/o # 3181/1, Sector-41, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stolen away Tata-407 No. HP-29-3686 while parked near Plot No. 34, Golden Highway, TPT Area, Sector-26, Chandigarh on night intervening 4/5-06-2018. A case FIR No. 179, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-26, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

Sh. Sukhjeet Singh R/o # 533/2, Sector-41/A, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stolen away Splendor M/Cycle No. CH-01AY-3140 while parked near H.No. 536, Sector-41/A, Chandigarh on night intervening 3/4-06-2018. A case FIR No. 238, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-39, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.


Wakil Ahmed R/o # 4605, Maloya Colony, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stolen away committed theft at his Barber Shop, Booth No. 10, Mini Market, Sector 37, Chandigarh and stoen away cash Rs. 11,000/- and some items on night intervening 4/5.06.2018. A case FIR No. 237, U/S 380 IPC has been registered in PS-39, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.


A girl resident of Chandigarh alleged that Amir R/o # 1131, 2nd floor Govind Pura, Mani Majra, Chandigarh eve-teased/threatened complainant at her residence. A case FIR No. 255, U/S 341, 354, 506, 452 IPC has been registered in PS-MM, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

Mahesh sports beard in his next


There has been a buzz about Super Star Mahesh Babu’s look for his next 25th movie which is yet to be titled. The actor will next be seen in the direction of Vamshi Paidipally. The rumor in the industry is that Mahesh will sport a beard look for the movie. Now, adding more speculations to the rumors, Mahesh is seen sporting a beard.

Namratha already hinted about the same with the pictures she posted on Instagram. Mahesh Babu is back in Hyderabad this morning and he is seen sporting a beard. His look is completely different and the actor is looking stylish. The film is jointly produced by Ashwini Dutt and Dil Raju. Pooja Hegde is the heroine of the movie.

Portrait of Nirankari head’s ‘assassin’ put up at Sikh museum in Golden Temple complex


The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) on Tuesday put portraits of Gyan Singh, an alleged assassin of the Nirankari sect head Gurbachan Singh in 1980, at the Central Sikh Museum in the Golden Temple complex.

Also were put on display the portraits of former acting Akal Takht jathedar Gurdev Singh Kaunke, who was allegedly made to disappear by the Punjab Police, and journalist-activist Harnam Singh Dardi, the founder of ‘Chardi Kala’ newspaper.

Akal Takht jathedar Giani Gurbachan Singh along with SGPC president Gobind Singh Longowal unveiled the portraits in presence of Golden Temple head granthi Giani Jagtar Singh during a religious ceremony that also attended by families of the three. The family members were also honoured with ‘siropas’ (robes of honour) after kirtan and ardas were performed.

The caption of the Gyan Singh portrait reads, “Bhai Gyan Singh was born in 1949 at Boparai Guru Ki Ber village in Amritsar district. He was a close companion of Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale. He was president of Baba Deep Singh Ranjit Gatka Akhara Delhi.”

Thirteen Sikh protesters were killed during the Sikh-Nirankari clash on the Baisakhi day in 1978 in Amritsar when the former protested a congregation being organised by the then Nirankari head Gurbachan Singh.

The decision to install Kaunke’s portrait was taken during tenure of the then SGPC president Kirpal Singh Badungar on the demand SGPC member Gurcharan Singh Grewal.

Kaunke was appointed as acting jathedar of the Akal Takht with the support of pro-Khalistan groups during a ‘Sarbat Khalsa’ (Sikh congregation) held in January 1986, when militancy was at its peak in Punjab. He was arrested a number of times for his alleged support to militant groups.

Addressing the gathering, the Akal Takht jathedar termed Gyan Singh and Kaunke as “martyrs” of the Sikh community. “The SGPC has been recognising the martyrs of the community and it is praiseworthy to install their portrait in the museum.”

“These three personalities made a big contribution for Sikhs and the community will always remember them,” Longowal said.

Punjab & Haryana HC dismisses plea for default bail of 16-year-old accused



6 June, 2018:

The Punjab and Haryana High Court on Wednesday dismissed the plea for default bail of the 16-year-old accused in the murder of a class II student of a prominent Gurgaon school. Justice Daya Chaudhary passed the order Wednesday morning. The accused had through his father had in March filed the plea for default bail after the same had been dismissed by Additional Sessions Judge, Gurugram.

Earlier in May, the Gurgaon court had directed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to file supplementary chargesheet by July 4 in connection with the murder case last year. The CBI was granted more time by Additional Sessions Judge Jasbir Singh Kundu after it took note of a fresh plea by the agency stating that the probe was underway and it needed one-and-a-half months to complete it.

On May 21, a special children’s court upheld the Juvenile Justice Board’s order and said that the 16-year-old accused will be treated as an adult during trial. The court had also dismissed an appeal filed to challenge it. “Today, the court has said that the juvenile accused will be treated as an adult during trial. Whatever legal proceedings will be initiated against him in future will consider him an adult,” Sushil Tekriwal, counsel for the seven-year-old victim’s father, had said.

In February, the CBI had filed a partial chargesheet in which the Class XI student of the same institution was named as the main accused, claiming that he had confessed to murdering the seven-year-old child on September 8 last year, in a bid to cancel the examinations and a parent-teacher meeting.

The victim’s body was found in the washroom of the school with his throat slit. School bus conductor, who was arrested by the Gurgaon Police, was given a clean chit by the probe agency saying there was no evidence to prove his involvement in the crime. The CBI took up the case from the Gurgaon police on September 22, following a nationwide uproar over the gruesome killing.

Operation Blue Star anniversary: AISSF raises pro- Khalistan slogans


Brandishing of swords and open use of sticks was witnessed on Wednesday during a ceremony to mark the 34th anniversary of the Army’s ‘Operation Blue Star’ inside the Golden Temple complex.

The clash between radical Sikh elements and the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) took place right in front of the Akal Takht, the highest temporal seat of Sikh religion.

The incident took place just about 100 feet from the sanctum sanctorum ‘Harmandir Sahib’, the holiest of Sikh shrines located inside the Golden Temple complex in Amritsar.

At least one person was injured as the SGPC task force members tried to prevent the radical elements from disturbing the ceremony.

The radical elements raised pro-Khalistan (a separate Sikh homeland) and anti-India slogans.

Police personnel, present inside the shrine complex in plainclothes, tried to control the situation from getting out of hand.

“A turban was thrown on the ground in the clash,” one eyewitness toldnews men.

The SGPC officials said the situation was prevented from getting out of control due to swift action by the task force members.

Akal Takht jathedar (chief) Gurbachan Singh said the ceremony was held “peacefully” as a remembrance of the sacrifice of hundreds of people who were killed during the Army’s ‘Operation Blue Star’ in June 1984.

The Army carried out the operation to flush out heavily armed militants and radicals from inside the shrine complex between June 1-10, 1984.

Aam Aadmi Party and Congress are likely to shake hands


New Delhi: In a major political move, Aam Aadmi Party and Congress are likely to shake hands in three states namely Delhi, Haryana and Punjab and are likely to form an alliance. 

As per top Congress sources, an offer has been extended to AAP to take 9 out of 30 seats in an alliance with Congress.

This comes 2 days after former AAP leader Kapil Mishra claimed that Kejriwal met Rahul Gandhi and hinted that he is attempting to form an alliance with Congress.

BJP on the other hand is slamming Kejriwal over the same saying “he came to power by counting the number of scams Congress has been indulged in, now if he forms an alliance with BJP, it will be betrayal”.

Congress is so far denying the claims on the record and refused to forming an alliance with Aam Aadmi Party. Now, all eyes will be on an official announcement from either of the parties.

Prostitutes better than govt officials, says BJP MLA Surendra Singh


A Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA Surendra Singh has once again stoked a controversy by comparing government officials with prostitutes. Addressing a chetavni diwas (warning day)’ meeting in Ballia district on Tuesday, Singh said, “Prostitutes are better than officials. They take money and dance all night. But these officers despite taking money from the public don’t do work.”

He further urged his supporters to beat government officials if they demand a bribe. “If he does not agree to do his work, teach him a lesson by punching him and if he still does not agree, thrash him with shoes,” he said.

However, this is not the first time the BJP MLA has courted controversy with his remarks. Singh had earlier called West Bengal Chief Minister Surpanakha’ and compared opposition Congress to ‘Ravana’. “Mamata Banerjee is playing the role of Surpanakha. People are being killed and even though she is the chief minister, she is doing nothing,” Surendra Singh said. In the past too, Surender Singh had invited controversy by defending Unnao rape accused BJP MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar and also when he claimed that India will become a Hindu Rashtra by 2022.

After the recent Kairana Lok Sabha and Noorpur assembly bypolls, he had blamed the ministers in the Yogi Adityanath government for the party’s humiliating defeat at both places. He said if certain ministers were not removed from the state cabinet, the ruling party’s downfall in UP was certain. Singh had said if the grievances of the poor people are not heard at police stations, tehsil offices and block offices, they will not vote for the BJP.

Ramdev’s Patanjali To Shift Food Park From UP, Blames Yogi Adityanath


Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has spoken to yoga guru Baba Ramdev after Patanjali Ayurved Ltd announced that it is shifting the proposed Patanjali Food and Herbal Park from Greater Noida citing non-cooperation and a “disappointing attitude” of the BJP-ruled government in Uttar Pradesh. According to reports, the Chief Minister has assured Ramdev that he will personally look into the matter and promised that decisions will be taken at quick pace.

The Haridwar-based Patanjali Ayurved had on Tuesday announced to pull out its proposed Rs 6,000-crore mega food processing project in Greater Noida and blamed the state government for taking this decision. “The mega food park was coming up to make lives of farmers better. We had also asked for permission from the central government. There are paper work for which we requested state government. But due to their disappointing attitude, it couldn’t be done,” Acharya Balkrishna, MD, Patanjali Ayurved Ltd, told news agency ANI.

However, the government said that the project has not been cancelled yet and that Patanjali is yet to comply with the conditions required to get final approval. Food Processing Secretary JP Meena said that the company was earlier given four months to comply with certain rules required for setting up the plant and has been granted a month’s extension to meet the conditions.

“Patanjali was given four months time to meet the conditions required to get the final approval. There are four to five conditions, including land and bank loans, which any party that wants to set up mega food park has to fulfil,” the official told PTI on Tuesday. “We have given one month extension to Patanjali… they have to meet the condition. In case Patanjali does not meet the condition, we have no choice but to cancel. We have done it earlier in many projects.”

In a tweet on Tuesday evening, Patanjali MD Acharya Balkrishna said that the indifferent attitude of the state to be blamed for this decision. “Came to know about quashing of Mega Food Park, approved by the Centre, in Greater Noida. The pledge to bring prosperity to the lives of farmers in the land of Sri Ram and Krishna remained incomplete because of the indifference of the state government.”

The mega food processing project was slated to come along the Yamuna Expressway that runs between Noida and Agra. Former UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav had in 2016 laid the foundation of food park. It was to be constructed in 455 acres. According to Patanjali, one the food park when become soperational, can produce goods worth Rs 25,000 crore annually and create over 10,000 direct jobs.