अब पुद्दुचेर्री भी मांगती है उपराज्यपाल से छुटकारा

पुद्दुचेरी की गवर्नर किरण बेदी हैं और वहां के सीएम नारायणसामी का आरोप है कि किरण बेदी उनके कामकाज में दखल दे रही हैं

दिल्ली को लेकर सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने एक अहम फैसला सुनाया है. एलजी और सीएम के बीच फंसी दिल्ली पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने कहा कि दिल्ली पर सीएम अरविंद केजरीवाल का फैसला मान्य होगा. अब पुडुचेरी के चीफ मिनिस्टर वी नारायणसामी ने चेतावनी दी है कि वह पुडुचेरी में भी दिल्ली वाला फैसला लागू करवाना चाहते हैं. उन्होंने कहा कि अगर यहां कानून का उल्लंघन होता है तो मैं कानूनी कार्रवाई करूंगा.

उन्होंने कहा, ‘मैं इस फैसले का स्वागत करता हूं. यह पुडुचेरी की सरकार पर भी पूरी तरह लागू होता है. यह भी केंद्रशासित राज्य हैं. यह ऐतिहासिक फैसला है और चुने गए प्रतिनिधिोयों की जीत है.’ पुडुचेरी की गवर्नर किरण बेदी हैं. लेकिन नारायणसामी ने उनका नाम लिए बगैर कहा, ‘जो भी सुप्रीम कोर्ट के फैसले के खिलाफ काम करेगा उसके खिलाफ सख्त कार्रवाई होगी. सुप्रीम कोर्ट के फैसला नहीं मानने वाले के खिलाफ मैं खुद शिकायत करूंगा.’ सुप्रीम कोर्ट के फैसले को अरविंद केजरीवाल की बड़ी जीत मानी जा रही है. अदालत ने साफ किया कि दिल्ली में काम करने का अधिकार पूरी तरह एलजी के हाथ में नहीं है.

अराजकता का दंश झेलती आआपा क्या अब ओर अराजक होगी

एक आम आदमी के रूप में अरविंद केजरीवाल ने दिल्ली की सड़कों पर अपनी राजनीति की शुरुआत में बिजली कंपनियों की मनमानी के खिलाफ पावर की लड़ाई लड़ी तो अब आम आदमी पार्टी के लिये एलजी के खिलाफ पावर की लड़ाई जीती

पिछले महीने अचानक ही दिल्ली समेत देश की राजनीति में एकदम नए ढंग के धरने ने धमाल मचा दिया. दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल उपराज्यपाल के दफ्तर पर हल्ला बोल देते हैं. वो अपनी कैबिनेट के 4 मंत्रियों के साथ सोफे पर विराजमान हो जाते हैं. धरना दे रहे दो मंत्री दो कदम आगे चलते हुए भूख हड़ताल पर बैठ जाते हैं. केजरीवाल एंड टीम की मांग होती है कि दिल्ली सरकार के कामों का बायकॉट करने वाले अधिकारियों के खिलाफ एलजी कड़ी कार्रवाई करें तो साथ ही राशन की डोर स्टेप योजना की फाइल को आगे बढ़ाएं. केजरीवाल की ‘स्टाइल ऑफ पॉलिटिक्स’ पर बारीक नजर रखने वाले विरोधी ‘धरना मैन रिटर्न्स’ और ‘नौटंकी’ जैसे शब्दबाणों से प्रहार शुरू कर देते हैं. केजरीवाल की मांगों को राजनीतिक स्टंट और ड्रामा बताया जाता है. यहां तक कि दिल्ली हाईकोर्ट भी एलजी ऑफिस में केजरीवाल के धरने को असंवैधानिक करार देते हुए पूछ लेती है कि केजरीवाल को धरने की अनुमति किससे मिली?

केजरीवाल का धरना सियासी स्टंट के चश्मे से देखा जाता है. बीजेपी-कांग्रेस के दो तरफा हमले होते हैं और उन सबके बीच उपराज्यपाल दिल्ली के सीएम की मांगों को अनसुना कर देते हैं. केजरीवाल आरोप लगाते हैं कि उपराज्यपाल अनिल बैजल इन 9 दिनों में उनसे बात करने के लिये 9 मिनट का समय भी नहीं निकाल पाए. लेकिन इस टीस के साथ धरना खत्म करने वाले केजरीवाल ने भी शायद ये कभी नहीं सोचा होगा कि उनकी एक अपील कहीं पर गौर से सुनी जाने वाली है और दिल्ली के एलजी के साथ प्रशासनिक अधिकारों के लेकर चल रही खींचतान पर उनकी याचिका की गंभीरता से विवेचना होने वाली है.

दरअसल दिल्ली हाईकोर्ट ने अपने फैसले में उपराज्यपाल अनिल बैजल को  दिल्ली का प्रशासनिक हेड बताया था. जिसके बाद दिल्ली सरकार ने जब सुप्रीम कोर्ट का दरवाजा खटखटाया तो उसे पावर का बोनस भी मिल गया. सुप्रीम कोर्ट के ऐतिहासिक फैसले से केजरीवाल को एक तरह से हस्तिनापुर के रण के लिये कर्ण का कुंडल-कवच मिल गया.

अब केजरीवाल को सत्ता चलाने के लिए तीन वरदान मिल चुके हैं. उनकी सलाह मानने के लिये उपराज्यपाल बाध्य होंगे. अभी तक अरविंद केजरीवाल को अपने हर फैसले के लिये उपराज्यपाल की मंजूरी लेनी पड़ती थी लेकिन अब केजरीवाल अपने फैसले के मालिक-मुख्तार खुद होंगे. केजरीवाल की सबसे बड़ी शिकायत ये रहती आई है कि दिल्ली के अधिकारी और कर्मचारी उनके आदेशों को तामील नहीं करते हैं.

लेकिन अब ट्रांसफर-पोस्टिंग की पावर हाथ में आने के बाद केजरीवाल अपने महत्वपूर्ण विभागों में मर्जी के अधिकारी-कर्मचारी बिठा सकेंगे. अब केजरीवाल एंटी करप्शन ब्यूरो में अपने पसंद के अधिकारी को मुखिया बना सकेंगे. ट्रांसफर-पोस्टिंग के जरिये ही वो आईएएस अफसर और कर्मचारियों पर भी नकेल कस सकेंगे.

भले ही अपने अधिकार की लड़ाई लड़ने में किसी आम आदमी की तमाम उम्र बीत जाती हो लेकिन आम आदमी पार्टी को अपने अधिकार हासिल करने में साढ़े तीन साल का ही वक्त लगा. कह सकते हैं कि दिल्ली सरकार और आम आदमी पार्टी के ‘अच्छे दिन’ आ गए हैं.

केजरीवाल अब विरोधियों से कह सकते हैं कि उनके पास सत्ता है, पावर है, पैसा है और पॉलिटिक्स के नए-नए स्टंट हैं.  केजरीवाल कह सकते हैं, ‘पहले तुम बोलते थे और मैं सुनता था. अब मैं बोलूंगा और तुम सुनोगे. केजरीवाल अब अधिकारियों से ये भी कह सकते हैं कि ‘फाइल भेजी है….साइन इट’.

बहरहाल एक आम आदमी के रूप में अरविंद केजरीवाल ने दिल्ली की सड़कों पर अपनी राजनीति की शुरुआत में बिजली कंपनियों की मनमानी के खिलाफ पॉवर की लड़ाई लड़ी तो अब आम आदमी पार्टी के लिये एलजी के खिलाफ पावर की लड़ाई जीती. लेकिन इन दोनों ही लड़ाइयों के केंद्र में केवल सत्ता ही थी. अब बड़ा सवाल ये है कि केजरीवाल तय समय में अपने वादों को पूरा करने की चुनौती से किस तरह पार पा सकेंगे? क्योंकि पहले तो ये कह कर दिल्ली की जनता को समझा लिया गया, ‘हम काम करते रहे और ये परेशान करते रहे’.

लेकिन अब जब दिल्ली सरकार को तमाम प्रशासनिक शक्तियां मिल चुकी हैं तो फिर कोई भी आरोप, बहाना या धरना काम नहीं आएगा क्योंकि एक हवा चली  है कि दिल्ली सरकार की दिल्लीवासियों के लिये बड़ी जीत हुई है. ऐसे में अब केजरीवाल एंड टीम भविष्य में किसी मुद्दे पर केंद्र सरकार या फिर उपराज्यपाल को इतनी आसानी से कटघरे में खड़ा नहीं कर सकेगी.

अब दिल्ली सरकार पर जनता की उम्मीदों की वजह से लटकती तलवार है. लेकिन बड़ा सवाल ये है कि जब बिना पावर के आम आदमी पार्टी पर इतने अराजक होने के आरोप लगते रहे हों तो फिर पावर आने के बाद शक्तियों के गैरवाजिब इस्तेमाल न होने की गारंटी कौन लेगा?

Overjoyed AAP receives “regret note”

Until now, the Lt Governor was the approving authority for transfer and posting of IAS and DANICS (Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Civil Services) officers.

The note, sources said, cited a Ministry of Home Affairs notification of May 2015, and made it clear that until there were clear directions overturning the notification, the Services department could do little.

Armed with the Supreme Court order that decisions of the Delhi government did not need the concurrence of the Lieutenant Governor, the AAP government Wednesday sent a file to Secretary (Services), empowering Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to transfer and post senior officers. But within hours, a five-page note was sent to Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, who also holds the Services portfolio, expressing inability to carry out the order, sources said.

The note, sources said, cited a Ministry of Home Affairs notification of May 2015, and made it clear that until there were clear directions overturning the notification, the Services department could do little. “The MHA notification is in the name of the President and unless it is specifically overturned or quashed, it stands,” a senior officer said, claiming that Services, for now, remained with the office of the Lt Governor.

The note, AAP sources said, was received by Sisodia’s office hours after the file was sent to Secretary (Services).
Contacted , Sisodia and Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash declined comment. Earlier in the day, following the court ruling, the Delhi cabinet introduced a new system for transfer and posting of officers. It said Sisodia would be responsible for the transfer and posting of Delhi Administrative Subordinate Services (DASS) Grade-I, II, Principal Secretary and Private Secretary-level officers.

Until now, the Lt Governor was the approving authority for transfer and posting of IAS and DANICS (Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Civil Services) officers.

The Delhi government and the officers have been locked in a war of words ever since Chief Secretary Anshu Prakash alleged he had been assaulted by two AAP MLAs in the presence of the Chief Minister. The cabinet also decided on fast-tracking two key projects — doorstep delivery of ration and installation of CCTV cameras — which the AAP said had been awaiting clearance from the Lt Governor.

“The element of trust is an imperative between Constitutional functionaries so that Governments can work in accordance with Constitutional norms…” SC

“The element of trust is an imperative between Constitutional functionaries so that Governments can work in accordance with Constitutional norms…” the court observed.

The verdict finds particular resonance given today’s fractured politics where functionaries at the Centre and states are often locked in a fierce political contest.

The narrow issue was the power struggle between the popularly elected Delhi government and the Lieutenant Governor appointed by the Centre but the Supreme Court substantially broadened its scope by sending a reminder of the need for political accommodation between the Centre and states.

It did this via three concurring judgments that, together, invoked the principles of “Constitutional morality”, “collaborative federalism”, and “pragmatic federalism” to stress the need for an “element of trust” between high functionaries of the Central and state governments.

The verdict finds particular resonance given today’s fractured politics where functionaries at the Centre and states are often locked in a fierce political contest. And when divisions are sharpening with political realignments in the run-up to general elections.

New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal being welcomed by government and staff at Delhi Secretariat, in New Delhi on Wednesday, July 04, 2018. In the case related to the power tussle between the Centre and Delhi government in which a five-judge bench of the Supreme Court today unanimously held that Lieutenant Governor Anil Baijal does not have independent decision making powers and is bound to act on the aid and advice of the Council of Ministers.

“The element of trust is an imperative between Constitutional functionaries so that Governments can work in accordance with Constitutional norms. It may be stated with definiteness that when such functionaries exercise their power under the Constitution, the sustenance of the values that usher in the foundation of constitutional governance should remain as the principal motto. There has to be implicit institutional trust between such functionaries,” Chief Justice Dipak Misra wrote in the judgment for himself and Justices A K Sikri and A M Khanwilkar.

Indeed, it is “Constitutional morality” that comes as a refrain throughout the three verdict. Defining its basic principles, Justice D Y Chandrachud wrote: “Constitutional morality provides a principled understanding for unfolding the work of governance. It is a compass to hold in troubled waters. It specifies norms for institutions to survive and an expectation of behaviour that will meet not just the text but the soul of the Constitution.

Our expectations may be well ahead of reality. But a sense of Constitutional morality, drawn from the values of that document, enables us to hold to account our institutions and those who preside over their destinies. Constitutional interpretation, therefore, must flow from constitutional morality.”

“Constitutional morality places responsibilities and duties on individuals who occupy constitutional institutions and offices,” wrote Justice Chandrachud adding, “it is only when political conflicts are regulated through negotiations and accommodation that the enforcement of constitutional principles can be achieved.” The Chief Justice, too, echoed similar imperatives from high functionaries in the democracy.

“Constitutional morality is that fulcrum which acts as an essential check upon the high functionaries and citizens alike, as experience has shown that unbridled power without any checks and balances would result in a despotic and tyrannical situation which is antithetical to the very idea of democracy,” wrote the Chief Justice. He added: “The decisions taken by Constitutional functionaries, in the discharge of their duties, must be based on normative acceptability.”

“Constitutional morality places responsibilities and duties on individuals who occupy constitutional institutions and offices,” wrote Justice Chandrachud

This morality, the CJI added, “negates the idea of concentration of power in the hands of a few.” And calls for a governance that “neither tolerates ideological fragmentation nor encourages any utopian fantasy.”

Justice Ashok Bhushan also invoked the principle of Constitutional morality in his judgment. Cautioning against any kind of “encroachment”, the Chief Justice advocated the principle of “pragmatic federalism” to call for collaboration among elected governments at the Centre and states towards a common objective.

“The idea behind the concept of collaborative federalism is negotiation and coordination so as to iron out the differences which may arise between the Union and the State Governments in their respective pursuits of development,” CJI wrote suggesting that “the Union Government and the State Governments should endeavour to address the common problems with the intention to arrive at a solution by showing statesmanship, combined action and sincere cooperation”.

India – US set for talks on Iran

Sources said India is exploring the possibility of reviving the rupee-rial arrangement for importing oil from Iran in the wake of US sanctions.

Days after US envoy to the UN Nikki Haley said that India should snap trade ties with Iran, the US is likely to reach out to the Indian government in the next one month over the issue of sanctions on Iran and its impact on Delhi’s engagement with Iran, sources said here on Wednesday.

The first set of US sanctions on Iran will start from August 6 and second set will begin from November 4. Sources said the US was prepared to work with countries that are reducing their oil imports on a case-to-case basis. Sources said India is exploring the possibility of reviving the rupee-rial arrangement for importing oil from Iran in the wake of US sanctions.

“In the next few weeks, we expect to have some engagements on the issue with the US. We cannot pre-judge what the US will be doing,” said a source. India is also expected to convey to the US the importance of the Chabahar port project considering the strategic nature of the project — as it provides access to conflict-ridden Afghanistan bypassing Pakistan.

Informal indication from Washington DC has been that the Trump administration understands India’s reasoning on the Chabahar port, that may be kept out of the sanctions regime. Shipping to Iran and ports in the country are also coming under the US sanctions.

The US has told India and other countries to cut oil imports from Iran to “zero” by November 4 or face sanctions, making it clear that there would be no waivers to anyone. Sources said there was no doubt that the US was going to put pressure on India and other countries which import oil from Iran, noting, “the question is what do we see as a national interest and how do we explain our case to the US. That is still to be done.”

The rupee-rial arrangement was used to buy oil from Iran before sanctions were lifted against it three years ago.
Under the mechanism, India used to pay in Euros to clear 55 per cent of its dues through Ankara-based Halk bank. The remaining 45 per cent payment was remitted in rupees in accounts Iranian oil companies had with the UCO Bank.

According to sources, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj had not given any assurance to her Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif about oil import from Iran when they held talks here in May. They also said the Petroleum Ministry has not decided on cutting oil import from Iran. Iran is India’s third-largest oil supplier after Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

Separately, sources also said that the US postponed the ‘2+2 dialogue’ with India as Secretary of State Michael R Pompeo has to travel to North Korea to discuss the country’s denuclearisation plan. The reason for postponing the dialogue, scheduled for July 6 in Washington, was conveyed to External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj by Pompeo during a telephonic conversation between them on June 27, sources said. However, it could not be divulged owing to the sensitive nature of Pompeo’s visit.

It takes 16 years to hear

Amarinder Singh had become the Chief Minister of the state after 2002 elections.

AMID THE ongoing outcry over suspected drug overdose deaths in Punjab, Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Wednesday had to personally face questions on the issue during his rare presence in the Punjab and Haryana High Court.

Amarinder was in the High Court on Wednesday afternoon during the hearing of a election petition against him. The plea against his election to the Assembly in 2002 has remained pending for the past 16 years. The plea filed by a Patiala resident had alleged that Amarinder resorted to corrupt practices during the polls.

Though the hearing in the courtroom of Justice Daya Chaudhary lasted only few minutes, the judge took the opportunity to remind the Chief Minister about the police failure in the implementation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act in the state. After recording his statement in the election case, Amarinder had taken a seat when Justice Chaudhary, while addressing him and state Advocate General Atul Nanda, said that she wanted to comment about the NDPS Act since the CM was himself was present in the court.

The judge said though the final reports were presented in the NDPS cases, there was a delay in submission of FSL reports before the courts. Justice Chaudhary said the provisions of NDPS Act were not being followed in the state and stressed on the need of submitting the FSL reports along with the final probe reports in drugs cases. Stating that many false cases and instances of drug implanting had also come to the fore in recent times, Justice Chaudhary said it was important that the forensic labs were strengthened for timely detection of false cases. The judge asked the CM to ensure strict implementation of the provisions of NDPS Act.

While Justice Chaudhary observed that the situation was comparatively better in Haryana and UT Chandigarh, Amarinder assured the court he would personally look into the matter and hold meetings in this regard. The hearing in the election petition lasted only few minutes as the counsel of petitioner Harkirat Singh was not available during the hearing.

Amarinder had become the Chief Minister of the state after 2002 elections.

In the lighter vein with Rajnath Singh

There were a couple of lighter moments in Union minister Rajnath Singh’s press briefing on the Union Cabinet’s “historic” decision on the minimum support price (MSP) increase.

There were a couple of lighter moments in Union minister Rajnath Singh’s press briefing on the Union Cabinet’s “historic” decision on the minimum support price (MSP) increase. Singh, who otherwise has a very good grasp over Hindi, was lost for words when it came to the Hindi word for depreciation cost accounted for in the MSP of kharif crops. Singh stopped when he read out “mulya haraas” and asked loudly what it meant. Then, talking about farming credentials of his Cabinet colleagues alongside, Singh said he himself is a farmer, Radha Mohan Singh is a farmer, Harsimrat Kaur Badal is a farmer. Then he turned to his third colleague, Ravi Shankar Prasad, and asked him, “Aap bhi kya kisaan hain (are you also a farmer)?” As the reporters burst out laughing, a smiling Prasad responded, “main kisaani jaanta hoon (I know farming)”.

In No Hurry
The Congress leadership has begun contacting leaders of opposition parties for a meeting — most likely on July 16 — to discuss the issue of election of the deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha. With more than two weeks left for the Monsoon Session of Parliament to begin, the Congress seems to be in no hurry to begin the talks. Top leaders of the party said it is open to the idea of fielding a non-Congress MP as the joint opposition candidate, provided there is consensus. Sources said the party’s top leaders have started working the phones to prepare the ground for the meeting. The agenda will include floor coordination in the House.

Anguished Judge
Supreme Court Justice D Y Chandrachud on Wednesday expressed “anguish” over contents of a WhatsApp message that he had received regarding what transpired during a hearing on Tuesday. The message apparently was in the context of a plea seeking review of the apex court’s verdict in the National Judicial Appointments Commission case. As the counsel attempted to mention his plea again, Justice Chandrachud and Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra questioned him regarding the message. The counsel fumbled for answers and was finally disallowed by the court from mentioning his plea.