Government decides not to extend ceasefire in Kashmir


The Government of India on Sunday decided not to extend month-long unilateral ceasefire in Jammu and Kashmir.

While announcing the end of the temporary truce, it asked the forces to resume anti-militancy operations in the state.

“The Government of India decides not to extend the suspension of operations in J&K announced in the beginning of Ramazan,” Home Minister Rajnath Singh said on Twitter.

The suspension of operations was announced with the beginning of holy month of Ramadhan which ended on Thursday. Singh said that the operations against militants will resume now.

In a series of tweets, Singh commended the forces for “having shown exemplary restraint during Ramazan despite grave provocations.”

He said the government will “continue with its endeavour” to create an environment free of militancy and violence in Jammu and Kashmir.

Singh said the decision to announce the ceasefire has been widely appreciated by the people all over the country, including J&K, and has brought relief to the common citizens.

He said the forces have been directed to take all necessary actions to prevent militants from launching attacks and indulging in violence and killings.

The Home Minister had announced the ceasefire on May 17 for the month of Ramadan and it was expected he might extend it.

After chairing two back-to-back meetings over the issue, he announced his decision today.

While as 18 militants were killed at the Line of Control (LoC) and the hinterland, three policemen were also killed in militant strikes during the ceasefire period. More than 50 people, including 17 forces personnel, were injured in a dozen grenade attacks by militants during Ramadhan

Happy Father’s Day


प्रस्तुत हैं पिता को समर्पित कुछ पंक्तियाँ जाने maआने लोगों की :-


निदा फाजली :-


तुम्हारी कब्र पर मैं, फ़ातेहा पढ़ने नही आया,
मुझे मालूम था, तुम मर नही सकते

तुम्हारी मौत की सच्ची खबर, जिसने उड़ाई थी, वो झूठा था,
वो तुम कब थे?, कोई सूखा हुआ पत्ता, हवा मे गिर के टूटा था ।

मेरी आँखे
तुम्हारी मंज़रो मे कैद है अब तक
मैं जो भी देखता हूँ, सोचता हूँ
वो, वही है
जो तुम्हारी नेक-नामी और बद-नामी की दुनिया थी ।

कहीं कुछ भी नहीं बदला,
तुम्हारे हाथ मेरी उंगलियों में सांस लेते हैं,
मैं लिखने के लिये जब भी कागज कलम उठाता हूं,
तुम्हे बैठा हुआ मैं अपनी कुर्सी में पाता हूं |

बदन में मेरे जितना भी लहू है,
वो तुम्हारी लगजिशों नाकामियों के साथ बहता है,
मेरी आवाज में छुपकर तुम्हारा जेहन रहता है,
मेरी बीमारियों में तुम मेरी लाचारियों में तुम |

तुम्हारी कब्र पर जिसने तुम्हारा नाम लिखा है,
वो झूठा है, वो झूठा है, वो झूठा है,
तुम्हारी कब्र में मैं दफन तुम मुझमें जिन्दा हो,
कभी फुरसत मिले तो फातहा पढनें चले आना |


एहसानमन्द हूँ पिता: सविता सिंह

एहसानमन्द हूँ पिता
कि पढ़ाया-लिखाया मुझे इतना
बना दिया किसी लायक कि जी सकूँ निर्भय इस संसार में
झोंका नहीं जीवन की आग में जबरन
बांधा नहीं किसी की रस्सी से कि उसके पास ताकत और पैसा था
लड़ने के लिए जाने दिया मुझको
घनघोर बारिश और तूफ़ान में

एहसानमन्द हूँ कि इन्तज़ार नहीं किया
मेरे जीतने और लौटने का
मसरूफ़ रहे अपने दूसरे कामों में

कुमार विश्वास

फिर पुराने नीम के नीचे खड़ा हूं
फिर पिता की याद आई है मुझे
नीम सी यादें ह्रदय में चुप समेटे
चारपाई डाल आंगन बीच लेटे

सोचते हैं हित सदा उनके घरों का
दूर है जो एक बेटी चार बेटे
फिर कोई रख हाथ कांधे पर

कहीं यह पूछता है-

“क्यूं अकेला हूं भरी इस भीड़ में”

मैं रो पड़ा हूं
फिर पिता की याद आई है मुझे
फिर पुराने नीम के नीचे खड़ा हूं




पं. ओम व्यास ‘ओम’


पिता, पिता जीवन है, सम्बल है, शक्ति है,

पिता, पिता सृष्टि में निर्माण की अभिव्यक्ति है,


पिता अँगुली पकडे बच्चे का सहारा है,

पिता कभी कुछ खट्टा कभी खारा है,


पिता, पिता पालन है, पोषण है, परिवार का अनुशासन है,

पिता, पिता धौंस से चलना वाला प्रेम का प्रशासन है,


पिता, पिता रोटी है, कपडा है, मकान है,

पिता, पिता छोटे से परिंदे का बडा आसमान है,


पिता, पिता अप्रदर्शित-अनंत प्यार है,

पिता है तो बच्चों को इंतज़ार है,


पिता से ही बच्चों के ढेर सारे सपने हैं,

पिता है तो बाज़ार के सब खिलौने अपने हैं,


पिता से परिवार में प्रतिपल राग है,

पिता से ही माँ की बिंदी और सुहाग है,


पिता परमात्मा की जगत के प्रति आसक्ति है,

पिता गृहस्थ आश्रम में उच्च स्थिति की भक्ति है,


पिता अपनी इच्छाओं का हनन और परिवार की पूर्ति है,

पिता, पिता रक्त निगले हुए संस्कारों की मूर्ति है,


पिता, पिता एक जीवन को जीवन का दान है,

पिता, पिता दुनिया दिखाने का अहसान है,


पिता, पिता सुरक्षा है, अगर सिर पर हाथ है,

पिता नहीं तो बचपन अनाथ है,


पिता नहीं तो बचपन अनाथ है,

तो पिता से बड़ा तुम अपना नाम करो,

पिता का अपमान नहीं उनपर अभिमान करो,


क्योंकि माँ-बाप की कमी को कोई बाँट नहीं सकता,

और ईश्वर भी इनके आशिषों को काट नहीं सकता,


विश्व में किसी भी देवता का स्थान दूजा है,

माँ-बाप की सेवा ही सबसे बडी पूजा है,


विश्व में किसी भी तीर्थ की यात्रा व्यर्थ हैं,

यदि बेटे के होते माँ-बाप असमर्थ हैं,


वो खुशनसीब हैं माँ-बाप जिनके साथ होते हैं,

क्योंकि माँ-बाप के आशिषों के हाथ हज़ारों हाथ होते हैं।

Live Demonstration Portrait by Prof. Vilas

Chandigarh Lalit Kala Akademi  & Open Hand Art Studios organises Live Demonstration Portrait by Prof. Vilas Tonape an US based Indian artist today 17th June 2018 (Sunday) at 11.00 AM to 4 Pm at Open Hand Art Studios,   Le Corbusier Centre, Sec-19, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh.

मनीष कपूर के नाटक “मरन – ओ – प्रान्त” का मंचन आज


दृष्टि थिएटर कल्ब के नाटक ” मरण-ओ-प्रान्त” का मंचन आज 17 जून को दोपहर 1:00 बजे टगोर थिएटर में किया जाएगा.

नाटक का निर्देशन मनीष कपूर ने किया है

Nukkad Shops forays into Punjab by launching Aspire

Hyderabad’s Nukkad Shops has entered Punjab with their new Launch Aspire. “Aspire is a machine which runs with a software that allows shop keepers to file GST, generate E-Bill and even get to know neighborhood stores”, says Vivek Shukla.

Varanasi-born Vivek Shukla founded Nukkad Shops in 2016 along with three other founders Niranjan Kumar, Kulashekar Reddy and Vinodh Nair.

Shukla told that Aspire is affordable and also allows shopkeepers to take their store online. Shopkeepers doesn’t have to spend money on paying for an accountant as Aspire will do the billings and filing as well.

Small neighbourhood grocery stores have unconsciously been left behind in terms of technology.

Shukla has come up with a perfect solution for them with Aspire which costs Rs 35,000. Thereafter shopkeeper has to pay Rs 500 per month for the software of machine.


“We started toying with the idea at the end of 2015 and by beginning of 2016 we started exploring the concept in a full-fledged manner. We first built a high-end product called the Nukkad Shops Elite – targeted for bigger supermarkets and completely different from the basic software that they normally use”, says Shukla.

The working of the company is pretty simple. Nukkad Shops provide the whole ecosystem for the retailer to become digitally independent. It provides smart point-of-sale devices, printer and software through which the owner can monitor the inventory and the purchaser will get a list of items available in the shop. It makes the whole billing system becomes seamless.

Nukkad shops provides customers with an App to book day-to-day groceries, get it home delivered and also keep an e-bill in case of return or exchange. It has three different solutions based on segmentation – Nukkad Shops Elite, Nukkad Shops Pro (segment B retail stores) and Nukkad Shops Aspire (segment C retail stores).

ओद्योगिक प्लाट नं 101 फिर काम ठप्प

कल आई बारिश की हलकी बौछार के बाद जहां धूल से रहत मिली वहीँ पंचकुला प्रशासन के विकास के दावों की कलई खुल गयी.

शहर की सड़कों में जहां गड्ढों में पानी पड़ा दिखा वहीँ शहर के सबसे अधिक रोज़गार का सृजन करने वाले ओद्योगिक क्षेत्र में पानी ठहरने से यातायात बहुत देर तक अवरुद्ध रहा. ट्रकों को आधा दिन तक सामन ले कर दूर दूर तक खड़े रहना पड़ा सामन की धुलाई न हो सकने के कर्ण मजदूर बेकार बैठे रहे.

प्रशासन की लापरवाही इस कदर है कि पहले भी कई बार इंडस्ट्रियल एरिया फेज 1 के प्लाट न. 101 के बहार हलकी बारिश से भी अव्यवस्था फ़ाइल् जाती है. जिस दिन भारी बारिश हुई फिर क्या होगा?

Troops to get ‘Full-Body Protectors’


THE Union Home Ministry has come out with new specifications for ‘full-body protectors’ for its paramilitary troops, seeking suits that are “resistant to chemicals such as kerosene, petrol, diesel and Molotov cocktail liquid” and able to “withstand temperatures of minus 20 degrees Celsius to 55 degrees Celsius” for up to five hours.

Officials said while the suits would come in handy in all riot-like situations, the need for it was primarily felt due to the stone-pelting faced by CRPF men in Kashmir. The CRPF is the lead security force deployed to undertake law and order and counter-insurgency operations in J&K, along with the police and Army. While the CRPF already has a few full body protectors in J&K, these are far from enough.

Over 3,000 CRPF personnel have been injured in stone-pelting incidents and attacks by mobs in the Valley. This year, more than 600 incidents of stone-pelting had been recorded before the May 16 suspension of operations for Ramzan. There were 2,808 recorded incidents of stone-pelting against security forces in 2016, and 1,198 till November 2017.

The body protectors that the Home Ministry is looking for will have chest protectors, shoulder pads, upper arm guards, elbow and forearm guards, groin and shin guards. There would be three sizes, small, medium, large, with an overall weight of 6 kg, officials said.

“The protector shield of the full body protector shall withstand stab up to 65 joules and impact requirement of 100 joules. The shield should have a life of 6 years and should be made of camouflage/ disruptive pattern….,” as per the Home Ministry’s requirements.

A senior government officer said, “After trials, we have come out with detailed specifications. The purpose of the body protector would be to protect policeman from various types of missiles thrown at them by rioters. Such missiles range from stones or similar pieces of bricks/concrete, acid bulbs, bicycle chain, Molotov cocktails, firebombs made of petrol, diesel and kerosene….” Most of the CRPF men are hit either in the face, neck or legs during stone-pelting incidents. Several end up needing surgeries.

More troops of the CRPF and BSF are being moved to the Valley ahead of the Amarnath Yatra starting on June 28. Officials said they would deploy nearly 40,000 men to secure the route of the annual pilgrimage, which is expected to attract over three lakhs yatris this year.

No Eid Mubarak at Indo – Pak Border


An Army jawan was today killed as Pakistani troopers targeted a patrol party along LoC in Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir.

The latest instance of ceasefire violation comes after four Border Security Force (BSF) personnel, including an assistant commandant-rank officer, were killed in firing by Pakistani Rangers along the International Border in Samba district on June 13. “Pakistan Army initiated unprovoked and indiscriminate firing of mortars on routine Indian Army patrol, 700 metres inside Indian territory in Naushera sector along the Line of Control (LoC) this morning,” a senior Army officer told PTI. In the exchange of fire, Rifleman Bikas Gurung was grievously injured and succumbed to injuries. The 21-year-old soldier belonged to Khunka Khuki village of Manipur, and is survived by his mother.

The unprovoked ceasefire violation by Pakistan, especially on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, is highly unethical and unprofessional, the Army officer said, adding that the Indian troops exercised maximum restraint in spite of grave provocation. He added that the Army, however, has been forced to respond to the unprovoked firing and would give a befitting response at the time and place of its own choosing.

The Army also cancelled the exchange of sweets between the Pakistani Army and the Indian side on the occasion of Eid.

Eleven BSF troops have so far been killed in cross-border firing incidents along the International Border (IB) in Jammu and Kashmir this year, the highest casualty figure for the border force in a year in the past five years, the latest data revealed.

Meanwhile, it was announced that there will be no exchange of sweets at Attari border between BSF and Pak Rangers on the occasion of Eid on Saturday.

There will not be any exchange of sweets at Attari border on the occasion of Eid, on Saturday, between the Border Security Force (BSF) troops and the Pakistani Rangers, as per sources.

This came in the light of simmering tension between India and Pakistan after the ceasefire violations in the Jammu region.

The sweet exchange between the two forces is a usual trend on the special occasions, such as Eid and Diwali.

According to the sources, Pakistani rangers showed interest in going ahead with the ritual, but BSF told them no.

Tension gripped the border areas after an incident in Samba region, where four BSF personnel were martyred.

The Border Security force (BSF) also confirmed confirmed the detention of two Pakistani nationals for crossing into India.

The BSF identified them as Sohail Kamar from Narwal District and Ahmed from Zafarwal Tehsil of Sialkot.

They were arrested on Friday evening.

“Puneri pagadi, a symbol of the pride and identity of the city” Sena

NCP chief Sharad Pawar’s directive to the Pune unit of the party, to replace the Puneri pagadi used for felicitation with the turban that was used by social reformer Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, has sparked a political controversy, with the Shiv Sena alleging that the NCP has insulted the “Puneri pagadi, a symbol of the pride and identity of the city”.

“The NCP chief has insulted the residents of Pune by seeking to replace the Puneri pagadi with another turban. There is always some hidden meaning in the action of the NCP chief and it will be revealed soon,” said Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut. The BJP, meanwhile, chose to remain mum on the issue.

NCP leader Jaidev Gaikwad hit back at the Sena, saying, “Mahatma Phule was from the city and he was a great social reformer who fought for social justice for the poor and those from the backward class. His turban should be considered a symbol of the revolution and reforms that are associated with the identity of the city. Pawar has made a much-needed correction by introducing the turban used by the social reformer…”

“There is no need to create controversy over it as the NCP is free to use the turban it wants and the other political parties can follow what they want… in fact, objections by opposition parties indicate that they follow the ideology of a specific community,” he said.

The BJP, meanwhile, responded cautiously to the issue. “We will not be vocal about the debate on the Puneri pagadi and the turban of Mahatma Phule… the party does not want to get into a controversy… it will follow the existing practice,” said BJP leader and Pune Mayor Mukta Tilak.

“There is no basis for speculation that the NCP is joining the government in Delhi,” Prafulla Patel


Senior NCP leader Praful Patel on Monday denied reports that the Nationalist Congress Party was going to join the NDA government. “There is no basis for speculation that the NCP is joining the government in Delhi,” Patel said on Twitter. The tweet followed reports that his party was likely to join the Narendra Modi-led government and could also get a cabinet berth in the next reshuffle. The speculation was sparked by a perceived closeness between NCP supremo Sharad Pawar and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Pawar, who before the 2014 general elections had said it was difficult to “accept” Modi as the prime minister, now enjoys a good equation with him.

At an event last year, Modi expressed his respect for Pawar, who, he said, had helped him in his initial years in politics.

There has been talk of an imminent cabinet expansion, especially in view of vacancies in two key portfolios –defence and Urban Development.