क्या कश्मीर पाकिस्तान को देने को राज़ी थे सरदार पटेल?


सोज़ का कहना था कि अगर पाकिस्तान भारत को हैदराबाद देने के लिए तैयार होता, तब सरदार पटेल को भी पाकिस्तान को कश्मीर देने में कोई दिक़्क़त नहीं होती.

सोज़ ने ये दावा अपनी किताब ‘कश्मीर: ग्लिम्प्स ऑफ़ हिस्ट्री एंड द स्टोरी ऑफ़ स्ट्रगल’ में किया है. इस किताब में बंटवारे की बहुत सी घटनाओं का उल्लेख किया गया है.

लेकिन क्या सरदार पटेल का वास्तव में कश्मीर पाकिस्तान को देने का विचार था?

क्या सोज़ के दावे में कोई सच्चाई है?

सोज़ अपनी किताब में लिखते हैं, पाकिस्तान के ‘कश्मीर ऑपरेशन’ के इंचार्ज सरदार हयात ख़ान को लॉर्ड माउंटबेटन ने सरदार का प्रस्ताव पेश किया.

प्रस्ताव के अनुसार, सरदार पटेल की शर्त थी कि अगर पाकिस्तान हैदराबाद दक्कन को छोड़ने के लिए तैयार है तो भारत भी कश्मीर पाकिस्तान को देने के लिए तैयार है. (पेज 199, कश्मीर: ग्लिम्प्स ऑफ़ हिस्ट्री एंड द स्टोरी ऑफ़ स्ट्रगल)

हयात ने इस संदेश को पाकिस्तान के पहले प्रधानमंत्री लियाक़त अली ख़ान तक पहुँचाया.

तब प्रधानमंत्री लियाक़त अली ख़ान ने कहा, “मैं पागल नहीं हूं कि कश्मीर और उसके पत्थरों के लिए एक ऐसे क्षेत्र (हैदराबाद) को जाने दूं जो पंजाब से भी ज़्यादा बड़ा है.”

सरदार कश्मीर देने को राज़ी थे

सोज़ ने अपनी किताब में कश्मीर और इसके इतिहास के विशेषज्ञ ए.जी. नूरानी के एक लेख का भी ज़िक्र किया है.

इस लेख का नाम ‘अ टेल ऑफ़ टू स्टोरीज़’ है जिसका ज़िक्र करते हुए लिखा गया है: 1972 में एक आदिवासी पंचायत में पाकिस्तान के राष्ट्रपति ज़ुल्फ़िकार अली भुट्टो ने कहा था कि सरदार जूनागढ़ और हैदराबाद के बदले में कश्मीर देने को तैयार थे. (पेज 199, कश्मीर: ग्लिम्प्स ऑफ़ हिस्ट्री एंड द स्टोरी ऑफ़ स्ट्रगल)

भारत के पूर्व गृह सचिव और सरदार के क़रीबी सहयोगी रहे वी.पी. मेनन ने भी कहा था कि शुरुआत में सरदार कश्मीर को पाकिस्तान देने को राज़ी थे.

मेनन अपनी किताब ‘इंटिग्रेशन ऑफ़ द इंडियन स्टेट’ में लिखते हैं, तीन जून 1947 को रियासतों को यह विकल्प दिया गया था कि वह चाहें तो पाकिस्तान के साथ विलय कर सकते हैं या भारत के साथ.

कश्मीर एक ऐसा मुस्लिम बहुल प्रांत था जिस पर हिंदू राजा हरि सिंह का शासन था. साफ़तौर पर हरि सिंह के लिए किसी को चुनना आसान नहीं था.

इस मामले को सुलझाने के लिए लॉर्ड माउंटबेटन ने महाराजा हरि सिंह के साथ चार दिन बिताए थे.

लॉर्ड माउंटबेटन ने महाराजा से कहा था कि सरदार पाकिस्तान के साथ जाने के कश्मीर के फ़ैसले का विरोध नहीं करेंगे. (पेज 394, इंटिग्रेशन ऑफ़ द इंडियन स्टेट)

गुहा ने भी दावे पर हामी भरी

इतिहासकार रामचंद्र गुहा ने सोज़ की किताब के दावों पर सहमति जताई है.

ट्विटर पर गुहा ने लिखा: कश्मीर पाकिस्तान को देने को लेकर पटेल को कोई दिक़्क़त नहीं थी.

गुहा इसमें जोड़ते हुए कहते हैं कि सरदार की आत्मकथा में राजमोहन गांधी ने भी इसका ज़िक्र किया है.

राजमोहन गांधी अपनी किताब ‘पटेल: अ लाइफ़’ में लिखते हैं, 13 सितंबर 1947 तक पटेल के कश्मीर को लेकर अलग विचार थे.

सरदार ने भारत के पहले रक्षा मंत्री बलदेव सिंह को लिखे पत्र में भी कुछ ऐसा ही लिखा है. वह अपने पत्र में लिखते हैं कि कश्मीर अगर किसी दूसरे राष्ट्र का शासन अपनाता है तो उन्हें कोई आपत्ति नहीं है.

राजमोहन गांधी अपनी किताब में लिखते हैं, जब पाकिस्तान ने जूनागढ़ के नवाब के विलय के निवेदन को स्वीकार कर लिया केवल तभी कश्मीर को लेकर सरदार के विचार में बदलाव आया.

‘आप पाकिस्तान नहीं जा रहे’

सरदार के बदले विचार पर भी राजमोहन गांधी लिखते हैं.

“26 अक्तूबर 1947 को नेहरू के घर पर एक बैठक हुई थी. कश्मीर के दीवान मेहर चंद महाजन ने भारतीय सेना की मदद के लिए कहा था.

महाजन ने यह भी कहा कि अगर भारत इस मांग पर कोई प्रतिक्रिया नहीं देता है तब कश्मीर जिन्ना से मदद के लिए कहेगा.

नेहरू यह सुनकर गुस्से में आ गए और उन्होंने महाजन को चले जाने को कहा.

उस वक़्त सरदार ने महाजन को रोका और कहा, “महाजन, आप पाकिस्तान नहीं जा रहे हैं.” (पेज 439, पटेल: अ लाइफ़)

गुजराती भाषा में सरदार पटेल पर ‘सरदार: साचो मानस साची वात’ लिखने वालीं उर्विश कोठारी ने बीबीसी से बात की.

उन्होंने कहा, “रजवाड़ों के विलय के दौरान सरदार कश्मीर का भारत का अंग बनने को लेकर ज़्यादा गंभीर नहीं थे.”

उर्विश कहते हैं, “इसकी मुख्यतः दो वजहें थीं. पहली उस राज्य का भूगोल और दूसरा राज्य की आबादी.”

उर्विश कोठारी ने विस्तार से कहा, “इस बात का ध्यान रखना ज़रूरी है कि कश्मीर एक सीमाई राज्य था और उसकी अधिकतर जनसंख्या मुसलमान थी. इसी कारण सरदार कश्मीर का भारत में विलय करने को लेकर ज़्यादा हठी नहीं थे लेकिन नेहरू जो ख़ुद कश्मीरी थे वह कश्मीर को भारत में चाहते थे.”

जूनागढ़ विवाद शुरू हुआ

उर्विश कोठारी ने कहा, “कश्मीर के दोनों प्रतिष्ठित नेता महाराजा हरि सिंह और शेख़ अब्दुल्ला नेहरू के दोस्त थे. कश्मीर को लेकर नेहरू के नरम रुख़ का एक यह भी कारण था. उसी समय जूनागढ़ विवाद शुरू हुआ और सरदार कश्मीर मसले में दाख़िल हुए. इसके बाद सरदार ने बिलकुल साफ़तौर पर कहा कि कश्मीर भारत के साथ रहेगा.”

वरिष्ठ पत्रकार हरि देसाई कहते हैं, “शुरुआती दिनों में कश्मीर के पाकिस्तान में जाने से सरदार को कोई समस्या नहीं थी. बहुत से दस्तावेज़ों में यह है भी. जून 1947 में सरदार ने कश्मीर के महाराजा को पत्र लिखा जिसमें उन्होंने कहा कश्मीर के पाकिस्तान में विलय पर भारत आपत्ति नहीं करेगा, लेकिन महाराजा को 15 अगस्त से पहले फ़ैसला लेना होगा.”

उर्विश कोठारी कहते हैं, “हमारे पास दस्तावेज़ हैं जो उन ऐतिहासिक घटनाओं और फ़ैसलों को दर्शाते हैं लेकिन वे फ़ैसले उस विशेष स्थिति में लिए गए थे. राजनेता अपने एजेंडे के लिए उन ऐतिहासिक घटनाओं का केवल आधा सच ही दिखाते हैं. हम निश्चित तौर पर नेहरू या सरदार लिए गए फ़ैसलों का विश्लेषण कर सकते हैं लेकिन हमें उनके इरादों पर शक नहीं करना चाहिए.”

साभार बीबीसी हिंदी

“The Race 3 song ‘Heeriye’ is a copy of my original composition ‘Naina Da Nasha’ : Falak Shabir



The song ‘Heeriye’ is one of the tops faves, with the video having over a 100 million views on YouTube.

But Pakistani singer Falak Shabir noticed the song seemed familiar. Too familiar. Almost like he may have written the song himself?

He tweeted at Salman Khan to make it known that he believes the track ‘Heeriye’ is very similar to his single ‘Naina Da Nasha’ and that he deserves credit for it.

According to the singer, “The Race 3 song ‘Heeriye’ is a copy of my original composition ‘Naina Da Nasha’, which I launched in 2015. The production house that made Race 3 never asked for permission to use my composition. The film’s music producers have not given me credit for my song.”

Falak has not disclosed whether he plans on taking legal action for this act of plagiarism.

US upgrades Pakistan on ‘human trafficking index’

The United States has moved Pakistan from a watch list to another group of countries that have taken significant steps to curb human trafficking, says a report released on Friday.

“The government of Pakistan does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so,” says the report released by the US State Department.

“The government demonstrated increasing efforts compared to the previous reporting period, therefore, Pakistan was upgraded to Tier 2.”

The move came two days after an international financial watchdog placed Pakistan on its monitoring list — known as the ‘grey list’— for allowing terrorist groups to collect funds.

“Modern slavery has no place in the world, and I intend to ensure, through diplomatic engagement and increased action, that the United States government’s leadership in combating this global threat is sustained in the years to come,” said US Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo while releasing the trafficking in persons report.

Report urges Islamabad to increase prosecution, convictions for forced and bonded labour, sex trafficking

Tier 2 on the State Department’s list includes countries that do not fully comply with these minimum standards, but are making significant efforts to bring themselves into compliance while tier 2 watch list includes countries being monitored for compliance.

The report notes that the Pakistan government demonstrated increasing efforts by raising the number of victims it identified and investigations and prosecutions of sex trafficking.

The provincial government of Punjab increased investigations, prosecutions, and convictions for bonded labour, the country’s largest human trafficking problem.

The government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir adopted a law prohibiting bonded labour.

The governments of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh reported operating two additional women shelters and three additional child protection units, respectively.

The federal government continued to implement its 2015-20 national strategic framework against trafficking in persons and migrant smuggling.

The report, however, points out the Pakistan government did not meet the minimum standards in several key areas:

Overall government law enforcement efforts on labour trafficking remained inadequate compared with the scale of the problem; Punjab continued to be the only province to report prosecutions and convictions for bonded labour.

Convictions for sex trafficking decreased and the government’s overall convictions remained small compared with the extent of trafficking in Pakistan.

Official complicity in trafficking crimes remained a pervasive problem, yet the government did not report new law enforcement efforts to hold such officials accountable, including failing to investigate serious allegations of trafficking regarding a high-ranking diplomatic official.

Government protection efforts remained inconsistent; only a small number of the total victims identified were referred to assistance services.

The report urges Pakistan to increase prosecutions and convictions, particularly of forced and bonded labour, while strictly respecting due process; pass an anti-trafficking law that criminalises all forms of human trafficking, including sex trafficking of those under 18 without requiring coercive means.

It also urges Pakistan to prescribe penalties commensurate with other serious crimes, such as rape; thoroughly investigate credible allegations of government complicity in trafficking and stringently prosecute and punish officials who are complicit.

Pakistan should also provide additional resources to increase trafficking-specific services for victims, including for men and boys, and ensure victims are not penalised for acts committed as a result of being subjected to trafficking.

The States Department also urges Pakistan to ensure the creation, dissemination, and use of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for victim identification and referral to rehabilitation services at the provincial level; expand ability for freed bonded labourers; to obtain identification documents and gain access to government services.

Pakistan should also take steps to eliminate all recruitment fees charged to workers; issue policies and provide trainings to government officials that clearly distinguish between human trafficking and migrant smuggling.

The report urges Pakistan to strengthen the capacity of provincial governments to address human trafficking, including bonded labour, through training, awareness raising, funding, and encouraging the creation of coordination task forces and the adoption of provincial-level anti-trafficking action plans.

FATF has formally placed the country on the ‘grey list’ for failing to curb terror funding

The highly-anticipated decision came on Friday night at the concluding session of the week-long plenary of the anti-terror finance watchdog in Paris

In a major setback for Pakistan ahead of the 25 July general election, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) has formally placed the country on the ‘grey list’ for failing to curb terror funding. India promptly welcomed the decision, hoping Pakistan would now address global concerns relating to terrorism emanating from its territory.

The highly-anticipated decision came on Friday night at the concluding session of the week-long plenary of the anti-terror finance watchdog in Paris.

The global body took the decision on the basis of a monitoring report of the International Cooperation Review Group (ICRG). It came despite Islamabad strongly claiming at the meeting that it had made progress in the majority of areas identified as threat by the terror-financing watchdog.

Pakistan, it is learnt, accepted the grey-listing because even its traditional allies like Saudi Arabia, Turkey and China could not defend it at the meeting. If Islamabad fails to comply with the FATF blueprint, it could be even moved to the blacklist next year

Reacting to the development, India hoped Pakistan would comply with the  FATF’s action plan in a time-bound manner and take credible measures to deal with terrorism.

“Pakistan has given a high-level political commitment to address the global concerns regarding its implementation of the FATF standards for countering terror financing and anti-money laundering especially in respect of UN designated and internationally proscribed terror entities and individuals,’’ External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Raveesh Kumar pointed out.

He observed that the freedom and impunity with which designated terrorists like Hafiz Saeed and entities like the Jamaat-ud-Dawaa, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed continue to operate in Pakistan was not in keeping with such commitments.

Meanwhile, China, an ‘all-weather’ ally of Islamabad, declined to comment on Pakistan being placed on the ’grey list’ but heaped praise on the country, saying the world should recognise the enormous efforts and sacrifices it had made to combat terrorism.

The FATF asked Pakistan to complete implementation of the action plans expeditiously and within the proposed timeframes, saying it would closely monitor the implementation of those action plans.

The FATF’s decision could hurt Pakistan economically as the country runs the risk of being downgraded by multilateral financial institutions. Being on the ‘grey list’ could also mean that accessing funds from international markets could become tougher for Pakistan.

The ICRG report showed that Pakistan did show progress on some of major areas of concerns. Pakistan Finance Minister Shamshad Akhtar represented the country at the meeting, strongly refuting the allegation of lax supervision of the financial sector.

Vijay Mallya “the fugitive economic offender” summoned by Spl PMLA Court India

This is the first time that action has been initiated under the ordinance recently promulgated by the Modi government to deal with fugitive bank loan defaulters.

A special PMLA court in Mumbai on Saturday summoned beleaguered liquor baron Vijay Mallya to appear before it on August 27 on the Enforcement Directorate’s (ED’s) plea seeking action against him under the fugitive economic offenders ordinance in the over ₹9,000 crore bank fraud case.

Special judge M.S. Azmi, dealing with the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) cases, issued the notice to Mr. Mallya after taking cognisance of the second ED charge sheet filed against him recently and a subsequent application by it on June 22 seeking a fugitive economic offenders tag.

This is the first time that action has been initiated under the ordinance recently promulgated by the Modi government to deal with fugitive bank loan defaulters.

The agency has also sought immediate confiscation of assets worth around ₹12,500 crore of Mr. Mallya and other fugitive economic offenders, they said.

If Mr. Mallya does not appear before the court, he risks being declared a fugitive economic offender, besides properties linked to him being confiscated.

The court had earlier issued non-bailable warrants against the beleaguered businessman in the two cases filed by the ED.

‘Poster boy’

Mr. Mallya, his now defunct venture Kingfisher Airlines Limited and others availed loans from various banks during the tenure of the UPA-I government and the outstanding amount, including interest, against him is ₹9,990.07 crore at present, the officials said.

Mr. Mallya had recently said that he has become the “poster boy” of bank default and a lightning rod for public anger.

He said he had written letters to both the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister on April 15, 2016 to explain his side of the story.

“No response was received from either of them,” Mr. Mallya, who is based in London, had said in a statement.

“I have been accused by politicians and the media alike of having stolen and run away with ₹9,000 crores that was loaned to Kingfisher Airlines (KFA). Some of the lending banks have also labelled me a wilful defaulter,” he said.

The ED has furnished evidences in its two charge sheets, filed under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in the past, to make a case for seeking a fugitive offender tag for Mr. Mallya from the court.

Contesting charges in London

Mr. Mallya is contesting the money laundering charges in London after India initiated extradition proceedings against the liquor baron to bring him back to the country.

Both the ED and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) have filed cases for alleged loan default against him.

The Modi government brought the ordinance as “there have been instances of economic offenders fleeing the jurisdiction of Indian courts, anticipating the commencement, or during the pendency, of criminal proceedings”.

The ordinance has provisions for special courts under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 to declare a person as a fugitive economic offender and order immediate confiscation of assets.

“A fugitive economic offender is a person against whom an arrest warrant has been issued in respect of a scheduled offence and who has left India so as to avoid criminal prosecution, or being abroad, refuses to return to India to face criminal prosecution,” the government said.

The cases of frauds, cheque dishonour or loan default of over ₹100 crore would come under the ambit of the ordinance.

The measure offers necessary constitutional safeguards in terms of providing hearing to the person through counsel, allowing him time to file a reply, serving notice of summons to him, whether in India or abroad and appeal before a high court.

मोदी को उन सभी सवालों के जवाब देने चाहिए जो वह चार साल पहले तक मनमोहन सिंह सरकार से पूछा करते थे


कांग्रेस ने कहा कि पीएम मोदी को उन सभी सवालों के जवाब देने चाहिए जो वह चार साल पहले तक मनमोहन सिंह सरकार से पूछा करते थे

कांग्रेस ने डॉलर के मुकाबले रुपए की कीमत में रिकॉर्ड गिरावट और स्विस बैंकों में भारतीय नागरिकों द्वारा जमा कराए जाने वाले धन में 50 फीसदी की बढ़ोतरी को लेकर आज प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी पर तीखा हमला बोला और कहा कि उन्हें अब उन सभी सवालों के जवाब देने चाहिए जो वह चार साल पहले तक मनमोहन सिंह सरकार से पूछा करते थे.

पार्टी ने मोदी का 2013 का एक वीडियो भी जारी किया जिसमें वह डॉलर के मुकाबले रुपए के कमजोर होने के लिए तत्कालीन संप्रग सरकार पर हमले करते नजर आ रहे हैं. कांग्रेस प्रवक्ता आर पी एन सिंह ने संवाददाताओं से कहा, ‘प्रधानमंत्री जी ने कहा था जब मेरी सत्ता आएगी तो जो हिंदुस्तानियों ने 80 लाख करोड़ विदेशों में कालाधन छुपाया हुआ है, उसको लाकर 15 लाख हर गरीब के खाते में डाला जाएगा. लेकिन जो स्विस बैंक के ताजा अधिकृत आंकड़े आए हैं उनसे पता चलता है कि स्विस बैंकों में जमा भारतीय धन में 50 प्रतिशत बढ़ोत्तरी हो गई है.’

मोदी तो भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था को डॉलर मुक्त बनाने जा रहे थे, क्या हुआ……….

उन्होंने कहा, ‘इससे पहले स्विस बैंकों में भारतीय नागरिकों द्वारा जमा कराए जाने वाले पैसे में सबसे ज्यादा वृद्धि 2004 में हुई थी जब भाजपा की सरकार थी.’ सिंह ने कथित बैंकिंग घोटालों और एनपीए का उल्लेख करते हुए दावा किया, ‘कुछ लोग हमारे बैंकों से 70,000 करोड़ रुपए लेकर देश छोड़ कर भाग गए. ये पैसे देश के गरीब लोगों के थे. बैंकों का एनपीए भी 10 लाख करोड़ रुपए से अधिक हो चुका है. बैंकिंग व्यवस्था में लोगों का विश्वास कम हो रहा है.’

कांग्रेस प्रवक्ता ने कहा, ‘सरकार से बाहर रहते हुए मोदी जी हर मंच पर, कारोबारी बैठकों में, चुनावी भाषणों में जो सवाल पूछा करते थे, उनका जवाब आज उन्हें खुद देना चाहिए. देश इन मुद्दों पर उनका जवाब सुनना चाहता है.’ इससे पहले कांग्रेस के मुख्य प्रवक्ता रणदीप सुरजेवाला ने इस मुद्दे को लेकर प्रधानमंत्री पर तंज कसते हुए कहा, ‘स्विस बैंकों में काला धन 50 फीसदी बढ़कर 7000 करोड़ रुपए हुआ. वादा था विदेशी बैंकों से 100 दिनों में 80 लाख करोड़ रुपए वापस लाने का. जुमले बने ‘अच्छे दिन, कहां गए वो सच्चे दिन?’

स्विट्जरलैंड के केंद्रीय बैंक के ताजा आंकड़ों के अनुसार भारतीयों द्वारा स्विस बैंक खातों में रखा गया धन 2017 में 50 फीसदी से अधिक बढ़कर 7000 करोड़ रुपए (1.01 अरब फ्रेंक) हो गया. गौरतलब है कि कल डॉलर के मुकाबले रुपया 49 पैसे लुढ़ककर अब तक के निम्नतम स्तर 69.10 रुपए पर पहुंच गया था.

Neerav Modi is having only one passport : MEA

  • MEA spokesperson Raveesh Kumar sought to put the speculation to rest by stating that every time a fresh passport was issued to Modi, his previous passport was “physically” cancelled
  • Official sources here said that there’s not much the ministry can do until the agencies are able to establish Modi’s precise location



NEW DELHI: The external affairs ministry broke its silence on Thursday over the issue of Nirav Modi saying that at no stage did the fugitive scamster hold more than one valid passport.

While it has been widely reported that Modi held 6 passports, MEA spokesperson Ravees Kumar sought to put the speculation to rest by stating that every time a fresh passport was issued to Modi, his previous passport was “physically” cancelled.

TOI had first reported on Wednesday that MEA had written to select European countries asking them to help India trace Modi and that the diamond trader held only one valid passport at a time.

Apart from the point about the passport, Kumar made the following 3 points in an official briefing. First, all Indian missions were informed about the revocation of Modi’s passport in February and that the Indian envoys conveyed the same to the respective countries they were serving in.

Second, a fresh communication has now been sent to a select group of countries, asking them to help locate Modi and deny him entry into their territory. “We have asked them to inform us if they find him living in their country,” said Kumar.

Third, the foreign ministry has so far not received any extradition request for Modi from the agencies involved in investigating the financial fraud case against Modi.

While a Mumbai court this week was reported to have allowed ED to initiate extradition proceedings, the investigating agency has not yet approached MEA for the same. The fact that MEA has written to several countries including Belgium, France and UK suggests that the government is not yet sure about Modi’s exact location.

The ministry was compelled to go public with its position after reports emerged, mostly attributed to anonymous sources in investigating agencies, suggesting that MEA had not taken enough follow-up action to strengthen CBI’s attempts to track Modi down.

Official sources here said that there’s not much the ministry can do until the agencies are able to establish Modi’s precise location. The Interpol is yet to issue a Red Corner Notice (RCN) for Modi as it apparently believes that all legal formalities for the same have not yet been completed.

The “diffusion” notice from Interpol, according to senior government sources, is not enough to get western European countries like Belgium, France or UK to detain him.

A “diffusion” is less formal than an RCN and clearly not taken as seriously as the latter. While Interpol “publishes” RCN and also alerts cops all over the world about it, Diffusion is circulated directly by the Interpol nodal agency in a member country to any other member country of its choice or to “the entire Interpol membership” . For Interpol to issue RCN, it’s important that all legal requirements are met.

Shooting at Capital Gazette Newsroom in Annapolis Leaves 5 Dead


The scene outside 888 Bestgate, where an active shooter was in offices of the Capital Gazette Newspaper, with heavy police, fire, and rescue presence on Thursday, June 28, 2018 in Annapolis, Maryland


A gunman opened fire on a newspaper office in Maryland’s capital on Thursday, killing five people and wounding others before being taken into custody in what appeared to be one of the deadliest attacks on journalists in U.S. history.

Police said the suspect was a white man in his late 30s whose rampage at The Capital Gazette followed social media threats directed at the newspaper. Authorities said the man entered the building and “looked for his victims.” He threw smoke grenades and fired a shotgun at his victims, according to Anne Arundel County Acting Police Chief William Krampf.

“This person was prepared today to come in, this person was prepared to shoot people. His intent was to cause harm,” said Mr. Krampf, who declined to identify the suspect.

A K-9 police unit works the scene after multiple people were shot at the offices of the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland on June 28, 2018.

Phil Davis, a reporter who covers courts and crime for the paper, tweeted that the gunman shot out the glass door to the office and fired into the newsroom, sending people scrambling for cover under desks.

“A single shooter shot multiple people at my office, some of whom are dead,” he wrote.

Mr. Davis added: “There is nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people get shot while you’re under your desk and then hear the gunman reload.”

The attacker had mutilated his fingers in an apparent attempt to make it harder to identify him, according to a law enforcement official.

Maryland police officers patrol the area after multiple people were shot at the offices of the Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis, Maryland on June 28, 2018.

The shooting which came amid months of verbal and online attacks on the “fake news media” from politicians including U.S. President Donald Trump prompted New York City police to immediately tighten security at news organizations in the nation’s media capital.

At the White House, spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said- “There is no room for violence, and we stick by that. Violence is never tolerated in any form, no matter whom it is against.”

Mr. Krampf confirmed five deaths and said two people had superficial wounds.

Police spokesman Lt. Ryan Frashure said officers raced to the scene, arriving in 60 seconds, and took the gunman into custody without an exchange of gunfire.

About 170 people in all were evacuated from the building as a multitude of police cars and other emergency vehicles converged on the scene. People could be seen leaving the building with their hands up.

The newspaper is part of Capital Gazette Communications, which also publishes the Maryland Gazette and CapitalGazette.com.

Aerial photos show first responders outside of the Capital Gazette building in Annapolis, Maryland on June 28, 2018.

In an interview with The Capital Gazette’s online site, Mr. Davis said it “was like a war zone” inside the newspaper’s offices a situation that would be “hard to describe for a while.”

“I’m a police reporter. I write about this stuff not necessarily to this extent, but shootings and death all the time,” he said. “But as much as I’m going to try to articulate how traumatizing it is to be hiding under your desk, you don’t know until you’re there and you feel helpless.”

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan speaks during a press conference following a shooting in Annapolis

Mr. Davis said he and others were still hiding under their desks when the gunman stopped firing.

Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley said the community is grieving the attack on the community paper.

“These are the guys that come to city council meetings, have to listen to boring politicians and sit there,” Mr. Buckley said. “They don’t make a lot of money It’s just immoral that their lives should be in danger.”

New York police sent counter-terrorism teams to news organizations around the city in a move authorities said was a precaution, not prompted by any specific threat. Police could be seen outside The New York TimesABC News and Fox News early in the evening.

Rupee crashes to lifetime low of 69 per dollar

A question raised today, now that the rupee has crossed the 69 level, is as to where can it go? The answer is that no one really knows, as there have been too many things happening that go beyond the realm of fundamentals. Normally when the rupee falls at a rapid pace, it is conjectured that it would continue to fall and new psychological levels are accordingly fixed.

Touching 69 invariably has the market talking of 70. This is because we tend to make what in economics is called ‘adaptive expectations’. But as has been seen in the past, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) can make a big difference in terms of intervening in the market, which then changes things quite appreciably and often there can be a reversal in direction.

Why has the rupee fallen? There are two standard sets of reasons for the same with each one reinforcing the other. These are witnessed even today. The market sentiment actually drives the rupee on a daily basis. Here the causes have strengthened this week.

First, the trade war between the US and China seems to be escalating in terms of decibels though the exact tariffs and restrictive procedures are less severe. But this is good to spook the market. Second, the recent decision of the OPEC to increase output has been interpreted as being a damp squib as the amount is too low to make a difference. The market now realises that what has been proposed touches the periphery and not the core. Therefore, Brent is back to the happy hunting days of $77-78 a barrel.

Third, US sanctions on Iran are escalating. As India imports oil from Iran, the panic is palpable even though closure of this market will bring about substitution with other countries. But the fact that a part of such imports is in oil is good enough to keep the market jittery.

Fourth, added to these factors is the realisation that interest rates in the US will increase, which means that there will be less capital flows to India. This makes the scene even messier. Last, the signals from RBI are awaited. Will the RBI do or not do? Yes, this is critical in the market as it always believes that the RBI will intervene in the market by selling dollars or through banks like the SBI in case things are moving away from fundamentals. As long as the RBI does not say anything or does not intervene in the market, it means that things are fine. Therefore, the rupee will go below further.

In such a situation, the fundamentals also get supportive. Exporters would prefer to hold back their dollar earnings hoping to reap a higher conversion rate that lowers the supply of dollars. Importers will rush for purchases of dollars – especially the oil companies, which in turn will add to demand for forex. This makes the fundamentals weaker, which support further deprecation. This is the usual story of the decline of the rupee which is being played out again.

The fundamentals are tending to show signs of fissures. The trade balance is widening and will do so further in case oil remains where it is. The CAD came in higher for FY18 and the belief is that it will be pressurised further this year due to these developments. Add to this the FPIs that were the favourites of the markets. They are in the withdrawal mode and in the last three months have been negative. This tilts the fundamentals in favour of a weaker rupee. which is being witnessed today.

The RBI has to step in now and send signals. Otherwise the assumption will be that a weaker rupee is acceptable as it provides a boost to exports. But beyond a limit, the inflation consequences are scary. Inflation is already moving up and a weaker rupee combined with a trade deficit means that imported inflation increases further. While one cannot predict food prices, the non-food component has been rising in the last 12 months and this can be the proverbial last straw. Therefore, there has to be some control over the depreciation. This is something which the RBI has to decide and it would have to assess the component of the depreciation which is not related to the fundamentals that are weakening.

The external account has been a strong point for us in the last three years mainly owing to the oil factor and relative peaceful geo-political relations. The advent of Donald Trump and other developments has made the global economic situation more volatile and the equations have changed. That is why the currency will cease to be stable, and forex reserves that were assiduously built up will now become a war chest where withdrawals can be expected to maintain stability in the market.

फीफा आज

फीफा वर्ल्ड कप 2018 के 12वें दिन ग्रुप ए और ग्रुप बी की सभी टीमों ने अपने ग्रुप के आखिरी मैच खेले। ग्रुप ए से जहां रूस और उरुग्वे पहले ही क्वालीफाई कर चुके थे। उरुग्वे ने रूस को हराकर ग्रुप स्टैंडिंग में पहला स्थान हासिल किया। वहीं ग्रुप बी बेहद रोमांचक स्थिति में था और यहां स्पेन, पुर्तगाल और ईरान के पास क्वालीफाई करने का मौका था लेकिन ईरान के हाथों निराशा लगी। स्पेन ने जहां ग्रुप स्टैंडिंग में टॉप किया तो वहीं पुर्तगाल दूसरे स्थान पर रही।

ये रहे भारतीय समय अनुसार टूर्नामेंट में आज होने वाले मुकाबले:

ऑस्ट्रेलिया बनाम पेरू (ग्रुप सी, शाम 7.30 बजे)
डेनमार्क बनाम फ्रांस (ग्रुप सी, शाम 7.30 बजे)
नाइजीरिया बनाम अर्जेंटीना (ग्रुप डी, रात 11.30 बजे)
आइसलैंड बनाम क्रोएशिया (ग्रुप डी, रात 11.30 बजे)

ऑस्ट्रेलिया बनाम पेरू

दो मैच में एक अंक के साथ ऑस्ट्रेलिया तीसरे स्थान पर है तो पेरू अब तक बिना खाता खोले चौथे स्थान पर है। यहां पर ऑस्ट्रेलिया के पास अगले राउंड के लिए क्वालीफाई करने का मौका है अगर वो अपना मैच जीतते हैं और फ्रांस बड़े अंतर से डेनमार्क को हरा देती है।

पेरू इस मैच में केवल अपने सम्मान के लिए लड़ने उतरेंगे। दो मैच में मिली हार कर बाद पेरू की टीम सम्मान से वर्ल्ड कप 2018 को अलविदा कहने के इरादे से उतरेगी।

मैच का रुख बदलने लायक खिलाड़ी: माइल जेडनैक

संभावित नतीजा: ऑस्ट्रेलिया की जीत

डेनमार्क बनाम फ्रांस

ग्रुप सी से डेनमार्क की टीम पहले ही क्वालीफाई कर चुकी है और अगले राउंड के लिए दूसरी टीम कौन सी होगी ये देखना दिलचस्प होगा। यहां पर डेनमार्क को जीत या मैच ड्रॉ ही अगले राउंड के लिए क्वालीफाई कर सकती है।

फ्रांस ग्रुप में अबतक कोई भी मैच नहीं हारा है और इसलिए उन्हें रोकना डेनमार्क के लिए आसान काम नहीं होगा। पॉल पोग्बा, किलियन म्बप्पे और एंटोइन ग्रीज़मन जैसे स्टार खिलाड़ियों से भरी फ्रांस की टीम यहां मजबूत दिखाई दे रही है।

मैच का रुख बदलने लायक खिलाड़ी: पॉल पोग्बा

संभावित नतीजा: फ्रांस की जीत

नाइजीरिया बनाम अर्जेंटीना

अर्जेंटीना की अगले राउंड के लिए क्वालीफाई करने की सारी उम्मीदें इस मैच पर टिकी होंगी। आइसलैंड के खिलाफ ड्रॉ और क्रोएशिया के खिलाफ मिली हार के बाद मेसी की टीम पर टूर्नामेंट से बाहर होने का खतरा दिखाई दे रहा था।

ग्रुप स्टैंडिंग में इस समय अर्जेंटीना चौथे स्थान पर है लेकिन फैंस उम्मीद कर रहे होंगे कि मेसी का जादू वापस चल जाये और टीम अगले राउंड के लिए जगह हासिल कर ले।

मैच का रुख बदलने लायक खिलाड़ी: लियोनेल मेसी

संभावित नतीजा: अर्जेंटीना की जीत

आइसलैंड बनाम क्रोएशिया

वर्ल्ड कप के अपने पहले मैच में अर्जेंटीना जैसी टीम के खिलाफ ड्रॉ खेलकर आइसलैंड ने सभी की निगाहें अपनी ओर आकर्षित की थी। वहीं अबतक क्रोएशिया का फॉर्म शानदार रहा है और उन्होंने ग्रुप में अपने दोनों मैचेस जीते हैं।

लूका मॉड्रिच टीम के अनुभवी कप्तान हैं और आगे से टीम की अगुवाई करते हैं। खिलाड़ियों का मनोबल काफी बढ़ा हुआ है वो नहीं चाहेगी की उनका ये मोमेंटम टूटे।

मैच का रुख बदलने लायक खिलाड़ी: लूका मॉड्रिच

संभावित नतीजा: क्रोएशिया की जीत