मध्य प्रदेश की 230 विधानसभा सीटों पर बुधवार, 28 नवंबर को मतदान होगा


मध्य प्रदेश की 230 विधानसभा सीटों पर बुधवार, 28 नवंबर को मतदान होगा. सुबह 8:00 बजे से शाम 5:00 बजे तक  वोटिंग होगी जिसमें पांच करोड़ चार लाख वोटर 2899 उम्मीद्वारों की किस्मत का फैसला करेंगे. 11 दिसंबर को मतगणना होगी. चुनाव में सबसे बड़ा फैसला ये होना है कि शिवराज सिंह चौहान के सर पर चौथी बार मुख्यमंत्री का सेहरा बंधेगा या नहीं. कमलनाथ औऱ ज्योतिरादित्य सिंधिया चुनाव नहीं लड़ रहे हैं लेकिन दोनों के लिये भी ये सत्ता का सेहरा पहनने की बड़ी जंग है.

बुदनी से मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान औऱ पूर्व केन्द्रीय मंत्री अरूण यादव आमने सामने हैं. दिग्विजय सिंह के बेटे जयवर्धन सिंह राघोगढ़ से, भाई लक्ष्मण सिंह चाचौड़ा से औऱ भतीजे प्रियव्रत सिंह खिलचीपुर से मैदान में हैं. पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेई के भांजे औऱ सांसद अनूप मिश्रा भितरवार से किस्मत आजमा रहे हैं. अर्जुन सिंह के बेटे अजय सिंह अपनी परंपरागत चुरहट सीट से चुनाव लड़ रहे हैं. बीजेपी महासचिव कैलाश विजयवर्गीय के बेटे आकाश भी इंदौर तीन सीट से अपनी किस्मत आजमा रहे हैं.

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने अपने माता पिता को चुनाव में घसीटने को मुद्दा बनाया तो राहुल गांधी ‘राग राफेल’ गाते रहे. अमित शाह ने मध्य प्रदेश में बीजेपी के राज में हुये विकास की बात उठाई तो कमल नाथ औऱ सिंधिया शिवराज के राज में हुये भ्रष्टाचार औऱ अधूरी घोषणाओं को मुद्दा बनाते रहे.

प्रदेश में 65341 पोलिंग बूथ बनाये गए हैं जिनमें 17000 संवेदनशील हैं. एक लाख अस्सी हजार पुलिसकर्मी चुनावी ड्यूटी में तैनात किये गये हैं जिनमें एक लाख दूसरे राज्यों से हैं. एमपी में प्रधानमंत्री नरेद्र मोदी ने दस औऱ कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष राहुल गांधी ने 21 रैलियां की. मुख्यमंत्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने पुराने सारे रिकॉर्ड तोड़ते हुए डेढ़ सौ सभाएं की.

बीजेपी अध्यक्ष अमित शाह ने भी करीब तीस रैलियां औऱ रोड शो किए. कमल नाथ ने 55 औऱ ज्योतिरादित्य सिंधिया ने सवा सौ चुनावी सभाएं औऱ रोड शो किए. बीजेपी सभी 230 सीटों पर, कांग्रेस 229, बहुजन समाज पार्टी 227, समाजवादी पार्टी 51, सीपीआई 18, सीपीएम 13, आप 208, सपाक्स 110 औऱ सवर्ण समाज पार्टी 81 सीटों पर चुनाव लड़ रही है। 1094 निर्दलीय प्रत्याशी मैदान में हैं. कुल ढाई सौ महिला उम्मीद्वार हैं

कांग्रेस पार्टी ने उस कहावत को आत्मसात कर लिया है कि, ‘जीतने की तरह हारते जाना भी एक आदत है

दुकानदार कहते हैं कि, ‘हम बीजेपी के वोटर हैं और किसी और पार्टी के बारे में सोच भी नहीं सकते

दिग्विजय सिंह का 1993-2003 का कार्यकाल, पुरानी पीढ़ी आज भी याद करती है। यही वजह है कि बुजुर्ग वोटर न सिर्फ कांग्रेस को लेकर आशंकित हैं, बल्कि पार्टी के पुराने दौर के कुशासन का जिक्र भी अक्सर कर बैठते हैं

ग्वालियर के महाराजा ज्योतिरादित्य सिंधिया और उद्योगपति कमलनाथ जैसे नेता, वोटरों में कोई उम्मीद नहीं जगाते. जनता को इस बात की उम्मीद ही नहीं है कि इन नेताओं की अगुवाई में कांग्रेस का रुख-रवैया बदलेगा

जहां तक कांग्रेस की बात है तो ऐसा लगता है कि पार्टी ने उस कहावत को आत्मसात कर लिया है कि, ‘जीतने की तरह हारते जाना भी एक आदत है

1990 के दशक में नरेंद्र मोदी बीजेपी के संगठन महामंत्री के तौर पर मध्य प्रदेश के प्रभारी थे. उस वक्त उन्हें एक उपनाम मिला था, ‘मास्टर साहब’. इसकी वजह बीजेपी का संगठन चलाने और पार्टी का वोट बैंक बढ़ाने का उनका तरीका था. मोदी की पुरजोर कोशिश बीजेपी के समर्थन का दायरा बढ़ाने की होती थी.

1998 में मध्य प्रदेश, बीजेपी के मजबूत गढ़ के तौर पर उभरा था. राज्य के शहरी ही नहीं, ग्रामीण वोटरों के बीच भी बीजेपी की मजबूत पकड़ थी. ऐतिहासिक रूप से भी मध्य प्रदेश को बीजेपी और उससे भी पहले भारतीय जनसंघ के मजबूत संगठन की मौजूदगी के लिए जाना जाता था. जमीनी स्तर पर पार्टी ने लगातार अच्छा काम कर के पकड़ बना ली थी.

राज्य में बीजेपी की बुनियाद मजबूत करने और इसके लगातार विस्तार में कुशाभाऊ ठाकरे का अहम रोल रहा था. कुशाभाऊ ठाकरे को संगठन का आदमी कहा जाता था. अपनी इसी खूबी के चलते, वो 1998 में बीजेपी के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष भी बने.

कैसा था कुशाभाऊ ठाकरे का तरीका

लेकिन, कुशाभाऊ ठाकरे के काम करने का तरीका एकदम किताबी था. वो लीक पर चलने वाले नेता थे. उन्होंने संघ के आनुषांगिक संगठनों से कार्यकर्ताओं को बीजेपी में जोड़ा और उन्हें राजनीतिक कार्यकर्ता बनने की ट्रेनिंग दी. 1998 में जब मोदी मध्य प्रदेश के बीजेपी प्रभारी बने, तो उन्होंने संगठन में क्रांतिकारी बदलाव किए. पार्टी के उस वक्त के नेतृत्व को ये बात बिल्कुल नहीं सुहाई.

उन्होंने मोदी के तौर-तरीकों का विरोध किया. उस वक्त बीजेपी में मध्य प्रदेश से कई कद्दावर नेता थे. जैसे कि सुंदर लाल पटवा, विक्रम वर्मा और कैलाश जोशी. इसके अलावा उमा भारती जैसे उभरते हुए बेहद लोकप्रिय नेता भी थे. मोदी ने नए नेताओं को बढ़ावा दिया और संगठन को अनुसूचित जाति और जनजातियों के बीच अपना जनाधार बढ़ाने के लिए लगातार प्रेरित किया.

मोदी को लगता था कि वोटरों के इस तबके को अपनी पार्टी का समर्थक बनाने के लिए बहुत कम कोशिश करनी होगी. राज्य के बीजेपी नेताओं ने मोदी की इस कोशिश का कड़ा विरोध किया था. फिर भी, वो बीजेपी का सामाजिक दायरा बढ़ाने और नए सिरे से संगठित करने की अपनी रणनीति पर अमल करते रहे, ताकि समाज के हाशिए पर पड़े लोगों को हिंदुत्ववादी पार्टी के पाले में ला सकें.

मास्टर साहब की संगठन का असर

हालांकि बीजेपी 1998 का चुनाव हार गई थी. लेकिन, पार्टी का आदिवासियों, अनुसूचित जातियों और पिछड़े वर्ग के बीच हुआ संगठनात्मक विस्तार साफ दिखा. ये वो तबके थे जो परंपरागत रूप से कांग्रेस को वोट देते रहे थे. बीजेपी के ‘मास्टर साहब’ की संगठन के विस्तार की लगातार कोशिश का ही नतीजा था कि 2003 के चुनाव में पहले उमा भारती और फिर शिवराज चौहान विजयी नेता बन कर उभरे.

इसमें कोई दो राय नहीं कि बीजेपी को लगातार 15 साल तक राज करने की कीमत चुकानी पड़ रही है. बीजेपी के परंपरागत वोटर, यानी ऊंची जाति के जमींदार बहुत नाखुश हैं. लेकिन, इस बात की काफी संभावना है कि बीजेपी इस सियासी जमीन के बिखराव की भरपाई, हाशिए पर पड़े तबकों को अपने साथ लाकर कर लेगी. खास तौर से आदिवासियों, अनुसूचित जातियों और शहरी गरीबों को जोड़ने का बीजेपी को काफी फायदा होगा. हालांकि, हैरान करने वाली बात ये है कि बीजेपी के परंपरागत वोटरों के मुकाबले ये तबका उतना खुलकर पार्टी के साथ नहीं आता दिखता है.

मध्य प्रदेश के मालवा इलाके में बीजेपी की हालत उतनी कमजोर नहीं दिखती, जितनी चंबल और बुंदेलखंड इलाके में दिखती है। चंबल और बुंदेलखंड में बीजेपी के लिए लंबा राज ही चुनौती बन गया है। मालवा को मध्य प्रदेश का अमीर इलाका माना जाता है.

यहां शहरी आबादी ज्यादा है. कारोबार फल-फूल रहा है। जैसे कि इंदौर शहर को ही लीजिए, जिसे राज्य के लोग ‘मिनी मुंबई’ कहते हैं. इसकी वजह यहां खूब फल-फूल रहे उद्योग और कारोबार हैं। ये शहर खान-पान के शौकीनों के लिए भी जन्नत है। स्ट्रीट फूड के लिए इंदौर का सर्राफ़ा बाजार काफी मशहूर है। ये बाजार सोने, हीरे और गहनों के कारोबार का बड़ा केंद्र है. हालांकि पहले के मुकाबले यहां रौनक कम दिखती है।

नोटबंदी से निराशा 

दुकानदार मानते हैं कि, ‘हां, नोटबंदी के बाद से हमारा धंधा मंदा हुआ है।’ फिर भी वो प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के प्रति कोई बैर नहीं रखते। जब हम ने उनसे पूछा कि वो इस बार किस पार्टी को वोट देंगे, तो दुकानदार कहते हैं कि, ‘हम बीजेपी के वोटर हैं और किसी और पार्टी के बारे में सोच भी नहीं सकते।’

इंदौर बीजेपी का मजबूत गढ़ रहा है। लोकसभा अध्यक्ष सुमित्रा महाजन यहां से लगातार आठ बार चुनाव जीत चुकी हैं। पिछले एक दशक में इंदौर शहर देश के दूसरे शहरों के लिए मॉडल बन कर उभरा है। यहां की साफ-सफाई और दूसरी सुविधाएं, दूसरे शहरों के मुकाबले बहुत बेहतर हैं।

आज से केवल 15 साल पहले, दिग्विजय सिंह के राज में इंदौर शहर बहुत बुरी हालत में था। लेकिन, आज तो झुग्गी-झोपड़ियों की हालत भी संवर गई है। स्लम बस्तियों मे भी साफ सफाई दिखती है। इंदौर और आस-पास के शहरों के इस बदले हुए रूप को लोग पसंद करते हैं. समाज के निचले तबके से आने वाले लोग भी इस बदलाव की तारीफ करते हैं। इसलिए बीजेपी के इस गढ़ में सेंध लगने के कोई संकेत नहीं दिखते। गरीबों को घर बनाने में मदद करने, ग्रामीण इलाकों में बिजली और गैस कनेक्शन देने की केंद्र सरकार की योजनाएं भी मतदाताओं के बीच बहुत चर्चित हैं।

लोगों की उम्मीदें बढ़ीं 

इस में कोई दो राय नहीं कि पिछले कुछ बरसों में लोगों की उम्मीदों में कई गुना इजाफा हुआ है। किसी भी सरकार से उकता जाने के लिए 15 साल का कार्यकाल बहुत होता है। फिर भी मालवा का वोटर, बदलाव को लेकर आशंकित है। दिग्विजय सिंह का 1993-2003 का कार्यकाल, पुरानी पीढ़ी आज भी याद करती है। यही वजह है कि बुजुर्ग वोटर न सिर्फ कांग्रेस को लेकर आशंकित हैं, बल्कि पार्टी के पुराने दौर के कुशासन का जिक्र भी अक्सर कर बैठते हैं।

कांग्रेस के खिलाफ एक और बात जो जाती है, वो इसके चेहरे भी हैं. इनमें ग्वालियर के महाराजा ज्योतिरादित्य सिंधिया और उद्योगपति कमलनाथ जैसे नेता, वोटरों में कोई उम्मीद नहीं जगाते. जनता को इस बात की उम्मीद ही नहीं है कि इन नेताओं की अगुवाई में कांग्रेस का रुख-रवैया बदलेगा.

मालवा इलाके में बीजेपी अपनी सोशल इंजीनियरिंग और मजबूत संगठन के साथ-साथ मोदी की लोकप्रियता की वजह से मजबूत स्थिति में है. शिवराज सिंह चौहान के लिए मालवा में कोई खतरा नहीं है. जहां तक कांग्रेस की बात है तो ऐसा लगता है कि पार्टी ने उस कहावत को आत्मसात कर लिया है कि, ‘जीतने की तरह हारते जाना भी एक आदत है.’

Congress hasn’t succeeded in building a narrative against Chouhan 

Jotiraditya Scindia, Kamal Nath, Digvijay Singh

Political analysts think Congress hasn’t succeeded in building a narrative against Chouhan 

“The pro-poor schemes of Shivraj Singh government will help the BJP to get support from the poor and economically-weaker sections of the society, especially the urban poor,” former Hindustan Times resident editor NK Singh said. 

Chouhan’s image as a son of the soil. He brought in the ‘insider-outsider’ narrative into play during the last 15 years. 

A large section of voters still unable to forget Digvijay Singh’s disastrous second term (1998 to 2003) and poor infrastructure that earned the state the infamous ‘Bimaru’ tag.

As the curtain comes down on the high-voltage electoral campaigning by the ruling BJP and the Opposition Congress in Madhya Pradesh for the votes to be cast on 28 November, both parties are keeping their fingers crossed. Who will win Madhya Pradesh? The betting market is swinging on both sides: sometimes in favour of Congress and sometimes for the BJP. Uncertainty looms on whether the BJP under Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan will return to power for a fourth consecutive term or if fortune will smile on the Congress after its long electoral drought.

Political analysts think Congress hasn’t succeeded in building a narrative against Chouhan. People do not complain against Chouhan, but against the lower bureaucracy and uncaring BJP MLAs, some of whom are also corrupt, they add. In fact, Chouhan has, over the years, emerged as a brand not only of the party, but also the state. “Congress couldn’t build a strong issue-based narrative against Shivraj Singh government, except announcing debt waiver for farmers and tackling unemployment. It’s not necessary that those who’re unhappy (and not angry) with the BJP government will vote for the Congress,” Bhopal-based political commentator Girija Shankar said.

File Photo of Shiv Raj Singh Chouhan

The high-decibel campaigning in Madhya Pradesh witnessed 10 rallies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, 27 of BJP president Amit Shah, 178 of Chouhan along with his Jan Aashirwad Yatra criss-crossing the state. Unlike the BJP, Congress didn’t have many star campaigners. While Congress president Rahul Gandhi addressed 15 rallies, Jyotiraditya Scindia held the highest rallies for the party (103). MPCC president Kamal Nath addressed a few rallies, with a focus on organisational support, while courting a controversy on a video allegedly slamming the RSS over minority issue.

The issues raised by the BJP and the Congress leaders were more national than state-level: Ram Mandir, Rafale deal. The Opposition Congress couldn’t make ‘Vyapam scam’ a big issue. One may recall, five years ago the ‘Vyapam scam’—the biggest one till date in Madhya Pradesh—relating to irregularities in medical admissions and other recruitment examinations conducted by the state government was unearthed. It had almost dislodged Chouhan, but the BJP salvaged the crisis by handing the case to the CBI.

The state population is nearly 90 percent Hindu, which prompted Congress to toe a soft-Hindutva line. It is in the battlefield of Madhya Pradesh where Congress president Rahul Gandhi visited Jyotirlinga shrines Omkareshwar and Mahakaleshwar, and was projected as a ‘Shiv-bhakt’, and ‘pandit Rahul Gandhi’. But Rahul’s new avatar has drawn criticism.

Congress has successfully raked up the farmer distress that erupted in Mandsaur in 2017. Despite the state government’s quick measures to quell farmers’ anger, election results will show if the Congress succeeded in swinging the issue in its favour. “The pro-poor schemes of Shivraj Singh government will help the BJP to get support from the poor and economically-weaker sections of the society, especially the urban poor,” former Hindustan Times resident editor NK Singh said.

Factors in favour of Shivraj Singh Chouhan and the BJP

· Unlike in the case of the former chief minister Digvijay Singh, there’s no anger directly against Chouhan.

· No large-scale complaint against Chouhan on basic amenities like electricity, road and water, as against the Congress between 2000 and 2003.

· Strong organisational base.

· Active role of frontal organisations of RSS-BJP and their grassroots reach.

· Chouhan’s image as a son of the soil. He brought in the ‘insider-outsider’ narrative into play during the last 15 years.

· Strong support from those living in slums and economically-weaker sections (EWS) due to state government schemes, especially housing scheme (Awas Yojna).

Against the BJP

· Large-scale rebellion in the form of Independent candidates, who failed to get either a BJP ticket, a post or favour from the party.

· Upper castes and a section of middle-class voters are disturbed over SC/ST Atrocities Act, high fuel prices.

· Mid-level businessmen, small and medium level farmers who are politically influential are vocal against the BJP.

· High-voltage campaigning in the form of rallies and roadshows with star campaigners like Modi, Shah and Chouhan.

Factors in favour of Congress

· Anti-incumbency factor against the BJP.

· A section of voters wants a change in government.

· Farmer distress that erupted in Mandsaur district and the anger among small and marginal farmers may help Congress, especially due to ‘Bhaavantar Yojna’.

· People’s anger against bureaucracy and BJP MLAs

Against the Congress

· Long absence of senior leaders of Congress in the state. They are being considered more as ‘outsiders’, who have spent less time in state politics.

· Weak frontal organisations of Congress that lack grassroots connectivity.

· A large section of voters still unable to forget Digvijay Singh’s disastrous second term (1998 to 2003) and poor infrastructure that earned the state the infamous ‘Bimaru’ tag.

· Lack of cohesive leadership in the state over the last 15 years, which has weakened the party at organisational level.

· Soft-Hindutva line adopted by the Congress won’t make much dent in BJP, rather it has attracted more criticism.

Congress’ Hindutva shows death of ‘secularism’, gives BJP chance to set new inclusive agenda

Once the self-anointed custodian of ‘secular’ politics, the Congress is now desperate to be rebranded as a ‘Hindu party’. 

CP Joshi, was heard telling participants at a rally in Nathdwara that only Brahmins can talk about Hinduism, not Modi or Uma Bharti soon after, Rahul’s ‘gotra was leaked to the media

The Congress initially tried to solve this problem by driving a difference between ‘Hinduism’ and ‘Hindutva’, but it lacks the ideological conviction and political capital to communicate that strategy.

“You don’t need to offer education, jobs, bijlisadakpaani to secure Muslim votes. Just keep them insecure and keep offering them security. Muslims were perfect political hostage to ‘secular’ politics”. Yogendra Yadav

In 2006, Rahul Gandhi, then a newbie in politics, announced at the Congress plenary session that he follows two religions — flag and the party. Twelve years is a long time in politics. The Gandhi scion is now the Congress president, busy shedding his ‘secular’ credentials.

Rahul flaunts his ‘janeu‘ (sacred thread), pitches a journey to Kailash Mansarovar as the high point of his ‘Shiv bhakti‘, criss-crosses between temples across India during elections, sports a ’tilak’ on his forehead and tells the head priest in Pushkar that he is a ‘Dattatreya Kaul Brahmin’, by gotra(caste). Once the self-anointed custodian of ‘secular’ politics, the Congress is now desperate to be rebranded as a ‘Hindu party’. ‘Secularism’ has travelled a long way in India.

The ongoing election season reinforces the death of ‘secularist’ politics. While Assembly elections will be held in five states this year, the big one is next year, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi will seek to extend his mandate. Amid this dance of democracy, the absolute silence of Muslim voices points to a decisive shift in identity politics. Muslims, who were central to any election debate or campaign in India till 2014, suddenly find themselves sidelined, marginalised and even forgotten.

In a leaked video clip that has since gone viral, Madhya Pradesh Congress chief Kamal Nath was recently heard telling Muslim leaders that if the Congress does not get 90 percent of the total Muslim votes in the state, the party will “suffer a big loss”. There’s nothing wrong with the pitch, but the fact that the comments were made at a private, closed-door meeting, where Nath also pleaded with leaders from the community that “you will have to bear everything till the day of voting” and “we will deal with them (RSS and BJP) later”, indicates that the Congress is now scared of the ‘pro-Muslim’ tag that was ironically its calling card till 2014.

In a report, India Today quotes a Congress leader as saying that the party believes that being sympathetic to Muslim causes has “harmed its electoral prospects”.

This shift from a ‘pro-Muslim’ stance — as the AK Antony Committee had pointed out after the 2014 drubbing — to a ‘pro-Hindutva’ approach is not a preserve of the Congress. In West Bengal, for instance, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee underwent a similar trajectory.

However, in recent years, Mamata has been busy celebrating Ram Navami, greeting the nation on Hanuman Jayanti or announcing a Rs 28 crore cash bonanza and power bill relief for Durga Puja organisers in the state.

A part of this shift has undoubtedly happened due to the rise of the BJP as the dominant force in national politics, but the crucial bit about the saffron party’s ascendancy has been the way it has forced a shift in mainstream political discourse from ‘secularism’ to ‘Hindutva’, so much so that other parties are being forced to play by its rules. The Congress initially tried to solve this problem by driving a difference between ‘Hinduism’ and ‘Hindutva’, but it lacks the ideological conviction and political capital to communicate that strategy.

Consequently, a desperate Congress shed all ‘secularist’ pretenses and embarked on an aggressive brand of Hindutva politics to beat the BJP in its own game — almost as if to show that the BJP is a ‘pseudo-Hindutva’ party just as the Congress is a ‘pseudo-secular’ one. Accordingly, All India Congress Committee general secretary and senior Congress leader in poll-bound Rajasthan, CP Joshi, was heard telling participants at a rally in Nathdwara that only Brahmins can talk about Hinduism, not Modi or Uma Bharti (who belong to a lower caste), in a constituency that has a sizeable portion of Brahmin representation.

Rahul Gandhi reveals his caste and gotra in Rajasthan’s Pushkar temple

Joshi was apparently “chided” by the party president, but soon after, Rahul’s ‘gotra‘ was leaked to the media, where his Brahmin credentials were reinforced to go with his janeu-dhaariappearance. After all, Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala did claim that his party has “Brahmin Samaj’s DNA in its blood”.

Meanwhile, the Congress manifesto in Madhya Pradesh vows to build the route taken by Lord Ram in his exile, cow shelters in every panchayat, commercial production of cow urine, opening of a spiritual department and developing the Narmada Parikrama, while senior Congress leaders are seen swearing by “Ganga jal” in their hands during news conferences.

This comical, competitive Hindutva seems to be a tactical attempt to reclaim the ground that Congress assumes it has lost to the BJP. The fact that it feels it will be in a better place to do so by revamping itself as a ‘Hindutva’ party, giving fewer tickets to Muslims instead of reinforcing its ‘secular’ credentials, speaks of the quiet death of ‘secularism’ as a driving force in Indian politics.

This isn’t a surprise because the Congress-championed ‘secularism’ — a model that was followed by all ‘secular’ parties — had long collapsed under the weight of its contradictions. Instead of an ideological anchor, it degenerated into a rent-seeking exercise.

As Swaraj India chief Yogendra Yadav writes in ‘The Print’, “Unlike other castes and communities, you don’t need to offer education, jobs, bijlisadakpaani to secure Muslim votes. Just keep them insecure and keep offering them security. Muslims were perfect political hostage to ‘secular’ politics. Anything that pandered to Muslim ‘sentiment’ as defined by its leadership was kosher, as secular politics was seen to be pro-minority. Any party opposed to the BJP could call itself secular.”

For the BJP, this presents an opportunity to replace the discredited concept of ‘secularism” and cement Hindutva as the new normal — an inclusive, ideological agenda that RSS sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat speaks of — which isn’t complete without Muslims and celebrates diversity rather than feeling threatened by it. That may free Muslims from the bondage of rent-seeking ‘secularism’ and lead to true empowerment

सेक्टर 11 की मार्केट में आईफोन का नकली पार्ट रखने के आरोप में चार दुकानों पर छापेमारी

पंचकूला। सेक्टर 11 की मेन मार्केट में एप्पल कंपनी के अधिकारियों की टीम के साथ पुलिस ने चार दुकानों पर नकली पार्ट रखने के आरोप में छापेमारी की। छापेमारी के दौरान लाखों रुपए के नकली आईफोन के पार्ट बरामद किए। एप्पल कंपनी के अधिकारी चंद्रशेखर ने बताया कि कंपनी को काफी समय से पंचकूला की कई दुकानों पर आईफोन के नकली पार्ट रखने की शिकायतें मिल रही थी। शिकायत के आधार पर पुलिस टीम के साथ मंगलवार को चार दुकानों के छापेमारी की। छापेमारी के दौरान लाखों रुपए के नकली आईफोन के पार्ट बरामद किए। थाना सेक्टर 5 पुलिस व चौकी 10 के इंचार्ज ने कंपनी के अधिकारी अवतार सिंह की शिकायत पर मामला दर्ज कर जांच शुरू कर दी है।

Urjit before Parliamentary Committee believes economic growth to be positive

He, however, did not answer specific questions on government invoking Section 7 of the RBI Act, NPAs (non-performing assets), the autonomy of the central bank and other contentious issues, sources said.

RBI Governor Urjit Patel on Tuesday committed to a parliamentary committee to give in writing his views on some of the controversial issues, which may include the government citing its never-used powers to get the central bank on the discussion table, said sources.

Mr. Patel, who appeared before the 31-member Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance, said the economy would get a boost from oil prices cooling off from four-year highs. He highlighted that fundamentals were “robust”, the sources said.

Mr. Patel also told the panel that credit growth was 15 per cent and the impact of the November 2016 demonetisation had a transient impact on the economy.

Mr. Patel was earlier scheduled to appear before the panel on November 12.

He, however, did not answer specific questions on the government invoking Section 7 of the RBI Act, NPAs (non-performing assets), the autonomy of the central bank and other contentious issues, the sources said.

Mr. Patel made a presentation on the state of the economy as well about the world economy to the committee and several members asked questions. His views on the economy were “optimistic”. “He stayed clear of controversial questions like government invoking special powers, instead he gave intelligent replies without saying anything,” the sources said.

Members also asked questions on the implementation of the Basel III capital adequacy norms for banks. To this, a source said, he replied that adherence to the global norms was India’s commitment to G-20 nations.

Large number of questions

Another source said that as there were a large number of questions, Mr. Patel was asked to file written replies in 10-15 days.

The RBI Governor appeared before the panel days after the RBI’s face-off with the finance ministry over issues ranging from the appropriate size of reserves to be maintained by the central bank to easing of lending norms for small and medium enterprises.

Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is also a member of the committee headed by senior Congress leader and former Union minister M. Veerappa Moily.

India’s banking system, particularly state-owned banks, are grappling with huge bad loans. Recently, there has been a liquidity crisis for the important NBFC (non-banking financial companies) sector following repayment default by IL&FS.

The Muzaffarpur shelter home case, ”Every time I read this file, I find it tragic. My hair stands on its ends,”: Justice Gupta

Supreme Court finds the Bihar police were lagging in their probe.”Every time I read this file, I find it tragic. My hair stands on its ends,” says Justice Gupta.

The CBI may take over the investigation into cases of abuse and aggravated sexual attacks on inmates of 17 shelter homes, nine of them housing children, after the Supreme Court on Tuesday found the Bihar police lagging in their probe.

The 11 FIRs registered by the State police did not contain serious offences or provided a true picture of the horrors perpetrated on the inmates, including children the court said.

“If a person is dead, the FIR filed is that of a case of ‘simple hurt’. Is this acceptable? A child is sodomised and theBihr government is saying it will file FIR after a week? The truth is not coming out,” a visibly angry Justice Madan B. Lokur addressed the Bihar Chief Secretary, who had been summoned in the previous hearing.

Justice Deepak Gupta said, “Every time I read this file, I find it tragic. My hair stands on its ends… yet this is the attitude of the Bihar government.”

Justice Abdul S. Nazeer said the State government’s assurances to the court that it would set everything right in the case and make amends in the FIRs seemed hollow. “They do not evoke confidence,” he addressed the Bihar government side.

‘Last serious offences put in FIRs’

Justice Gupta said usually the tendency of the police while registering FIRs was to include the most serious offences. “Here it is otherwise. The least serious offences have been put in these FIRs,” he pointed out.

Justice Lokur said the TISS report on the abuses in shelter homes in the state  came in May, but it was only now that the Bihar government had set its eyes on it. It was a survey team from the TISS (Tata Institute of Social Sciences) that brought to light the abuses and torture suffered by children in the Muzaffarpur shelter home run by an NGO.

The TISS had categoried the 17 shelter homes presently under the apex court scanner as ‘homes of grave concern’. While nine pertain to children, eight house beggars, destitutes and senior citizens.

The court gave a red-faced Bihar government 24 hours to show reasons why the probe into all the 17 homes should not be taken over by the CBI from the State police. The Muzaffarpur shelter home case is already under CBI investigation.

An affidavit filed by the Bihar government shows that as on November 1, 86 child care institutions (CCIs) in the State are run under the purview of the Social Welfare Department. These include 22 children’s homes for boys, 11 children’s homes for girls, nine open shelters and 28 specialised adoption agencies for children in need of care and protection. There is one children’s home for boys and girls each in Patna and another in Begusarai. All other homes in the State are being run through NGOs.

There are 14 observation homes, one place of safety and one special home run directly by the government.

TRS and Congress are two faces of the same coin are ‘Family parties’: Modi

PM pooh-poohs the ”yagas” and ”yagnas” of Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao, he says the TRS chief was whiling away the time by indulging in use of ”neembu-mirchi” (lemon and chillis).

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his first election rally in poll-bound Telangana, on Tuesday said the Congress and the TRS (Telangana Rashtra Samithi) are “family parties” and they are two faces of the same coin.

There was no democracy in both the parties. “They compete with each other in spreading untruths and half truths and therefore you don’t believe them in this election,” he said.

Family rule and vote bank politics were impediments for development and vote bank politics was a moth which ate the vitals of the economy, he said at the well attended meeting at Giriraj Government College ground in Nizamabad.

“Where there is family rule, there is no development. It is ridiculous that Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi are criticising the family rule of K. Chandrasekhar Rao while running the same show. Mr. Rao dashed the hopes and aspirations of the Telangana people in his four-and-a-half year governance. Both the Congress and the TRS are involved in a friendly contest. Mr. Rao is a friend of the Congress,” Mr. Modi said.

Mr. Rao ate the salt of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government as he was the Minister in it and enjoyed facilities. “Sonia acted as a remote control of the UPA regime and Mr. Rao knew it better.” Mr. Rao, in fact, got training under the tutelage of the Congress, he said.

‘Congress student caused much damage to State’

Drawing comparison between the two, Mr. Modi said Mr. Rao, as a student of the Congress, did so much damage to the State that would equal the damage caused by the Congress if it was voted to power. “Therefore, you have only one way for development; that is the BJP. The Congress ruled the country from Delhi to galli [street] for several years. When I questioned what had it done all those years, they started attacking me asking my caste and personal details,” he said.

Mr. Rao, with his “feeling of insecurity”, had not allowed the implementation of Ayushman Bharath. As a result, lakhs of poor families were getting affected in the State. In just two months of the introduction of the scheme, three lakh families got benefit availing medical treatment for cancer and major diseases up to Rs. 5 lakh, Mr. Modi claimed.

Pooh-poohing the yagas and yagnas of Mr. Rao, he said the former was whiling away the time by indulging in use of neembu-mirchi (lemon and chillis). “He left the public health to the air. Therefore, the poor were suffering. Conditions in hospitals were bad and the condition of medical college here the worst,” he said.

Mr. asked the people “if they like to vote for the Congress” which had “failed the State”. Wherever the Congress was defeated, it did not come back to power again. “I appeal to you to give the chance to the BJP once and vote for it on December 7,” he said.

पुलिसकर्मियों के लिए बनाए जा रहे 3060 मकानः डीजीपी

कमल कलसी, पंचकूला:

पुलिसकर्मियों व उनके परिवार के सदस्यों को बेहतर आवासीय सुविधाएं प्रदान करने के उद्देश्य से, हरियाणा पुलिस हाउसिंग कॉर्पोरेशन द्वारा प्रदेष की पुलिस लाइनों में विभिन्न श्रेणियों के 3,060 घरों का निर्माण किया जा रहा है।

पुलिस महानिदेशक, श्री बी0 एस0 सन्धू ने आज(27 नवम्बर) इस संबंध में जानकारी देते हुए बताया कि राज्य सरकार द्वारा 20 जिलों में बनाए जा रहे इन घरों के निर्माण कार्य को शुरू करने के लिए आवास एवं शहरी विकास निगम योजना के माध्यम से 550 करोड़ रुपये की राषि को स्वीकृति प्रदान की गई है।
श्री सन्धू ने कहा कि पुलिस बल के लिए बेहतर आवासीय परिसर सुनिश्चित करने हेतू टाइप-1 के 240 घर, टाइप-2 के 2160, टाइप-3 के 588 और टाइप-4 के 72 आवास बनाए जा रहे हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि इन घरों का निर्माण पुलिस काम्पैलक्स मधुबन, अंबाला, भिवानी, फरीदाबाद, फतेहाबाद, गुड़गांव, हिसार, झज्जर, जींद, कैथल, कुरुक्षेत्र, मानेसर, महेंद्रगढ़, पलवल, पंचकूला, पानीपत, रेवाड़ी, सिरसा, सोनीपत और यमुनानगर में किया जा रहा है। निर्माणाधीन कुल आवास में से लगभग 1100 घर बनकर तैयार हो चुके हैं और शेष पर निर्माण कार्य विभिन्न स्तरों पर प्रगति पर है।
उन्होंने कहा कि वर्तमान में पुलिस विभाग का आवास संतुष्टि स्तर 18 प्रतिशत तक पहुंच गया है। उन्होंने कहा कि 120 पुलिस थानों के अलावा, निगम द्वारा अब तक 14 पुलिस पोस्ट, 17 मित्रकक्ष, पुलिस प्रशिक्षण केन्द्रों, कई पुलिस लाइनों और राज्य में अन्य कार्यालय भवनों का भी निर्माण किया गया है।

‘School Conclave for Road Safety, Capacity Building Programme for School Teachers’ was organized


Today i.e. 27.11.2018:

The 1st session of two days ‘School Conclave for Road Safety, Capacity Building Programme for School Teachers’ was organized by Institute of Road Traffic Education in collaboration with Chandigarh Traffic Police and sponsored by DIAGEO foundation in the auditorium of Delhi Public School Sector 40. Sh. Sanjay Baniwal IPS Director General of Police UT Chandigarh was the chief guest of the program who appeals everyone to follow Traffic Rules as well as share their experience about road safety in his address. Welcome address given by Mrs. Reema Dewan, Principal of DPS. Dr. Rohit Baluja, Director Institute of Road Traffic Education gave information about their institute. Vote of thanks delivered by Sh. Shashank Anand, IPS SSP Security & Traffic UT Chandigarh.

During the session Dr. Rohit Baluja give presentation to the teacher on Aims of School Conclave methodology, Definition of the Curriculum, the importance of hidden curriculum to bring in the knowledge of the road’s and road safety, primary causes of child accident, Role of the teachers and parents in imparting education, principles of road safety education in different age groups 0-4, 5-7, 8-10 and above 10 years, teaching methodology. Mr. Prem Khilani and Miss Rima Chibb, faculty IRTE, Miss Arushi Saluja Sahi, Head Driver Training IRTE, Sh. Jaswinder Singh DSP Admin Traffic, Road Safety, R&D Chandigarh, Sh. Charanjit Singh DSP East Traffic Chandigarh and Insp. Sita Devi Admin. Traffic was also present during the session. The workshop was attended by 86 teachers of 86 Govt. schools of UT Chandigarh, over 250 students and faculty of DPS. Cultural programs i.e. Motivational song and Shiv Stuti also presented by students of Delhi Public School Sector 40, Chandigarh.