Why are they [the government and the BJP) running away from a debate in Parliament,” Rahul

“We promised to waive loans in 10 days. In two States, we did it in six hours,” he tells reporters outside the Parliament hall.

Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday said he would not let Prime Minister Narendra Modi sleep until all farms loans were waived.

The government had turned a blind eye to “loans given to 15 top industrialists of the country, including Reliance Group chairman Anil Ambani,” but made no effort to alleviate the woes of farmers in the last four years, he said.

“We promised to waive loans in 10 days. In two States, we did it in six hours,” Mr. Gandhi told reporters outside the Parliament hall.

He alleged that the “loans of friends of Mr. Modi and BJP president Amit Shah” had been waived. About Rs. 3.5 lakh crore was waived for 15 corporates, including for Mr. Anil Ambani. Poor people and small shopkeepers were on one side and the group of industrialists on the other. The Congress and all other Opposition parties would stand by the poor and others, he said.

Terming demonetisation the world’s biggest scam, he accused the government of having stolen from the public, shopkeepers and farmers.

‘More typos coming now’

“There will be many more typos coming now,” he said when asked about the government’s claim on the “error” in the affidavit given to the Supreme Court on the Rafale issue.

“We will force a joint parliamentary committee on the Rafale issue. Why are they [the government and the BJP) running away from a debate in Parliament,” he said.

Administrator Launches Website of Sports Department Chandigarh            

The Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT, Chandigarh, Shri V.P. Singh Badnore launching e-Vigilance Portal of Chandigarh Administration at Punjab Raj Bhawa, Chandigarh on Tuesday, December 18, 2018.

 Chandigarh, 18th December 2018: 

The website of Department of Sports, UT Chandigarh http://www.sportsdeptt.chd.gov.in has been launched today  by Hon’ble Governor Punjab & Administrator, U.T, Chandigarh, Shri. V. P. Singh Badnore, in the presence of  Parimal Rai, IAS, Adviser to UT Administration,  J.M. Balamurugan, IAS, Secretary to Governor of Punjab,  Arun kumar Gupta, IAS, Principle Secretary Home,  Jitender Yadav, IAS, Secretary Sports.

With launch of this website, Department of Sports, Chandigarh has taken leap in the direction of digital India by making their key services like; booking of stadiums, applying for membership, applying for scholarship,  applying for sports gradation certificate and also applying for cash awards online for the students, sports bodies & sportsmen. Now everybody can avail these services with a click of the button.

In the case of booking of stadium and to take membership of any sports in any facility of sports department,  party/individual can fill online form from the comfort of  their home/office  and can pay the booking fee/membership  fee online via debit/credit card or net banking which will make the cumbersome process of booking and taking membership of any sports facility to a convenient and transparent process. There is also a facility of online feedback system in website where users can give their instant feedback in length about the services offered by sports department.

This website has  been designed  and developed by SPIC which will also provide details of the sports facility/infrastructure in Chandigarh, detailed information of sports department coaches, gradation policy, scholarship scheme, membership  fee structure, booking rates of stadium, details  of cash awards and also updated sports calendar which will give a insight to the upcoming sports events with  galleries and archive of all the sports events.

दिवयांग कुछ कमियों के रहते भी पूर्ण, उनके स्वरोजगार के लिए ऋण उपलब्ध: जांगड़ा

हरियाणा पिछड़े वर्ग एवं आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर कल्याण निगम के अध्यक्ष श्री रामचंद्र जांगड़ा ऋण वितरित करते हुए व कार्यक्रम को संबोधित करते हुए।

पंचकूला, 18 दिसंबर:
हरियाणा पिछड़े वर्ग एवं आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर कल्याण निगम के अध्यक्ष रामचंद्र जांगड़ा ने कहा कि विकलांगता कोई अभिशाप नहीं है। परमात्मा ने शरीर के किसी अंग में कुछ कमी दी और बाकि शरीर संपूर्ण है, वह शक्स भी चुनौतियों का सामना करते हुए आगे बढ़ सकता है।
जांगड़ा हरियाणा पिछड़े वर्ग एवं आर्थिक कल्याण निगम द्वारा दिव्यांग व्यक्तियों को अपना स्वयं का रोजगार स्थापित करने हेतू निगम कार्यालय के परिसर में आयोजित ऋण वितरण समारोह में उपस्थित दिव्यांगजनों को संबोधित कर रहे थे। उन्होंने उदहारण देते हुए कहा कि हरियाणा की एक दिव्यांग बेटी ने पैरा ओलंपिक में स्वर्ण पदक जीतकर यह सिद्ध किया है कि आगे बढ़ने में दिव्यांगता किसी प्रकार की रुकावट नहीं है। उन्होंने कहा कि निगम द्वारा पिछड़े वर्ग, अल्प संख्यक समुदाय एवं दिव्यांग व्यक्तियों को स्वयं रोजगार हेतू विभिन्न कल्याणकारी योजनाओं के तहत कम ब्याजदर व आसान किस्तों पर ऋण प्रदान किया जा रहा है। उन्होंने कहा कि केंद्र सरकार व राज्य सरकार दिव्यांग व्यक्तियों के प्रति संवेदनशील हैं। उनके बेहतर भविष्य के लिये विभिन्न स्कीमों के तहत ऋण प्रदान किया जा रहा हैं।
निगम के पास फंड की कोई कमी नहीं है। सैकड़ों करोड़ रुपया ऋण के रूप में वितरित किया जा चुका है। निगम द्वारा स्वयं रोजगार के लिये 50 हजार से लेकर दस लाख रुपये का ऋण दिया जा रहा है और केंद्र सरकार द्वारा तो 25 करोड़ रुपये तक का ऋण उपलब्ध करवाया जा रहा है। उन्होंने कहा कि शत प्रतिशत दिव्यांग व्यक्ति को भी निगम की ओर से ऋण उपलब्ध करवाया जा रहा है ताकि उसके परिवार का कोई भी सदस्या अपना रोजगार स्थापित कर सकता है। उन्होंने कहा कि आज 52 व्यक्तियों को स्वयं का रोजगार स्थापित करने के लिये 29 लाख 50 हजार रुपये के ऋण दिये जा रहे है। इन 52 व्यक्तियों में 7 दिव्यांगजनों को एक-एक लाख रुपये तथा 45 दिव्यांगजनों को 50-50 हजार रुपये के ऋण दिये गये। उन्होंने लाभार्थियों से कहा कि वे इस ऋण का सही उपयोग करें और जीवन में आगे बढ़े। निगम का उद्देश्य शहर व नगर क्षेत्रों में ब्याजखोरो से छुटकारा दिलाने के लिये आसान किस्तों पर आसान ब्याजदर पर ऋण उपलब्ध करवा प्रोत्साहित करना है।
इस अवसर पर निगम के प्रबंध निदेशक प्रवीन कुमार ने अपने संबोधन में कहा कि यह ऋण की शुरुआत है। यदि आप अपने कार्य का और अधिक विस्तार करेंगे तो निगम की ओर से दस लाख रुपये तक का ऋण उपलब्ध करवाया जायेगा।
इस अवसर पर निगम के जिला प्रबंधक नरेश कुमार, क्षेत्रिय अधिकारी बाबूलाल, जिला समाज कल्याण अधिकारी विशाल सैनी, सहायक लोकसंपर्क अधिकारी सितेंद्र राणा, हरियाणा अनुसूचित जाति वित एवं विकास निगम के डीईओ महेश कुमार भी उपस्थित थे।

Administrator Launched the e-Vigilance Portal

The Governor of Punjab and Administrator, UT, Chandigarh, Shri V.P. Singh Badnore launching e-Vigilance Portal of Chandigarh Administration at Punjab Raj Bhawa, Chandigarh on Tuesday, December 18, 2018.

Chandigarh, 18th December 2018: 

Hon’ble Governor of Punjab and Administrator UT, Chandigarh launched the e-Vigilance Portal today at Punjab Raj Bhawan, UT, Chandigarh in the presence of Parimal Rai, IAS, Advisor to the Administrator and B.L. Sharma, IAS, Secretary Vigilance.

The Vigilance Clearance is required in respect of all the officers/officials of Chandigarh Administration on various occasions like promotion, ACP, Ex-India Leave, deputation, retirement etc. The process till date has been the manual one which took around 20 to 30 days.To streamline the process and cut short the processing time, the Vigilance Department in collaboration with NIC, Chandigarh developed e-vigilance portal for the convenience of employees of the Chandigarh Administration. More than 33000 employees of Chandigarh Administration, Boards, Corporations & PSUs will get benefited from the e-Vigilance portal. The time for vigilance clearance has been cut short to maximum 2-3 working days.

Now, the departments have to apply online on the e-Vigilance portal to get the Vigilance Clearance Certificate. A provision has also been made in the e-vigilance portal, for uploading the pending departmental inquiry proceedings, which would be mandatory for all the HODs to update. On the e-vigilance portal, the Vigilance Clearance can be provided in transparent and time bound manner.

The Vigilance Department have been working on this portal under the guidance of Adviser to the Administrator-cum-Chief Vigilance Officer and senior officers of Vigilance Department.

Jitender Yadav, IAS, Secretary Sports, Harish Nayar, IAS, Special Secretary Vigilance,  Vivek Verma, SIO NIC and other officials of Vigilance Department, Chandigarh Administration were also present during the launch.

Police File

DATED 18.12.2018:

Special drive against consuming liquor at public place was carried out at different parts of the city in which total 03 cases U/S 68-1 (B) Punjab Police Act 2007 & 510 IPC got registered.

 In continuation of a special drive against consuming liquor at public place, yesterday, the drive was carried out at different parts of the city. Under this drive total 03 different cases U/S 68-1(B) Punjab Police Act 2007 & 510 IPC got registered in different police stations of Chandigarh in which total 03 persons were arrested while consuming liquor at public place. All later on bailed out. The detail of police Stations in which cases U/S 68-1 (B) Punjab Police Act 2007 & 510 got registered:- PS- 03= 2 cases, PS- Sarangpur = 1 case.

This drive will be continuing in future, the general public is requested for not breaking the law.

One arrested for Theft

Sh. Mohhamad Shadab R/o # 1406/B, Trishla City, Zirakpur, SAS Nagar, Distt.-Mohali, Punjab reported that unknown person stolen away complainant’s  bag containing mobile phone, wallet containing NCC ID-Card, CRPF Dependent Card, ATM Card, Credit card and cash Rs.1200/- from Post Graduate Girls College, Sector-11, Chandigarh on 04-11-2018. A case FIR No. 355, U/S 379, 411 IPC has been registered in PS-11, Chandigarh. Later one person namely Hari Om Singh R/o # 20, Phase-1, Ramdarbar, Chandigarh has been arrested in this case. Investigation of the case is in progress.

MV Theft

          Sh. Arush Sharma R/o # 960, Dashmesh Nagar, Village-Naya Gaon, Distt.-Mohali, Punjab reported that unknown person stolen away complainant’s Motor Cycle No. CH-01AJ-8971 while parked at Sports Complex, Sector-07, Chandigarh on 16.12.2018. A case FIR No. 378, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-26, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

        Sh. Sharad Kumar R/o # P-1110, Tin Colony, Sector-52, Chandigarh reported that unknown person stolen away complainant’s Motor Cycle No. CH-01AU-7531 while parked in parking of booth No.25/3, Village-Attawa, Chandigarh on 06.12.2018. A case FIR No. 442, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-36, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.


Sh. Ram Bahadur Singh R/o # 34, Block-H, Colony No.4, Industrial Area, Chandigarh alleged that two persons namely Ashish Pandey and Anil robbed away complainant’s gold chain and some cash near his residence on 17-12-2018. A case FIR No. 354, U/S 394, 34 IPC has been registered in PS-Ind. Area, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.


Sh. Manoj Kumar R/o Village-Behlolpur, Distt.-Mohali, Punjab alleged that two unknown persons cheated Rs. 37,000/- from complainant on the pretext of depositing his cash at Central Bank of India, SCO No.398, Sector-37/D, Chandigarh. A case FIR No. 471, U/S 406, 420 IPC has been registered in PS-39, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress.

शिरोमणि अकाली दल जिला पंचकूला ने बयान जारी कर कहा कि 84 के आरोपी सज्जन कुमार को उम्र कैद की सजा सुना कर न्याय प्रक्रिया में सिक्खों विश्वास कायम हुआ

photo and news : Kapil Nagpal

आज शिरोमणि अकाली दल जिला पंचकूला ने प्रेस नोट जारी कर कहा कि 84 के आरोपी सज्जन कुमार को उम्र कैद की सजा सुना कर न्याय प्रक्रिया में सिक्खों विश्वास कायम हुआ। अब सिक्खों की उम्मीद पक्की हो गई है कि आने वाले समय में और आरोपी भी सलाखों के पीछे जल्दी ही होगें। इस कार्य के लिए न्याय विभाग प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी इन केसों में अहम गवाह और स.मनजिंदर सिंह सिरसा जी की पूरी टीम का धन्यवाद किया गया जिसने इस फैसले को यहाँ तक पहुंचने का कार्य किया। शिरोमणि अकाली दल यह मांग करता है कि ऐसे लोगों को जो अभी तक न्याय प्रणाली को ठेंगा दिखाने व अपने राजनीतिक प्रभाव का इस्तेमाल कर के खुले आम घूम घूम कर न्याय प्रक्रिया को प्रभावित करने का कार्य कर रहे थे। आज के फैसले के बाद अब इनको यह अहसास हो जायेगा कि न्याय मिलने विलम्ब हो सकता है पर मिलेगा जरूर। शिरोमणि अकाली दल कि यह मांग है कि इस जघन्य हत्या कांड के आरोपियों को व उनको बचाने का कार्य करने वालों को सजाय मौत की सजा सुनाई जाये। इस अवसर पर मुख्य रूप से जिला अध्यक्ष शिरोमणि अकाली दल मलविंदर सिंह बेदी, वरिष्ट उपाध्यक्ष दलजीत सिंह मरड़, इंदर पाल सिंह अध्यक्ष रायतन क्षेत्र आदि लोग शामिल हुए।

जातिवादी प्रताड़ना व तिरष्कार के विरोध मे दोषियों के खिलाफ सख्त कानूनी कार्यवाही करवाने के लिये प्रदर्शन

फोटो और खबर: कपिल नागपाल

सोमवार 17-12-2018 को सांय 4:15 बजे हजरस पंचकूला के सभी साथी जिला शिक्षा अधिकारी पंचकूला के कार्यालय में पहुंचेंगें
रा उ वि बिल्ला मे हमारी साथी अध्यापिका के साथ हुये जातिवादी प्रताड़ना व तिरष्कार के विरोध मे दोषियों के खिलाफ सख्त कानूनी कार्यवाही करवाने के लिये प्रदर्शन किया जायेगा
शिक्षक का जाति के आधार पर अपमान होना बहुत ही दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है ।हम अपने किसी व्यक्ति के साथ जाति के आधार पर अत्याचार सहन नहीं करेंगें ये तो हद हो गयी कि हमारी बहन बेटी का अपमान व तिरस्कार हुआ है हम किस तरह सहन कर सकते या चुप रह सकते है
सभी साथियों से अनुरोध है कि ज्यादा से ज्यादा संख्या में पहुच कर अपना सहयोग देने का कष्ट करे

पंचकूला रेहड़ी फड़ी वालों ने पंचकूला में प्रदर्शन करते हुए डीसी ऑफिस पहुंचे डीसी ऑफिस में तहसीलदार को दिया ज्ञापन।

ख़बर विडियो, ओर तस्वीरें कपिल नागपाल

पंचकूला रेहड़ी फड़ी वालों ने पंचकूला में प्रदर्शन करते हुए डीसी ऑफिस पहुंचे डीसी ऑफिस में तहसीलदार को दिया ज्ञापन।

India on Monday declared an aid of $1.4 billion to the Maldives

Modi says at a joint press conference with Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih that both sides were connected by mutual faith in democracy and development.

India on Monday declared an aid of $1.4 billion to the Maldives. The financial package that was prepared over the last month was formally announced at a joint press conference held by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih of the Maldives and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Mr. Modi said both sides were connected by mutual faith in democracy and development. “Cooperation between our countries is necessary for maintaining stability in the Indian Ocean region and we are willing to take our bilateral relationship to its fullest extent.”

India would be there to support the Maldives in its human-oriented development plans. New Delhi would also support Male in improving connectivity links between the two nations.

In response, President Solih said his government would walk the path of cooperation and development. His discussion with India covered a wide swath of issues such as health, education, and defence, he noted.

India had agreed to a prime-ministerial visit to Male next year, he said.

Upon arrival, Mr. Solih had thanked India and described it as the “closest friend” of his country.

On Monday, both sides signed four agreements.

More than 1000 bank officers joined a protest demanded their long pending Wage Revision as per Charter of Demand for all officer up to Scale VII


On the call of All India Bank Officers Confederation , a body having more than 3.20 lac members across the country, held a massive demonstration , today , on 17th December  , in front of Punjab National Bank , Bank Square Sector-17, Chandigarh, where more than 1000 bank officers participated and They demand their long pending Wage Revision as per Charter of Demand for all officer up to Scale VII , updation /revision of pension and family pension  , introduction of five day week with immediate effect , stop mis- selling of third party products , focus on core business and NPA recovery , stop merger of Public Sector Banks . Speaking on the occasion Com Deepak Sharma , Joint General Secretary of AIBOC , strongly criticize the government and IBA for delay in their wage revision , which is due since November 2017 and demand immediate wage hike as per the charter of Demand for all the officers  up  to scale VII . He also demand immediate implementation of five day week . He further told that bank officers will observe 24 hour strike on 21st December to press for acceptance of their demands.

Com. Sanjay Sharma , President  SBIOA, Chandigarh Circle , strongly criticize the central government and IBA for ignoring long pending demands and asked to settle the at earliest . He further stated that government is hand in glove with big  corporate defaulters, who are having almost 84% of total NPAs of  banks and this is the main reasons for loss and weak position of PSBs.

Speaking on the occasion Com T S Saggu , State Secretary , AIBOC   strongly  criticize the government move of merger /amalgamation of Public Sector Banks and said that on the one side government is issuing licenses to the new small banks and on the other side they are merging the PSBs in the name of weak banks. the all most all the PSBs  are in operating profit and in net loss due to provisioning. Government is not serious about recovery from big corporate defaulters and are not making stringent laws for the recovery from them. He further stated that proposed 24 hour strike  on 21st December would be preceded by a series of massive agitation programmes across all the major centres and district headquarters, wearing of demand badges, display of posters at all Bank branches / offices / railway stations / bus stands, lunch time / evening time rally / demonstrations at all branches / offices and a Centralized Dharna at Delhi and at all State capitals and submission of Memorandum.

Others who were present on the demonstration are

Com Vipin Beri , Com. Harvinder Singh , Com. Sacin Kumar , Com . Arun Sikka Com D N Sharma , Com. H S Loona, Com. Neeru Saldi , Com. Balwinder Singh   were also present on the venue.