मुजफ्फरपुर बलात्कार कांड – जंतर मंतर “दिन में राजनैतिक चराग जलाए गए”

दिल्ली में मुजफ्फरपुर रेप कांड पर एकजुट दिखा विपक्ष, क्या होगा अंजाम!

इस मुद्दे को लेकर राज्य के साथ-साथ केंद्र सरकार पर हमला करना और कटघरे में खड़ा करना साफ दिखा रहा है कि विपक्ष अब सरकार को एकजुट होकर घेरने की तैयारी में है

यह धरना प्रदर्शन लेकर दिल्ली आने वाले तेजशवी यादव के तार सीधे सीधे अनैतिक देह व्यापार (देह व्यापार हमेशा ही अनैतिक रहा है) में लिप्त मणि प्रकाश यादव से जुड़े हैं। (कहीं यह उस मुद्दे से ध्यान भटकने कि एक कमजोर कोशिश तो नहीं?

वही दिल्ली, वही जंतरमंतर, वही बलात्कार की पीड़ा, वही धारना प्रदर्शन। इस बार फर्क सिर्फ इतना था कि धरने पर आने वाले लोगों ने मोमबत्तियाँ जलाईं और नितीश एवं मोदी सरकार को कटघरे में खड़ा किया। बलात्कार जैसे विषयों पर राजनीति न करने कि सलाह देने वालों ने जंतरमंतर पर जम कर राजनीति की।

निर्भ्या कांड के दौरान दिल्ली का हर युवा, प्रोढ़, वृद्ध क्या स्त्री क्या पुरुष सभी ने न्याय की गुहार लगाई, पानी की तोपों, लाठीयों डंडों क्या काय नहीं झेला, हफ्तों भर दिल्ली सुलगती रही, राहुल गांधी मौन रहे, मौन तो क्या किसी को दिखाई भी नहीं पड़े, ओर आज जंतर मंत्र पर मोमबत्ती जलाए खड़े हैं

सब कुछ लूटा के होश में आए तो क्या किया

दिन में अगर चराग जलाए तो क्या किया।

अरविंद केजरीवाल आज तक के दिल्ली के सबसे विवादास्पद मुख्यमंत्री, निर्भ्या कांड के दोषी को बाल गृह से बाहर निकलने पर वोटबंक की खातिर 25000 रुपए, सिलाई मशीन इत्यादि भेंट किए। उन्हें भी बिहार में हुई निर्मम, निर्लज्ज घटनाओं  पर बहुत क्षोभ है।उन्होने दिल्ली वासियों से कहा कि वह तेजशवी के धरने मे शामिल हो कर उनके धरने को सार्थक करें, और खुद भी दल बल सहित वहाँ मंच सांझा किया।

बलात्कार एक दर्दनाक धब्बा है जो स्त्री कि आत्मा तक को घायल कर देता है, घायल देह, विदीर्ण आत्मा सामाजिक अपमान झेलती स्त्री के दर्द को कब समझेंगे 


दिल्ली के जंतर-मंतर पर तेजस्वी यादव की अगुआई में सभी विपक्षी दलों का जमावड़ा लगा था. बिहार के मुजफ्फरपुर में शेल्टर होम में नाबालिग लड़कियों के साथ दुष्कर्म का मुद्दा गरम है और विपक्ष इस मुद्दे को लेकर बिहार की नीतीश सरकार के अलावा केंद्र की सरकार पर भी हमलावर है. विपक्ष इस मुद्दे को गरमाए रखना चाहता है. आलम यह है कि पटना में धरना-प्रदर्शन और सरकार के खिलाफ मोर्चा खोलने के बाद अब दिल्ली में भी विरोध का बिगुल फूंका गया.

बिहार विधानसभा में नेता प्रतिपक्ष तेजस्वी यादव की अगुआई में दिल्ली के जंतर मंतर पर सभी विरोधी पार्टियों के बड़े नेता पहुंचे थे. सीपीएम महासचिव सीताराम येचुरी, सीपीआई नेता डी राजा, शरद यादव, टीएमसी से दिनेश त्रिवेदी, आप से संजय सिंह और सोमनाथ भारती, आईएनएलडी से दुष्यंत चौटाला समेत कई पार्टियों के नेता मंच पर मौजूद थे.

लेकिन, मंच पर तेजस्वी के धरने प्रदर्शन को समर्थन देने दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल और कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष राहुल  गांधी का आना यह साबित कर गया कि इस वक्त मोदी विरोधी धड़े को मजबूती देने के लिए सभी विरोधी दल कुछ भी करने को तैयार हैं.

विपक्ष कि एकजुटता मात्र राजनैतिक

भले ही मुद्दा बिहार के मुजफ्फरपुर से जुड़ा है. लेकिन, इस मुद्दे को लेकर राज्य के साथ-साथ केंद्र सरकार पर हमला करना और कटघरे में खड़ा करना साफ दिखा रहा है कि विपक्ष अब सरकार को एकजुट होकर घेरने की तैयारी में है. धरने में शामिल होने आए कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष राहुल गांधी ने मुजफ्फपुर की घटना को लेकर देश भर की महिलाओं के हालात को लेकर चिंता जताई.

उन्होंने कहा कि ‘हम केवल 40 बच्चियों के लिए नहीं बल्कि हिंदुस्तान की सभी महिलाओं के लिए यहां आए हैं.’ एक बार फिर राहुल गांधी ने बीजेपी –आरएसएस पर निशाना साधते हुए कहा कि ‘एक तरफ बीजेपी-आरएसएस की सोच तो दूसरी तरफ पूरा हिंदुस्तान है और यह बात पीएम और उनकी पार्टी को भी दिखाई देगी.’

New Delhi: RJD leader Tejashwi Prasad Yadav addresses during a protest over the issue of alleged sexual abuse at a government-funded shelter home in Muzaffarpur district, in New Delhi on Saturday, Aug 4, 2018. (PTI Photo/Kamal Kishore) (PTI8_4_2018_000207B)

तेजस्वी यादव ने भी इस मुद्दे पर नीतीश कुमार पर जमकर हमला किया. तेजस्वी ने साफ शब्दों में कहा कि ‘इस मामले में दोषी लोग सत्ता के करीब थे लिहाजा कोई कार्रवाई नहीं हुई. तेजस्वी ने कहा कि मेरी भी सात बहनें हैं, मैं रात भर सो नहीं पाता.’ इस मुद्दे पर उन्होंने मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार के नाम खुला खत भी लिखकर उनके इस्तीफे की मांग की है.

कुमार से इस मुद्दे को लेकर नैतिकता के आधार पर इस्तीफा  मांग दिया. उधर दिल्ली के मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल ने भी इस मुद्दे पर तीन महीने के भीतर कार्रवाई कर दोषियों को फांसी की सजा दिए जाने की मांग कर दी.

नीतीश के सुशासन बाबू की छवि तोड़ना चाहते हैं तेजस्वी

दरअसल, यह मुद्दा बिहार में काफी तूल पकड़ता जा रहा है.आरजेडी की तरफ से लालू यादव के वारिस तेजस्वी यादव ने पूरी तरह से मोर्चा संभाल रखा है. तेजस्वी ने बिहार विधानसभा के भीतर भी इस मुद्दे पर जोरदार विरोध दर्ज कराया. बिहार में इस घटना के विरोध में जमकर मोर्चेबंदी की.

लेकिन, अब दिल्ली में पहुंचकर मुजफ्फरपुर की घटना को बिहार के बाहर राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर ले जाने की तैयारी से साफ है कि आरजेडी हर हाल में नीतीश कुमार की उस छवि को तोड़ना चाहती है, जिसके दम पर वो सुशासन बाबू के नाम से जाने जाते हैं.

New Delhi: (L-R) CPI leader D Raja, RJD leader Tejashwi Prasad Yadav, Loktantrik Janata Dal leader Sharad Yadav and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal during a protest over the issue of alleged sexual abuse at a government-funded shelter home in Muzaffarpur district, in New Delhi on Saturday, Aug 4, 2018. (PTI Photo/Indraneel Chowdhury)(PTI8_4_2018_000223B)

आरजेडी को लगता है कि नीतीश कुमार की बेहतर छवि पर सवाल खड़ा करने से बिहार और बिहार के बाहर पूरे देश भर में इसका फायदा उसे ही मिलेगा. लालू-राबड़ी शासनकाल में बिहार में जंगलराज का हवाला देकर नीतीश कुमार ने बेहतर शासन का विकल्प देने का वादा किया था. ऐसे में अब पलटवार आरजेडी की तरफ से हो रही है. इस तरह की घटनाओं को जोर-शोर से उठाकर आरजेडी दिखाने की कोशिश कर रही है कि नीतीश कुमार बेहतर शासन देने में विफल रहे हैं, इस उम्मीद में कि अब अगले चुनाव में जनता नीतीश के चेहरे को बदल दे.

लेकिन, मुख्यमंत्री नीतीश कुमार ने दोषियों के खिलाफ कड़ी कार्रवाई की बात कर डैमेज कंट्रोल की कोशिश शुरू कर दी है. लेकिन, लगता है इस मुद्दे पर विरोधियों से अभी तकरार  जारी रहने वाली है. इस मुद्दे पर सियासी बवाल भी जारी रहेगा. लेकिन, बार-बार दुष्कर्म की इस हृदय विदारक घटना पर सियासत नहीं करने की बात करने वाले सभी दल अपनी सियासत ही चमकाने में ज्यादा लगे हैं.

Daily Bulletin: India’s Chandrayaan-2 mission postponed for the second time

Here’s what is expected to make the news on Sunday:

India’s Chandrayaan-2 mission postponed for the second time

World Badminton Championships: Having beaten the likes of Ji Hyun Sung, Nozomi Okuhara and Akane Yamaguchi so far, PV Sindhu will take on Carolina Marin in the final of the World Badminton Championships today. Sindhu will be keen to win the title this time around after losing at the same stage to Okuhara last year.

Delhi terror alert for Independence Day: Just days ahead of the 72nd Independence Day celebration, security forces in the national capital have gone on a high alert following intel of a Jaish-e-Mohammad planning a “fidayeen attack”.Manchester City take on Chelsea in the FA Community Shield: The 2017-18 Premier League champions Manchester City face FA Cup champions Chelsea in the 2018-19 season curtain raiser. It will be Maurizio Sarri’s first competitive match as in-charge of Chelsea. Both clubs are missing important players like Eden Hazard, Thibaut Courtois, N’golo Kante (Chelsea), Kevin De Bruyne, John Stones, Raheem Sterling (City) after they played for their respective national sides at the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Harvey Weinstein case: Disgraced Hollywood tycoon’s defense lawyer has demanded that a New York court dismisses the sex crime charges against him, by disclosing “warm” emails between him and his alleged rape victim, in which she said “I love you”, among other things.

Muzaffarpur shelter home rape case: As Opposition leaders targeted the Nitish Kumar – government over the Muzaffarpur shelter home rape case on Saturday, the heat is on Bihar social welfare minister Manju Verma, whose husband is accused of often entering the rooms of minor girls in the shelter home without anyone accompanying him. Verma reportedly defended her husband on Saturday and said that she would hang him herself if he is found guilty in the sex scandal.

Assam flood situation worsens: The flood situation in Assam deteriorated on Saturday with two more deaths reported in Sivasagar district, taking the toll to 43, while nearly 1.1 lakh people remain affected across six districts in the state. According to the Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA), two persons lost their lives in flood-related incidents at Sonari revenue circle of Sivasagar.

NRC in Assam: A day after TMC filed two police complaints were filed against Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal in West Bengal, two more FIRs have been registered in Assam against West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee and members of a TMC delegation, which went to Silchar, for allegedly creating disturbances on the basis of religion. A total of five FIRs have been registered against Banerjee in Assam since the publication of the NRC final draft on 30 July.

Imran may take oath as Pakistan PM on 14 August: Imran Khan, who is set to become Pakistan’s new prime minister, may take oath of the office on the country’s Independence Day on 14 August. Unveiling a tentative schedule of the National Assembly formation, caretaker Law Minister Ali Zafar told Dawn that the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) was already on board as it was engaged in making necessary arrangements required to hold the prime minister’s election on the desired date. Zafar said a fresh session of the assembly could be called on August on 11 or 12.

Confirmed Ebola cases rise to 13 in Congo’s latest outbreak: The number of confirmed cases in Congo’s new outbreak of the Ebola virus has risen to 13, including three deaths. The World Health Organisation has warned that this new outbreak of the deadly virus in North Kivu province poses a particular challenge as the region is a “war zone” with several active armed groups and thousands of displaced people. Congo announced the latest outbreak on Wednesday with four confirmed cases, a week after declaring the end to a previous outbreak in the northwest with 33 deaths.

India’s Chandrayaan-2 mission postponed for the second time: According to reports, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has postponed the Chandrayan-2 mission, which aimed to soft- landing a rover on the surface of the moon. The Chandrayan-2 mission, which was supposed to be launched in October has now been postponed to December.

GST slabs may reduce to 3: In the long-term, Goods and Services Tax (GST) slabs may come down to three, in addition to the exempted category, Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Adviser to the Finance Ministry, said on Saturday. The three slabs could be a low of 5 per cent, a central 15 per cent (merging 12 per cent and 18 per cent slabs that exist now) and a top rate of 25 per cent. Presently, there are four GST slabs of 5, 12, 18 and 28 per cent, plus the exempted category which attracts 0 per cent GST.

There is no vacancy for the prime minister’s post till 2024: Paswan

Union minister Ram Vilas Paswan

Chandigarh: Union minister Ram Vilas Paswan on Saturday asserted that there was no vacancy for the prime minister’s post in 2019 and the Opposition should work hard and aim for it in 2024.

The ruling NDA partner Lok Janshakti Party chief Pawan made the assertion and claimed that the achievements of the Narendra Modi government in last four years were more than those of any other regime since Independence.

Paswan also spoke at length on Dalit issues, acknowledging that the government earlier had a problem of perception on the Dalit issue, but the same had been set right.

The Union Minister for Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution was addressing a news conference, during which he also described the NDA government as “pro-poor, pro-Dalits and pro-farmers”.

Paswan made the remarks in reply to queries on his experience as the NDA partner and if he would be the part of the BJP-led alliance in the 2019 polls.

“The Modi government has been in power for over four years now and if you count the achievements of this government during this tenure, it has been better than any other government since Independence.

“There is no charge which the prime minister faces, he comes from a humble background. Out of 24 hours, he works for 20 hours… This government brought so many schemes for common man and the poor like Jan Dhan Yojana, insurance cover for common people. Besides, India is emerging as an economic superpower,” he said.

He said the LJP supported the NDA when it had only two other allies – the Akali Dal and the Shiv Sena.

“For the last two years, we (LJP) have been saying that in 2019, there is no vacancy, the Congress and the Opposition can work hard, but they should realise there is no vacancy in 2019. They can work hard for 2024 and not 2019,” he said.

Asked if the LJP would be part of the NDA in 2019, Paswan categorically said, “Not being so is unthinkable.”

Referring to the Supreme Court’s March 2018 order which had laid down some safeguards against the misuse of the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, Paswan said after this verdict some people started a campaign to portray the Modi regime as “anti-Dalit”.

He said the entire country knew that the Supreme Court had diluted the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act and that it was not a government decision, but a countrywide protest was started as if the government had done it.

“We filed a review petition in the court. As we felt it may take time, a decision was taken in the Cabinet and a bill (to undo the Supreme Court order) was introduced in the Lok Sabha on Friday,” he said.

With the Opposition targeting the BJP over dilution of the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, Paswan said various Dalit organisations would hold rallies across the country from 11-14 August, and thank the prime minister for bringing the bill to undo the apex court verdict on the matter.

The Dalit Sena, affiliated to the LJP, has lauded Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the government’s “historic” decision to bring the bill to undo the apex court order on the law on atrocities against the Dalits.

Paswan said four-five months back he had stated that despite so many works and achievements of the Narendra Modi government, there was “a perception that this regime is anti-Dalit.” And, he had also said he would set this perception right, he added.

Paswan said while speaking in the ongoing session of the Parliament recently that he had pointed out that that the Opposition brought the no-confidence motion against the government, “but not even one from the Opposition, be it the Congress or the Samajwadi Party, uttered a word pertaining to Dalits or the atrocities.”

Asked if the government’s stand would change in case the Supreme Court stands by its verdict in response to the petition for review of the March verdict on the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, Paswan asserted that “it is the government’s job to make law.”

“Parliament is supreme, the court’s work is to see whether the laws which have been made, are constitutionally right… it is the government’s job to make law,” he said.

Countering arguments that the apex court’s judgment had only laid down some safeguards to prevent the misuse of the SC/ST Act, Paswan said any act can be misused, but the misuse of any law is not a valid ground for repeal of its provisions.

“Did it not happen in dowry cases when entire family often landed behind bars?” he asked.

He said “many Dalits feared lodging an FIR after dilution of the Act.”

“Now, they have said a DSP will probe, but which DSP favours the poor? The result will be that the atrocities will once again rise,” he said referring to the apex court’s 20 March verdict, which stipulated that before registering the FIRs under the SC/ST Act, a DSP-level officer would hold a preliminary inquiry and the prior permission of an SP-rank officer would be needed to arrest the accused.

Asked about Rashtriya Janata Dal’s (RJD) protest rally with other Opposition parties at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi over sexual abuse of the girls at Muzaffarpur shelter home, Paswan said taking out protest march was the job of the Opposition and they would do that.

What was important in this case, he said, was to see the intent of the Bihar chief minister, who has described the incident as “shameful” and assured that the culprits would not be spared.

Sepratists and political parties join hands for Artical 35.A


Days before the Supreme Court is to start hearing a bunch of petitions challenging the validity of Artical 35.A of the Constitution which gives the Jammu and Kashmir legislature the powers to decide who are permanent residents of the state, the administration has written to the apex court to defer the hearings, citing upcoming panchayat and urban local body elections.

In a letter written to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, on Friday, counsel for the Jammu and Kashmir government sought an adjournment of the hearings on “account of the ongoing preparations for the upcoming panchayat/urban local body and municipal elections.” The hearings are to start on Monday.

Hindustan Times is in possession of a copy of the letter written to the Supreme Court Registrar. Kashmiri separatist organisations have called for a two day shutdown against the attempts to repeal Article 35 A.

Article 35A gives special rights to permanent residents of Jammu and Kashmir. It disallows people from outside the state from buying or owning immovable property in the state settle permanently, or avail themselves of state-sponsored scholarships.

A bunch of petitions have been filed in the top court challenging article 35 A of the constitution contending that the article was illegally added because it was never proposed before Parliament.

Article 35 A was added to the Constitution by a Presidential Order. It accords special rights and privileges to the citizens of J&K and also empowers the state legislature to frame any law without attracting a challenge on the grounds of it violating the Right to Equality of people from other states under the Indian Constitution.

A think tank associated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) that has been campaigning to repeal Article 35A of the Constitution has, meanwhile, stepped up efforts to garner support for its demand.

The Jammu and Kashmir Study Centre (JKSC) has been opposing the article on grounds that it “violates the rights of citizens and has been incorporated without following the due process.” It has also been pushing for abrogation of Article 370 that confers special status on Jammu and Kashmir,

JKSC has been trying to shape public opinion through discussions and closed door meetings on how Article 35 A is discriminatory against women and the marginalised sections.

As per the provision of the law, if a woman from the state marries a non-state subject, her husband and children cannot inherit her assets and are denied a permanent resident certificate (PRC); this does not apply to men who marry non-state subjects.

“Women are the worst affected by this (35A) provision,” said Abha Khanna, director (media) of the JKSC. She said over 200 Valmiki (lower caste) families that were moved to the state in 1957 with the promise that they would be granted a permanent residence certificate (PRC) had not yet been rehabilitated.

“These people were offered permanent residency, with the condition that it would last only till the time they were alive; now their children and grandchildren are denied admissions and jobs. Similarly, the Gorkhas who came in 18th Century and have served the state and its people are also denied PRC,” she said.

According to an RSS functionary, the issue came up for discussion at the Akhil Bharatiya Prant Pracharak meeting held in Jammu in June, where the Sangh brass reiterated the need to repeal the Article.

“The decision to mobilise support for repealing the Article, which the Sangh feels is a fraud, was taken at the meeting,” the functionary said on condition of anonymity.

Sonoval quoted Mamta’ TMC as “divisive design of the external forces”



Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal hit out at his West Bengal counterpart Mamata Banerjee on Saturday, saying there was an “evil design” in her remarks and sending a TMC team to the north-eastern state to destabilise the NRC process.

Banerjee had questioned the transparency of the final NRC draft and alleged that the Centre had resorted to “vote bank and divide and rule policy”.

She had also alleged that the exclusion of over 40 lakh people from the register was an “attempt to evict the Bengalis from Assam” and said those Indian citizens had become “refugees in their own land”.

Sonowal thanked the people of Barak Valley for the “exemplary composure” they exhibited, without falling prey to the “divisive design of the external forces”, an official release issued by the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) said.

He also condemned the alleged move of the external forces to vitiate the peaceful environment in Assam in the name of the National Register of Citizens (NRC), the release added.

“Sonowal hailed the restraint and patience shown by the people of Assam, more particularly the residents of Barak Valley, in view of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s inflammatory remarks and her decision of sending a delegation to Barak Valley with an evil design to polarise the society,” it said.

The chief minister also said since the beginning of updating the NRC, some vested interests were hell-bent on destabilising the process by making remarks inimical to the age-old unity prevailing among the people of the Barak and Brahmaputra valleys, the hills and the plains.

He added that “in spite of all evil intentions”, the people of Assam showed “remarkable composure” and strengthened the friendship and camaraderie among themselves.

Sonowal thanked the Bengali-speaking people of the state and different organisations spread across Assam for “unequivocally” registering their protests against the West Bengal chief minister’s “plan of polarising the state”.

“Assam is a land known for its unity since ages. People belonging to different castes, communities, creed and religions symbolise this unity which is unique. Though several attempts were made to disturb this unity, the people of Assam showed resilience and reinforced the state’s unity,” he added.

The people of the Barak and Brahmaputra valleys, the hills and the plains of the state will never be misled by such “evil design”, Sonowal asserted.

He said the people of Assam are guided by the humanitarian and unifying philosophies of singer and lyricist Bhupen Hazarika and Leftist composer-singer Hemanga Biswas.

Referring to the age-old harmonious relations between Assam and West Bengal, he mentioned the common socio-cultural icons such as Ashutosh Mukherjee, Sahityarathi Lakshminath Bezbaroa and Rabindranath Tagore.

“Therefore, being a chief minister of such a state which has deep-rooted culture and traditions, Mamata Banerjee should not have made such baseless comments which have got communal undertone aimed at disturbing the strong relations between Assam and Bengal,” Sonowal said.

The recent NRC document is only a draft and all genuine Indian citizens whose names did not feature in it need not worry. They would get “ample opportunities” to get their names enrolled through disposal of claims and objections, he said.

The chief minister said Assam has a culture and civilisation which has evolved as a result of melting down of different communities and ethnicities, which are all embracive and receptive.

“Exhibiting unique resilience, the people of Assam have always showed political maturity. Peacefully accepting the publication of the draft NRC is testimony of such political maturity of the people of Assam,” he asserted.

Sonowal said the final draft of the NRC had been prepared under the direct supervision of the Supreme Court with active role of the Registrar General of India and is a document to safeguard the interest of the people of Assam.

“It is a matter of pride and prestige for the people of the state to be a part of the updating of the NRC and witness the complete draft publication in an atmosphere of complete peace and rejoice,” he said.

Banerjee had also sent an eight-member Trinamool Congress team to assess the situation in Barak Valley on August 2 following the publication of the final fraft of the NRC, which is touted as the proof of Assamese identity.

The team was kept under preventive detention at the Silchar airport and was sent back the next day.

The Assam Police has registered five FIRs against Banerjee by the people as well as a lady police official, who was allegedly injured during a scuffle with the TMC delegates at Silchar airport.

Two police complaints were filed against Sonowal by the TMC in Kolkata.

BJP says ready to debate on scrapping of J&K’s Article 35A in Supreme Court


SC is hearing a batch of petitions in the matter, including the one filed by an RSS-linked NGO ‘We the Citizens’, seeking quashing of the article

The Jammu and Kashmir unit of the BJP on Saturday said the party was open to a debate over Article 35A of the Constitution, which confers special status to permanent residents of the state, as protests continued against the August 6Supreme Court hearing on petitions challenging the provision.

The apex court is hearing a batch of petitions in the matter, including the one filed by an RSS-linked NGO ‘We the Citizens’, seeking quashing of the article.

“The BJP is open to a debate with anyone or any political party on whether or not Article 35A is in the interest of the people of the state. We are extending an open invitation,” the state BJP chief spokesperson Sunil Sethi told reporters here.

He said over the last few days, the political climate in the state has heated up over Article 35A and some political parties, especially those active in Kashmir, have taken an “anti-national and anti-people” stand on the issue.

Targeting the National Conference (NC) and the Congress, Sethi said people in the Valley are being misled over Article 35A by being told that it is for their betterment and in the interest of the state.

“The continuation of Article 35A will not have any benefit for the state. The central government has pumped crores of rupees into the state over the last 70 years but the development has not been as it should have been,” he said.

He said Article 35A has acted as an obstacle in the state’s development because it did not allow outside investment.

“Investors do not come here to set up Infrastructure. The youth are not getting the jobs,” he added.

The BJP spokesperson alleged some politicians want to maintain the position for vote bank politics.

Responding to a statement by the NC’s provincial president Devender Singh Rana that the special provision was introduced by Maharaja Hari Singh to safeguard the interests of the state, Sethi said the situation was different from what it was now when the law was enacted.

Maharaj Hari Singh

“It was a princely state and not a part of India at that time. After accession, Jammu and Kashmir became part of India,” he said.

“When we are a part of India then what is the need for separate provisions and that too when it has created hurdles in the development and is also discriminatory in nature,” he added.

Accusing Rana of playing politics over the name of Maharaja Hari Singh, Sethi said it was the NC and the Congress who conspired to send the king out of the state and did not allow him to return till death.

As a result of Article 35A, West Paksitan refugees, who came to the state in 1947, have been denied the right of being state subjects, which was promised to them, and local girls who marry outside the state lose their right over property, he said.

“Jammu and Kashmir is not for foreigners but West Pakistan refugees are Indians and can live anywhere in the country, but not Rohingyas and Bangladeshi nationals,” he said.

“My appeal to the people of Jammu and Kashmir is to understand the real purpose of Article 35A. It is like an iron chain which is keeping us from moving forward. If the state subject laws change, it will benefit the state,” Sethi said.

He said if the article is repealed, new laws could be made to pave way for industrial growth and to prevent outsiders from settling in residential areas.

Article 35A, which was incorporated in the Constitution by a 1954 Presidential Order, accords special rights and privileges to the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir and denies property rights to a woman who marries a person from outside the state.

The provision, which leads such women from the state to forfeit their right over property, also applies to their heirs.

Senior Bar lawyers all set to defend Article 35A in Supreme Court

A 14-member group of senior lawyers from the Kashmir Bar Association will appear before the Supreme Court on Monday to oppose the petitions seeking the scrapping of constitutional provisions which grant special status to Jammu and Kashmir.

Following its executive committee meeting today, the Bar has constituted the 14-member team to defend Articles 35A and 370 of the Constitution of India besides Section 6 of the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir.

All these constitutional provisions are under challenge before the apex court at least in six petitions which included a Special Leave Petition against the Delhi High Court judgment dismissing a Public Interest Litigation against Article 370.

Bar has the contention that Articles 370, 35A and constitution of Jammu and Kashmir, which protect state’s special position, have been questioned to get rid of these provisions to bring state at par with other states of India notwithstanding the limited nature of accession, United Nations resolutions, the constitution of Jammu and Kashmir and the International Declarations.

The Article 35A was incorporated in the Constitution of India by the President through the Constitution (application to J&K) Order 1954. Under Article 35A, the J&K legislature is empowered to define permanent residents of the state and grant special rights and privileges to them.

The lawyers’ body pleads that Article 35A is a part of the Constitutional Application Order of 1954 and has been made by President of India, who alone is competent, and not the Parliament or Union Executive, to make Constitution for the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

President of India, the Bar says, was competent to apply the Constitution of India with “modifications” and “exceptions” to Jammu and Kashmir.

The Bar further contends that “all the Constitutional Application Orders, kind of ‘exceptions’ and ‘modifications’ they contain clearly establish that the State of Jammu and Kashmir is not and cannot be treated or equated with any other State of the Indian Union”.

The Bar contends that the Government of India Act, 1935, did not apply to the State of Jammu and Kashmir and the State under the said Act never became part of British India.

“The conditions of accession provided under Section 5 and 6 of the said Act were never fulfilled by Kashmir State,” it pleads.

The Bar team, who will plead the case on August 6 in SC, comprises of Bar president  advocate M A Qayoom, vice-president Mushtaq Ahmad Dar,  secretary GN Shaheen, joint secretary  AdilAsimi,  senior advocates ZA  Shah and Riyaz Ahmad Jan besides advocates  Manzoor Ahmad Dar, AltafHaqani, Muhammad ShafiReshi, Nazir Ahmad Ronga,  Muhammad Ashraf Bhat, Bashir Sidiq, MudasirYousuf and  MianMuzaffar.

The Bar has already submitted an intervention application in the SC.

In 2014, an NGO ‘We the Citizens’ filed a writ petition in the Supreme Court seeking the striking down of the Article 35A as it was not added to the Constitution through following the procedure prescribed in the Article 368 of the Indian Constitution. In response, while the J&K Government filed a counter-affidavit and sought dismissal of the petition, the Government of India did not file objections to the petition

‘The hurrier I go, the behinder I get’ Delhi HC on AAP



New Delhi:

In a blow to the AAP government, its much-touted March 2017 order revising the minimum wages for all classes of workmen in scheduled employment was on Saturday quashed by the Delhi High Court which said the “hurried” decision was taken without hearing the employers or employees who would be affected and was violative of the Constitution.

In its 218-page verdict, a bench of Acting Chief Justice Gita Mittal and Justice C Hari Shankar also set aside a September 2016 notification by which a Minimum Wages Advisory Committee for all scheduled employments was set up, saying that its constitution was “completely flawed”.

The court noted that though the revision of wages “is sorely needed”, the “hurried attempt” and “contravening principles of natural justice has unfortunately disrupted this course, yet again” and referred to a line from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol — ‘The hurrier I go, the behinder I get’.

The bench, however, also said that the fixation of minimum wages in Delhi cannot be faulted simply because they are higher than the rates of minimum wages fixed in surrounding states and towns.

The “flawed” Committee “gave a report which was not based on relevant material, denied fair representation to the employers as well as the employees, in fact without any effort even to gather relevant material and information. The government (of Delhi) decision based on such advice in violation of express statutory provision and principles of natural justice as well as to the prejudice of employers as well as employees is unsustainable.

“Given the detailed factual narrative, the law and the failure of the Committee as well as the respondents to comport to the same, we have no manner of doubt that the exercise of power by the respondents (Delhi government) was not reasonable and was manifestly arbitrary. The same has to be struck down as violative of Article 14 of the Constitution of India,” the court said.

The bench said an attempt to constitute the committee in April 2016 had already “disrupted the course of wage revision once”. “Alas, even though the revision is sorely needed, the hurried attempt again, inter alia failing to comport with binding the statutory requirements, without relevant material and contravening principles of natural justice has unfortunately disrupted this course, yet again,” the court said.

It said the line from Alice in Wonderland “appropriately manifests the manner in which the hurried actions of the respondents (Delhi government) would set back the entire work force of the city”.

The court verdict came on the pleas by employers — associations of traders, petrol dealers and restaurants — who had sought setting aside of the 3 March, 2017 notification revising the minimum wages, saying they were not represented or heard by the advisory committee.

According to the 3 March, 2017 notification, for an unskilled worker the minimum wages were fixed at Rs 13,350 per month against the then existing Rs 9,724 per month. For semi-skilled and skilled persons, it had increased from Rs 10,764 to Rs 14,698 and from Rs 11,830 to Rs 16,182 per month, respectively.

The employers had in their pleas sought setting aside of the 15 September, 2016 notification constituting the advisory committee, claiming the persons representing the employers in the panel did not have expertise with regard to nature of employment in the capital.

Agreeing with the contentions of the employers, the bench said, “The representatives of the employers, had a legitimate expectation of being heard as the advice of the committee was to inevitably affect them” and added that “the improper constitution of the committee especially the lack of representation of employers has substantially resulted in prejudice to their interest”.

The court said any change in the prescribed rates of minimum wages was bound to adversely impact either the industry or the workmen and, therefore, “these stakeholders were necessarily required to be afforded a proper opportunity of hearing…”.

“We have, in the present case found that in issuing the omnibus notification, employees who, keeping in view their skills/location etc., would have been entitled to higher wages, stand unfairly deprived of the same,” it said and added “clearly the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi was aware of the requirement of law and consciously failed to comport to the same”.

On the challenge to appointment of officers of the Labour Department or the Director of Economics and Statistics as members of the committee, the bench said that while their eligibility cannot be faulted, they “failed to conduct themselves dispassionately and did not apply their independent minds”.

The court said that the Delhi government appointed the very same officials as independent persons on the committee, who had already taken a view in the matter and made recommendations in the year 2016.

“…therefore, when appointed for the second time, they were clearly close-minded and proceeded in the matter in a predetermined manner,” it said.

“The notification dated September 15, 2016 .. is ultra vires of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and is hereby declared invalid and quashed.”

“The Notification dated March 3, 2017 … is ultra vires Article 14 of the Constitution of India, the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and the Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, appears from non-application of mind, is based on no material and is in contravention of principles of natural justice and is hereby declared invalid and quashed,” the bench said.

Narayan Singh Chaura a khalistan activist was today released on bail


Khalistani activist Narayan Singh Chaura was today released on bail from Amritsar Jail .

मुगल सराय जन॰ = दीन दयाल उपाध्याय जन॰

मुगलसराय के नाम को बदलने को ले कर राजी सभा में हुआ हँगामा

अब MGS नहीं DDU होगा कोड


रेल मंत्री पीयूष गोयल उत्तर प्रदेश के चंदौली जिले में स्थित मुगलसराय रेलवे स्टेशन का नाम पंडित दीन दयाल उपाध्याय के नाम पर रखे जाने की आधिकारिक घोषणा  कल करेंगे| इस दौरान भाजपा अध्यक्ष अमित शाह भी मौजूद रहेंगे| मुगलसराय के मण्डल रेल प्रबन्धक पंकज सक्सेना ने बताया कि गोयल रेलवे जंक्शन के नये नाम की घोषणा करने के साथ-साथ उसके यार्ड को स्मार्ट यार्ड बनाने, रूट रिले इंटरलाकिंग तथा रेलवे स्टेशन पर अन्य विकास कार्य कराने का एलान भी कर सकते हैं| सक्सेना ने बताया कि वह ‘एकात्म एक्सप्रेस‘ ट्रेन को हरी झंडी भी दिखाएंगे| यह ट्रेन सप्ताह में दो दिन सुलतानपुर के रास्ते चलायी जाएगी|

1968 में मुगलसराय रेलवे स्टेशन के पास ही मृत पाये गये थे दीन दयाल उपाध्याय

इस कार्यक्रम में भाजपा के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष अमित शाह के अलावा रेल राज्यमंत्री मनोज सिन्हा, उत्तर प्रदेश के उप मुख्यमंत्री केशव प्रसाद मौर्य तथा अन्य वरिष्ठ भाजपा नेता भी मौजूद रहेंगे| इस बीच, सम्पूर्ण रेलवे स्टेशन को केसरिया रंग में रंगा जा रहा है और परिसर में प्रवेश और निकास द्वार के साइनबोर्ड के साथ-साथ प्लेटफार्म के नाम को भी बदला जा रहा है| ‘एकात्म मानववाद‘ का संदेश देने वाले राष्ट्रीय स्वयं सेवक संघ के विचारक दीन दयाल उपाध्याय फरवरी 1968 में मुगलसराय रेलवे स्टेशन के पास ही संदिग्ध अवस्था में मृत पाये गये थे|