जेल जाने से पहले लालू यादव को राहुल गांधी का वो अध्यादेश फाड़ना याद आ रहा होगा

रांची में सीबीआई की विशेष अदालत में सरेंडर करने जाने से पहले आरजेडी प्रमुख लालू यादव ने 2019 के लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले सियासी हलचल पर भी बोला.

रांची में सीबीआई की विशेष अदालत में सरेंडर करने जाने से पहले आरजेडी प्रमुख लालू यादव ने 2019 के लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले सियासी हलचल पर भी बोला. पिछले 110 दिनों से जेल से बाहर रह कर इलाज करा रहे लालू यादव ने अबतक चुप्पी साध रखी थी. मीडिया से दूर थे. लेकिन, जेल जाने से पहले अगले लोकसभा चुनाव में विपक्षी तालमेल और एकजुटता की संभावनाओं पर खुलकर बात की.

2019 में विपक्षी दलों के महागठबंधन के मसले पर लालू यादव ने कहा कि विपक्ष इस वक्त एक मंच पर है, कहीं किसी तरह का कोई ईगो नहीं है. लालू ने साफ कर दिया कि कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष राहुल गांधी, टीएमसी सुप्रीमो और पश्चिम बंगाल की मुख्यमंत्री ममता बनर्जी, बीएसपी अध्यक्ष मायावती समेत सभी नेता मिलकर विपक्षी एकता के मुद्दे पर चर्चा कर लेंगे और सबकुछ ठीक-ठाक हो जाएगा.

दरअसल, विपक्षी एकता की जब भी चर्चा होती है तो उसके केंद्र में प्रधानमंत्री पद का मुद्दा सबसे पहले आ जाता है. सवाल यही उठता है कि मोदी को पटखनी देने के नाम पर सभी विपक्षी दल एक साथ होने की बात तो करते हैं लेकिन, चेहरा कौन होगा इस नाम पर सभी कन्नी काट जाते हैं. हकीकत यही है कि इस मुद्दे पर एक राय है ही नहीं.

लालू यादव का बयान भी उसी संदर्भ में देखा जा रहा है. चारा घोटाले में सजायाफ्ता लालू तो खुद तो चुनाव नहीं लड़ सकते हैं, ऐसे में उनके सपने देखने का तो कोई सवाल ही नहीं है. लेकिन, खुलकर लालू भी मुख्य विपक्षी दल कांग्रेस के युवा मुखिया राहुल गांधी के नाम पर हामी नहीं भर रहे हैं. शायद जेल जाने से पहले लालू यादव को राहुल गांधी का वो अध्यादेश फाड़ना याद आ रहा होगा, जिसमें सजायाफ्ता होने के बाद लालू को राहत नहीं मिल सकी थी.

कई मौकों पर लालू यादव से राहुल गांधी दूरी बनाते भी नजर आए हैं. लेकिन, राहुल गांधी के साथ लालू यादव के वारिस उनके छोटे बेटे तेजस्वी यादव की जुगलबंदी के बावजूद न ही लालू और न ही तेजस्वी ने राहुल गांधी के नाम पर हामी भरी है.

तेजस्वी यादव ने भी कई मौकों पर यह हिदायत दी है कि कांग्रेस को बिहार और यूपी जैसे राज्यों में अपने सहयोगियों के लिए त्याग करना होगा. दरअसल, बिहार में पिछले विधानसभा चुनाव के वक्त जेडीयू-आरजेडी और कांग्रेस ने मिलकर महागठबंधऩ बनाया था. इसका फायदा भी हुआ. बीजेपी की हार हुई थी. फायदा कांग्रेस को भी हुआ था. अब नीतीश कुमार के महागठबंधन से बाहर जाने के बाद कांग्रेस चुनाव में अपनी ज्यादा हिस्सेदारी की मांग कर रही है.

कांग्रेस की तरफ से लोकसभा की 40 सीटों में से 12 सीटों की मांग की जा रही है. कांग्रेस को लगता है कि जेल जाने के बाद लालू की गैर हाजिरी में अब आरजेडी से सौदेबाजी करना ज्यादा आसान होगा. लेकिन, आरजेडी इस बात को समझ रही है. तेजस्वी यादव ने पहले ही आरजेडी के खेमे में जीतनराम मांझी को शामिल कर लिया है. चर्चा उपेंद्र कुशवाहा को लेकर भी है. लिहाजा राष्ट्रीय पार्टी कांग्रेस से बिहार में त्याग करने की बात तेजस्वी की तरफ से की गई थी.

आरजेडी इस बात को समझती है कि कांग्रेस के मुकाबले अगर क्षेत्रीय दलों की तरफ से गठबंधऩ का नेतृत्व किया जाता है तो उन्हें सत्ता में हिस्सेदारी ज्यादा मिलेगी. हकीकत यह भी है कि बिहार और यूपी जैसे राज्यों में कांग्रेस अब वैशाखी के ही सहारे चल रही है. ऐसे में अपनी वैशाखी के सहारे चलने वाली पार्टी को आरजेडी नहीं चाहेगी कि वो सत्ता के शिखर पर पहुंच कर नेतृत्व करे.

उधर, बात ममता बनर्जी और मायावती की करें तो उनकी तरफ से भी नेतृत्व के मुद्दे पर एक ही बात कही जा रही है कि चुनाव बाद इस मुद्दे को हल कर लिया जाएगा. यानी गठबंधन बनाने की बात तो हो रही है, लेकिन, इस गठबंधन का चेहरा कौन होगा इस पर विपक्षी दलों की तरफ से गोल-मोल जवाब दिया जा रहा है.

विपक्ष के गठबंधन की यही हकीकत भी है. विपक्ष के भीतर बीजेपी को हराने को लेकर एकजुटता की बात तो हो रही है, लेकिन, किसी एक को नेता मानने के लिए विपक्ष राजी नहीं हो रहा है. कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष राहुल गांधी की तरफ से भी प्रधानमंत्री के पद पर अपनी दावेदारी करने और फिर इससे पीछे हटने के पीछे भी यही कहानी है.

लालू यादव के बयान से भी साफ है मोदी के खिलाफ हमलावर विपक्षी खेमे के भीतर सीटों के तालमेल से लेकर नेतृत्व के फैसले तक कोई ठोस योजना नहीं है.


Phy. Edu. Department PU celebrates Sports Day

Photo by Rakesh Shah


The Director Sports, Panjab University in collaboration with Department of Physical Education  celebrated National Sports Day in memory of Lt. Sh. Dhyan Chand- a three times Olympic Gold Medalist-Hockey Player.

The Vice-Chancellor Prof. Raj Kumar was the Chief Guest on this day. The VC shared his experiences and also motivated the players.    The PU VC and Dr. Parminder Singh Ahluwalia, Director Phy. Edu. and Sports gives congratulations to all the players/coaches/staff on the occasion of National Sports Day.

Photo by Rakesh Shah

Approx 300 players participated in the celebration of National Sports Day. A friendly matches of Hockey and Volleyball was organized and a Work Shop is also organized by this directorate on National Sports Day.

Further it gives immense pleasure to inform that the 17 players (present and Ex- players) of Panjab University secures various position in the Asian Games at Indonesia (Jakarta) in which Mr. Neeraj Chopra of Panjab University sets new meet record in the event of Javelin throw.

VC motivated J&K students of RGNIYD

Photo by Rakesh Shah

The Vice Chancellor Prof Raj Kumar, Punjab University Chandigarh addressed to the students of Jammu and Kashmir who are attending a workshop at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD),  Chandigarh. The VC motivated the students and highlighted the significance of nationalism towards the motherland. His ideas were applauded and well taken. The Vice Chancellor also emphasized upon the need of participation of girl students for the next meeting. He also asked students to work for betterment of the society.

The Regional Director Sh. R Shekhar,  R G N I Y D highlighted the goals of the institute and the work done for the development of youth of Kashmir.

Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat is only possible once we start interacting with each other to understand each other, respect each other and love the traditions and cultures of each other. Through this  initiative, the knowledge of culture, traditions and practices of different states and UTs will lead to an enhanced understanding and bonding between the states, thereby strengthening the unity and integrity of India.

Prof Devinder Singh,  Convener, Jammu Kashmir Study Centre (JKSC), Prof Renu Vig Prof Shivani Sharma and Shabbir Khan were present on the occasion.

Hizbul Mujahideen chief’s son Shakeel arrested in terror-funding case

The NIA alleged Shakeel used to receive funds through a US-based international wire transfer company from Aijaz Ahmed Bhat, another accused in the case.

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday arrested Syed Shakeel Yousuf, son of globally wanted terrorist Syed Salahuddin, in connection with a 2011 terror funding case for allegedly receiving money from his father.

Syed Salahuddin is the supreme commander of Pakistan’s Muzaffarabad-based Hizbul Mujahideen.

Shakeel Yousuf was nabbed in a raid carried out by the NIA in the Rambagh area of Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir.

Shakeel, working as a laboratory assistant at a prestigious government hospital at present, was picked up from Rambagh locality of Srinagar and placed under arrest, an NIA spokesman said in Delhi.

The spokesman said, “In an operation today morning, NIA team along with the police and CRPF arrested Shakeel in a terror funding case.”

He is the second son of Salahuddin who has been arrested by the NIA in connection with the case. Earlier in June this year, his another son, Shahid, who was working in the agricultural department of the Jammu and Kashmir government, was arrested in the same case.

“He works as a laboratory technician in Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) Soura. Earlier in June, the NIA arrested Syed Shahid Yousuf, another son of Syed Salahuddin. He was working with the Jammu and Kashmir agricultural department,” said an official.

The NIA alleged Shakeel used to receive funds through a US-based international wire transfer company from Aijaz Ahmed Bhat, another accused in the case who is absconding and based in Saudi Arabia

The agency alleged Shakeel was “one of several Indian contacts of Bhat” who had been in telephonic contact with him for receiving money transfer codes. The case, registered by the NIA in April 2011, relates to transfer of money from Pakistan to Jammu and Kashmir through hawala channels via Delhi, which the agency believed was used in funding terrorism and secessionist activities.

Terrorists kidnapped the son of a Policeman in Trall, Kashmir

Asif Ahmad Rather, an agriculture graduate, was abducted from his home; his mother has made an emotional appeal for his release in a video.

Masked terrorists barged into the house of a policeman in the Tral area of South Kashmir on Wednesday night and kidnapped his son Asif Ahmad Rather, an agriculture graduate.

In another incident, two terrorists were killed in a gunfight between security forces and terrorists that broke out on Thursday morning in the Hajin area of North Kashmir.

Reports said armed terrorists barged into the house of Rafiq Ahmad Rather, posted at the CID headquarters in Srinagar, and abducted his son from the Pinglish area of Tral in Pulwama district.

Police confirmed that some unidentified gunmen abducted the youth but his whereabouts were not known. In a passionate appeal in a video, mother of the abducted youth, Hameeda Begum, sought his release.

Meanwhile, two terrorists were killed in a gunfight between security forces and terrorists that broke out on Thursday morning in the Hajin area of North Kashmir. The police had earlier said one terrorist had been killed but during a search of the area found the body of another terrorist.

Security forces launched a cordon and search operation (CASO) following specific information about the presence of terrorists in the area. As the forces reached the suspected spot, the hiding terrorists indiscriminately opened fire triggering an encounter.

Bandipura DC Shahid Iqbal Chaudhary escaped an attack at him in the area on Wednesday evening. Miscreants attacked his cavalcade at Nadihal, after stone pelting at SK Bala, Chaudhary said. The official car in which the DC was travelling was badly damaged.

Earlier on Wednesday, while addressing a gathering in the terror-torn Hajin, Chaudhary said peace was prerequisite for development. “Our team will put extra efforts to deliver well,” he added.

Hajin has become a virtual haven for Pakistani terrorists who have for the past few months been inflicting brutality on residents of the area. At least eight persons in the area were beheaded by terrorists on the suspicion of being informers of the police. Terrorists have been threatening residents of the area with dire consequences if anyone informed the police about their presence.

Meanwhile, the service rifle of a constable has gone missing in Poonch district of Jammu. An inquiry has been ordered and a special investigation team formed to recover the missing rifle, said Senior Superintendent of Police Rajiv Pandey.

Terrorists after killing four policemen in Shopian of South Kashmir on Wednesday had fled with their automatic rifles.

While discussing water treaties at Lahore, Pak raises Kashmir in UN


At the UN Security Council open debate on ‘Mediation and the Settlement of Disputes’, New Delhi takes exception to Islamabad raising the Kashmir issue, asks the new government in Pakistan to work constructively to build a safe and terror-free South Asia rather than indulging in polemics

Days after making positive noises about bilateral ties, India and Pakistan clashed at the United Nations, with New Delhi taking exception to Islamabad raising the Kashmir issue and asking the new government in Pakistan to work constructively to build a safe and terror-free South Asia rather than indulging in polemics.

“…I take this opportunity to remind Pakistan, the one isolated delegation that made unwarranted references to an integral part of India (J&K), that pacific settlement requires pacific intent in thinking and pacific content in action,’’ India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Syed Akbaruddin said while participating at the Security Council open debate on ‘Mediation and the Settlement of Disputes’. He said, “Regurgitating a failed approach, which has long been rejected, is neither reflective of pacific intent nor a display of pacific content.’’

Akbaruddin’s hard-hitting remarks came shortly after Pakistan’s Ambassador to the UN Maleeha Lodhi called for implementation of the UNSC resolution on Kashmir.

Rejecting the idea of mediation between India and Pakistan for resolving the Kashmir issue, the Indian representative said it was important not to charge the UN with responsibilities that it might be ill-suited to perform. ‘’Mediation, in every circumstance, is one such task, it (UN) is not geared to fulfil,’’ he added.

Akbaruddin wondered whether the apparatus of the United Nations, as currently constituted, could perform many of the basic functions required for effective mediation. ‘’Are the mechanisms at the disposal of the UN coherent and flexible to guide dynamic negotiations with an effective strategy?’’ he asked.

In the practice of day-to-day diplomacy, Akbaruddin said, mediators needed to be backed fully by the member states while regretting that inevitably member states of inter-governmental bodies tend to speak with different voices.

Rather than trying and saddling the UN with responsibilities that it was ill-suited to perform, it might be better to look at alternate solutions which use the competencies of the world body more judiciously.

Earlier, the Pakistani delegate said while the UN has had some successes in mediating political settlements, its record was, “at best, chequered.”

The Jammu and Kashmir issue remained on the Security Council’s agenda but resolutions on the issue remained unimplemented till date, Lodhi said

Rights activist Varavara Rao returns to a quiet welcome in Hyderabad, to be put under house arrest

Nearly 20 policemen stood guard in the corridors of the apartment while scores were deployed in its vicinity.

Telugu poet and activist Varavara Rao, who was arrested by the Pune police two days ago from his house in Hyderabad, was flown back by them on Thursday morning.

A Pune police team arrived at the Shamshabad airport around 6.30 a.m. and amidst tight security, drove Mr. Rao to his flat in Ashoknagar. Mr. Rao was among the five human rights activists detained by the Pune police from different parts of the country for their alleged links with the Bhima-Koregaon violence this January. Following a petition challenging their arrests, the Supreme Court directed the police on Wednesday to keep them under arrest in their respective homes.

A battery of Hyderabad policemen accompanied the Pune police as they brought Mr. Rao to his house. Nearly 20 policemen stood guard in the corridors of the apartment building while scores were deployed in its vicinity.

Mr. Rao’s relatives had heated arguments with the local police as the latter initially refused to allow them to see him. However, they were eventually permitted to meet him along with family members.

“Most of the local police were in plainclothes when they assisted the Pune police in arresting Mr. Rao. Today, all of them wore uniforms. After a few hours, the number of policemen deployed thinned,” Mr. Rao’s son-in-law and journalist K.V. Kurmanath said.

Law Commission endorses simultaneous polls to Lok Sabha, Assemblies

Recommends changes in the Constitution and the electoral law to hold the mammoth exercise.

Holding simultaneous elections to the Lok Sabha and State Assemblies is a solution to prevent the country from being in constant election mode, the Law Commission said on August 30 in a draft report and recommended changes in the Constitution and the electoral law to hold the mammoth exercise.

The draft report, submitted to the Law Ministery, recommends the holding of simultaneous elections to “the House of the People [Lok Sabha] and the State Legislative Assemblies [except the State of Jammu and Kashmir]”.

Such an exercise would, it said, save public money, help reduce the burden on administrative set-up and security forces and ensure better implementation of government policies.

The Commission said if simultaneous polls were held, the administrative machinery of the country would be continuously engaged in developmental activities, rather than in electioneering .

It, however, cautioned that “holding simultaneous elections is not possible within the existing framework of the Constitution”.

Demonetisation was not a mistake, but done deliberately to attack people: Rahul

Prime Minister owes people an answer on why he inflicted the demonetisation wound on them, says the Congress president.

Congress president Rahul Gandhi on August 30 launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi on demonetisation, saying the latter owed people an answer on why he inflicted such a deep wound when pressing problems like unemployment remained.

At a press conference, Mr. Gandhi termed demonetisation the country’s “biggest scam” and alleged that money was taken from common people and given to “crony capitalists”.

“Prime Minister Modi should answer why he inflicted a deep wound like demonetisation when issues like unemployment and low GDP rate remained,” he said, referring to the RBI’s report on the outcome of the demonetisation exercise. According to the report, over 99% of the banned currency is back in banks.

Mr. Gandhi said demonetisation was not a mistake, but done deliberately to attack people.

डेंगू मलेरिया के चलते MPH कर्मचारियों पर लागू होगा एसमा: विज

चीर केवल संदर्भ हेतु


हरियाणा सरकार ने किया एस्मा लगाने का ऐलान। धरने पर बैठे MPHW विंग के स्वास्थ्य कर्मियों से निपटने के लिए स्वास्थ्य मंत्री अनिल विज ने हड़तालियों पर की एस्मा लगाने की तैयारी।

अम्बाला- विज ने कहा ये कर्मचारी धरने पर गलत बैठे हैं। सरकार ने इनकी मांगें मानी हुई हैं। फाइनेंस मामलों में लगता है समय। स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं से नहीं होने दिया जाएगा खिलवाड़। मलेरिया और डेंगू बुखार के सीजन को देखते हुए सरकार इन पर लगाने जा रही एस्मा।