गवर्नर रुल के दो दिन बाद ही सर्च आपरेशन को आये सुरक्षा बलों का स्वागत चाय नाश्ते से करवाते कश्मीरी लोग

सर्च आपरेशन को आये सुरक्षा बलों का स्वागत चाय नाश्ते से करवाते कश्मीरी लोग


नई दिल्‍ली:

जम्मू-कश्मीर में राज्‍यपाल शासन लागू होते ही घाटी की हवाओं ने अपना रुख बदल लिया है. घटी की इस बदली हुई हवा की बानगी J&K में राष्‍ट्रपति शासन लागू होने के बाद सुरक्षाबलों द्वारा चलाए गए सर्च ऑपरेशन के दौरान देखने को मिली. दरसअल, बुधवार सुबह आतंकियों की तलाश में सुरक्षाबलों ने घाटी के कुछ गांवों में सर्च आप्रेशन चलाया था. सर्च ऑपरेशन के दौरान पहली बार सुरक्षाबलों के जवानों को न ही किसी तरह के विरोध का सामाना करना पड़ा और न ही किसी तरह की पत्‍थरबाजी झेलनी पड़ी. जवानों के अचंभे का उस वक्‍त कोई ठिकाना नहीं रहा, जब गांव वालों ने जवानों को सामने चाय और नाश्‍ते की पेशकश रख दी. जम्‍मू-कश्‍मीर में सालों से तैनात सुरक्षाबलों के सामने पहली बार ऐसा मौका आया था, जब‍ घाटी के गांव वाले बिना किसी डर के इतनी सहृदयता से उनके साथ पेश आए हों.

सुरक्षबलों से जुड़े वरिष्‍ठ अधिकारी के अनुसार बुधवार सुबह सूचना मिली थी कि कुछ आतंकी दक्षिण और उत्‍तरी कश्‍मीर के दो गांवों में छिपे हुए हैं. इंटेलीजेंस इनपुट में जिन दो गांवों के नाम का उल्‍लेख किया गया था, वे दोनों गांव दशकों से हिंसा के लिए बदनाम रहे हैं. सुरक्षाबलों का अनुभव भी इन गांवों को लेकर अच्‍छा नहीं था. अपने पुराने अनुभवों को ध्‍यान में रखते हुए सुरक्षाबलों ने इन गांवों की तरफ रवानगी से पहले सभी एहतियाती बंदोबस्‍त पूरे किए. सुरक्षाबलों को आशंका थी कि सर्च ऑपरेशन के दौरान उन्‍हें भारी पत्‍थरबाजी का समाना करना पड़ सकता है. लिहाजा, जवानों को कई टीमों में बांट दिया गया. कमांडो और स्‍नाइपर्स का चुनाव ऑपरेशन टीम के लिए किया गया. इसके अलावा, दूसरी टीम को इलाके के घेरेबंदी की जिम्‍मेदारी दी गई. वहीं तीसरी टीम की जिम्‍मेदारी थी कि वे किसी भी सूरत में पत्‍थरबाजों को ऑपरेशन एरिया में दाखिल नहीं होने देंगे.

इतना ही नहीं, सैकड़ों जवानों को रि-इर्फोसमेंट के लिए दोनों गांवों से कुछ दूरी पर रिजर्व कर दिया गया. जिससे पत्‍थरबाजी होने पर पत्थरबाजों की घेरेबंदी कर अपने जवानों को सुरक्षित बाहर निकाला जा सके. गांव में दाखिल होने से पहले जवानों ने आखिरी बार अपनी तैयारियों का जायजा लिया और एक-एक करके सुरक्षाबलों के काफिले की बख्‍तरबंद गाड़ियां गांव में दाखिल होने लगी. बख्‍तरबंद गाड़ियों में मौजूद जवान सड़क के दोनों तरफ मौजूद लोगों के हवाभाव पड़ने की कोशिश में लग गए. इस दौरान, गांव वालों के चेहरे पढ़कर उन्‍हें आभास हुआ कि गांव वालों की निगाहों में सुरक्षाबलों के आगमन को लेकर एक प्रश्‍नचिन्‍ह जरूर था, लेकिन किसी के चेहरे पर आक्रोश नजर नहीं आ रहा था.

खूंटी गैंगरेप: एक आरोपी का फोटो जारी, 4 पादरी- 2 नन से पूछताछ, 5 पर केस दर्ज



झारखण्ड के खूंटी जिला के अड़की प्रखंड के कोचांग में एक एनजीओ से जुड़ी पांच लड़कियों के साथ हुए गैंग रेप के मामले में 12 लोगों को हिरासत में लिया गया है. पुलिस ने कार्रवाई करते हुए चार पादरी और दो शिक्षक को भी हिरासत में लिया है. पादरियों पर गैंगरेप मामले को दबाने का आरोप है. पादरी को फिलहाल पीआर बॉन्ड पर छोड़ दिया गया है.

इस मामले में  चर्च की सिस्टर ने भी चौंकाने वाला बयान दिया है और कहा है कि लौटने के बाद सभी सामान्य दिख रही थी और साथ ही उन्होंने ये भी कहा कि सभी लड़कियां नहीं बल्कि औरतें थीं. मिली जानकारी के अनुसार लड़कियों के साथ गैंगरेप किया गया और वीडियो भी बनाया गया, इसी दौरान एक पीड़िता के मोबाइल में एक वीडियो रह गया और इसी के मदद से  पुलिस ने आरोपी की तस्वीर जारी की है और इसके बारे में सूचना देने वालों को 50 हज़ार रुपये इनाम के रूप में देने की घोषणा की है. पुलिस ने इस मामले की जांच के लिए तीन टीम बनाई है जो इस मामले की पूरी जांच करेंगे.

22 जून को सभी पांच लड़कियों का मेडिकल करवाया गया है और धारा 164 के तहत बयान भी दर्ज कराया गया है. इस मामले में अड़की और महिला थाना में अलग-अलग 2 एफआईआर दर्ज किए गए हैं. महिला थाना में 323, 341, 342, 376 D, 354 B, 363, 365, 120 B, IPC 67,  67 A (IT act) धारा के तहत मामला दर्ज किया गया है. वहीं अड़की थाने में 341, 342, 323, 363, 365, 328, 506, 201 और 120 B के तहत मामला दर्ज किया गया है.

खूंटी दुष्कर्म मामले में विपक्ष ने रघुवर सरकार पर जोरदार हमला बोला है. विपक्ष का कहना है कि गैंगरेप की घटना के बाद रघुवर दास की सरकार को बने रहने का कोई हक नहीं है. नेता प्रतिपक्ष हेमंत सोरेन ने कहा कि झारखंड में अब ऐसी घटनाओं से उन्हें आश्चर्य नहीं होता. हेमंत सोरेन ने कहा कि झारखंड अब बलात्कार और भूख से मरने वालों की घटनाओं के लिए ही जाना जाता है.

इस्लामिक स्टेट जम्मू एंड कश्मीर के 4 आतंकी ढेर


जम्मू-कश्मीर के अनंतनाग जिले में सुरक्षाबलों ने चार आतंकियों को मार गिराया है. ये आतंकी ‘इस्लामिक स्टेट जम्मू एंड कश्मीर’ नामक आतंकी संगठन से जुड़े हुए थे. इस मुठभेड़ के दौरान जम्मू कश्मीर स्टेट का एक पुलिस शहीद हो गया और साथ ही कुछ आम नागरिक भी घायल हो गएं. घायल हुए सिविलियन में से एक की पहचान मुहम्मद युसूफ बताई जा रही है. असल में आतंकी युसूफ के घर में छुपे थे. जिसके कारण मुठभेड़ में उसकी जान चली गई. साथ ही उसकी पत्नी हफिज़ा भी घायल हो गई. उन्हें अभी अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है.

सुरक्षाबलों को एक दिन पूर्व ही वहां आतंकियों के छिपे होने की सूचना मिली थी, जिसके बाद उन्होंने पूरे इलाके को घेर लिया. इस दौरान आतंकियों ने खुद को घिरा देख फायरिंग शुरू कर दी, जिसके बाद सुरक्षाबलों ने जवाबी कार्रवाई करते हुए चार आतंकियों को मार गिराया.फिलहाल इन इलाकों (अनंतनाग और पुलवामा ) में सुरक्षा मामलों को देखते हुए मोबाइल और इंटरनेट सेवा बंद कर दिया गया है.

मारे गए आतंकवादियों को इस्लामिक स्टेट जम्मू कश्मीर (ISJ&K) से संबंधित बताया जा रहा है.

रमजान के दौरान सीजफायर पर लगे प्रतिबंध के हट जाने के बाद से जम्मू-कश्मीर में भारतीय जवान आतंकियों पर लगातार कार्रवाई कर रहे हैं. एक पुलिस अधिकारी ने बताया कि आंतकवादियों के मौजूद होने की विशेष खुफिया सूचना मिलने के बाद सुरक्षा बलों ने दक्षिणी कश्मीर के इस जिले में श्रीगुफवारा क्षेत्र की घेराबंदी कर तलाशी अभियान शुरू कर दिया था. सुरक्षाबलों को इलाके में तीन आतंकियों के छुपे होने की सूचना मिली थी.

उन्होंने पूरे इलाके को घेर लिया. पुलिस अधिकारियों ने कहा कि तलाशी अभियान के दौरान आतंकवादियों ने सुरक्षाबलों के ऊपर गोलियां चलानी शुरू कर दीं. जवाब में जवानों ने भी कार्रवाई की.वहीं स्‍थानीय लोगों को घरों के अंदर रहने की हिदायत दे दी गई है.

बता दें कि बीते कुछ दिनों से घाटी की स्थिती तनावपूर्ण रही है. चाहे वो वरिष्ठ पत्रकार शुजात बुखारी की हत्या हो या शहीद औरंगजेब की. घाटी अशांती और आतंकवाद से जूझ रही है. ऐसे में इसे अचानक जम्मू-कश्मीर सरकार के निरस्त हो जाने के आफ्टइफेक्ट्स की तरह भी देखा जा रहा है. तभी तो आज राज्यपाल एन.एन.वोहरा ने आज घाटी की मौजूदा हालात पर चर्चा करने के लिए सभी राज्य और राष्ट्रीय स्तर की सभी पार्टीयों की सर्वदलीय बैठक बुलाई है.

Complan and Horlicks sale signals

Is India no place for health drinks? First, Horlicks was put on sale by GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) in March. News reports had then speculated Kraft Heinz Co. may bid for it, now it appears Kraft Heinz is planning to sell Complan, according to Bloomberg.

Both companies may have different reasons for the decision, but a common one could be a challenging health drinks market. Growth rates are slowing and competition is stiff.

In 2017, Kraft had recognized a $49 million impairment loss due to continued declines in its nutritional beverages business in India. GSK’s annual report also talks about competitive pressure on Horlicks, which competes with the likes of Bournvita and Complan.

Complan being put on sale adds a twist to the Horlicks’ deal. The asking price for Complan is $1 billion, while GSK’s 72.5% stake in locally listed GSK Consumer Healthcare Ltd alone is valued at $2.9 billion. The sums involved are large, implying a buyer has a lot at stake and will do everything to ensure the investment yields good returns.

If only one brand was sold, there would be one new owner to contend with incumbents. New owners for two different brands mean stiffer competition right off the blocks.

The bigger question is why are companies keen on exiting this market? One reason could be slowing growth. Malt-based drinks— Horlicks and Bournvita are in this category—have seen growth slip from 13.2% in 2014 to 8.6% in 2017, according to Euromonitor International.

Complan is measured in a separate category of supplement nutrition drinks, which includes products such as Ensure. This segment’s growth is higher than that of malt-based drinks, though smaller in size. Even here, growth has slowed, from 21.3% in 2014 to 11.5% in 2017.

Forecast compound annual growth in 2017-22 in constant prices is 3.7% for malt-based drinks and 5.6% for supplement nutrition drinks, according to Euromonitor.

Emerging alternatives could explain slower growth, as consumers are opting for products offering added protein, meal replacement or an energy boost, according to Devchandan Mallick, an analyst at Euromonitor. Some consumers are shifting to mixing syrups such as chocolate or vanilla in their milk instead.

Additionally, pharmaceutical companies have stepped up their presence in the consumer nutrition space. That explains why you see variants of Horlicks such as Protein, Growth and Cardia. Consumer goods companies are also now going deep into rural markets to increase sales growth. That requires investments and staying power, as these markets are different from urban ones and will take time to scale up.

All these challenges may explain why owners of big brands are seeking to exit. There is a risk of prospective bidders trying to negotiate lower valuations, if these exits are taken as a question mark on the potential market for these brands.

Arrest of BoM CEO is jolt to baking industry : IBA


The arrest of Ravindra Prabhakar Marathe, chief executive officer (CEO) of Bank of Maharashtra (BoM) on Wednesday has come as a jolt to the banking industry, prompting the Indian Banks Association (IBA) to call a meeting on Friday to discuss the future course of action.

IBA claims such action by investigative authorities will dent the morale of the banking industry, forcing bankers to stop lending.

The Economic Offences Wing (EoW) of Pune city police arrested top officials of Bank of Maharashtra, including Marathe, on charges of illegally sanctioning a loan of ₹100 crore for a real estate project of a DSK Group company.

State Bank of India, United Bank of India, Syndicate Bank, Vijaya Bank and IDBI Bank were part of the consortium of banks that had lent to the DSK group.

Citing Pune police’s statement to the local court, a report in The Indian Express said that these officials had sanctioned the loan without the approval of the other banks that were part of the consortium.

Bank of Maharashtra, however, maintained that the loans were sanctioned to the firm according to the bank’s lending norms. “The bank’s total outstanding exposure to M/S D. S. Kulkarni Developers Ltd is to the tune of ₹94.52 crore, which is fully secured by primary and collateral securities. Recovery process like SARFAESI action has already been initiated by the bank and some of the properties are due for auction. The bank has also declared M/S DSK Developers Ltd and its promoters as wilful defaulters,” the bank said.

A senior government official said it is awaiting the report from the investigation agency before deciding the future course of action.

Most bankers who know Marathe stand by him and claim that such actions will malign the reputation of bankers. “This looks like a breakdown of the law and order situation. It could be a local political issue against the developer and the Bank of Maharashtra chief got caught off-guard,” said the managing director and chief executive of a public sector bank, who did not want to be named.

“From the available information, the transaction which is in question is insignificant. To ascribe this kind of motive is reflective of ignorance or motivated action,” said a former banker who also spoke on condition of anonymity.

Marathe is one of several current and former officials of public sector banks being probed by investigation agencies for allegedly lending to defaulting companies. Those booked this year include IDBI Bank executives Kishor Kharat, now CEO of Indian Bank, and Melwyn Rego, CEO of Syndicate Bank, in connection with IDBI Bank’s ₹600 crore loan to entrepreneur C. Sivasankaran’s firm. Last month the Central Bureau of Investigation named Usha Ananthasubramanian, former managing director of Allahabad Bank, in a charge sheet in the Punjab National Bank fraud.

Swiggy raised $210 million of investments

Swiggy raised $210 million from a group of investors, catapulting India’s largest food delivery service provider into a select club of startup unicorns with a valuation of $1 billion or more. The latest funding, led by Naspers and billionaire Yuri Milner’s DST Global, values Swiggy at roughly $1.3 billion, surpassing rival Zomato’s $1.1 billion valuation based on a February fund-raising round. China’s Meituan-Dianping has also invested in the latest funding round, along with new investor Coatue Management.

Swiggy, founded in August 2014, is one of the fastest entrants into the unicorn club. The latest fund-raising will add pressure on Zomato to raise additional funds quickly to keep pace with its Bengaluru-based rival in the online food-delivery business.  On 2 April that Zomato was in talks to raise $200-400 million.

Swiggy, which has emerged as the breakout consumer internet start-up of the past five years, has easily been the most prolific food delivery start-up in terms of its ability to continue raising funds from deep-pocketed foreign investors. It has raised about $465 million till date, according to Mint research. Barely four months ago, Swiggy raised $100 million from South African media giant Naspers.

Swiggy, which is by far India’s best-funded food delivery start-up, plans to use the funds to ramp up its supply-chain network and expand to new markets, the company said in a statement.

“With this investment, we will continue to widen Swiggy’s offerings, along with bolstering our capabilities and plugging the gaps in the on-demand delivery ecosystem,” said Sriharsha Majety, CEO and co-founder of Swiggy.

Mint had first reported on 2 April that both Swiggy and Zomato were in talks to raise more money. In early February, Zomato raised $150 million from Ant Small and Micro Financial Services Group, valuing the food-tech start-up at about $1.1 billion.

Swiggy, which operates in 15 cities including Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad and Kolkata, claims to have more than 35,000 restaurant partners on its platform and a delivery fleet of over 40,000.

Founded by Majety, Nandan Reddy and Rahul Jaimini, Swiggy is one of the few consumer internet start-ups from 2014 that is thriving and consistently chased by large global investors. Smaller peers such as food-ordering app TinyOwl, grocery-ordering app PepperTap and real estate platform Housing.com have either been shut down or sold in distress deals. Some others, such as online grocery start-up Grofers, are struggling to attract new investors and have been unable to find a sustainable long-term business model.

Congress-JD(S) amplifying “saffron terrorism”.

Now being hindu is Curse in Congress – JD(S) led Karnataka said Chethan Rajhans

Sanatan Sanstha has alleged that the SIT probing the Gauri Lankesh murder case is torturing the suspects and obtaining confessions from them. The Goa-based pro-Hindu organisation has come under the SIT scanner after a few arrested persons reportedly admitted that they were members of a radical Hindu outfit which h ad links with the Sanstha.

Sanstha spokesperson Chethan Rajhans on Thursday termed the arrests illegal and said it was being done by the Congress-JD(S) coalition in the state to amplify “saffron terrorism”.

The media were being fed imaginary stories about the Sanstha and other Hindu organisations, said Rajhans. “One of the accused, Sujit Kumar, was apprehended on May 6 but was shown as arrested on May 20. Three other accused were apprehended on May 14 but were shown as arrested on May 21. This shows that all these accused were under illegal detention for several days,” he added.

He also alleged that the accused were beaten by police and were not provided legal aid as they were Hindus.

Without street lights, it is scary and dangerous to walk at night in Dhkoli

Without street lights, it is scary and dangerous to walk at night

Dark streets and hide and seek of power supply have been plaguing the residents of Guru Nanak Nagar in Dhakoli of Zirakpur for past five summers. Complaints to the electricity department also could not bring any relief to the residents till date.

With the announcement of 66 KV project at Baltana, residents had hoped to finally ward off their long-pending problem this season. However, there hopes were dashed as the situation worsened after the work of the new infrastructure started in the area.

The residents said a fire broke out in a transformer three days ago. It was installed just last year. Tthe authorities acted upon it and got it repaired, only after a complaint was placed.

Residents complained the streets of the area generally remains dark due to the defunct streetlights. The commuters do not feel safe going out for a walk after sundown. The unscheduled power cuts also irk the residents making them spend almost four to five hours without electricity daily during the sultry summer season.

When enquired, power department staffers seem clueless about when and how the power supply would be restored.

From past one year the residents of the area are struggling to get the streetlights repaired. They keep on posting complaints but all in vain. Residents alleged that a bunch of wires is spread all over the area which is not only posing threat to their lives, but is also affecting the power supply in the area.

In fact, the poles installed in the area are tilted. A transformer here is also in bad shape. It has not been repaired by the department even after a number of reminders.

N S Rangi, executive engineer, Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) said the department resolved the problem of fluctuation immediately after a complaint was received. The maintenance of the transformers is also on our priority.

NSG seek permission to support forces to counter terrorism in J&K

Some of the NSG units to be deployed in J&K would be placed at a BSF facility in Srinagar while more locations are being scouted, said Jammu and Kashmir police sources.

“As is the case when a force is brought into a new theatre, modalities will be discussed with the J&K administration, police and other security agencies,” a senior NSG officer told TOI.

A proper infrastructure is being put in place for NSG ahead of its teams moving in. The force will train CRPF and J&K police in entering and storming buildings and other anti-terror skills. “As and when terror situations demanding their special skills crop up, NSG commandos will be also be deployed for operations. The call will be taken by J&K police at whose disposal the force will be,” said an officer.

NSG commandos use sophisticated Heckler and Koch MP5 submachine guns, sniper rifles, through-the-wall radar and C-4 explosives to eliminate holed-up terrorists.

The “Ramzan ceasefire”, while providing relief to ordinary people, put counter-terror forces at a disadvantage by easing pressure that intensified operations in preceding months had built on terrorists. According to a senior J&K police officer, had the unilateral ceasefire not been in place and cordon-and-search operations continued in the normal course, around 15-20 terrorists could have been neutralised based on intelligence flow on their movements in built-up areas.

Ramzan Ceasefire

“The truce allowed terrorists freedom of movement in residential areas, let them renew supplies, recruit locals, mobilise overground workers and scout for new hideouts and bases,” said an officer. There is concern that terror groups may now strike with renewed vigour, particularly targeting the Amarnath Yatra, and hence the strategy will be focused on neutralising terrorists active in the south Kashmir areas of Shopian, Pulwama, Anantnag and Kulgam.
Intelligence inputs warn of multiple threats to the yatra, particularly from the Jaish-e-Mohammed, which was most active during the truce, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hizbul Mujahideen. Terror modules comprising Pakistani nationals are expectedly planning to infiltrate from across the border and LoC to stage attacks.

Police must get Limited Aadhaar Access : NCRB Director Ish Kumar

HYDERABAD: National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) director Ish Kumar on Thursday proposed that police be given “limited access” to Aadhaar data to help them trace first-time offenders + and unidentified bodies.

Kumar’s suggestion comes at a time when the Supreme Court is hearing a raft of pleas challenging the constitutional validity of Aadhaar on the ground that it violates citizens’ right to privacy.

Speaking at the 19th All India Conference of Directors of Fingerprints Bureau here, the NCRB chief said nearly 50 lakh cases are registered across the country every year, adding that 80-85% of the offenders are first-timers without any police record. “Also, more than 40,000 unidentified bodies are found every year,” Kumar said.

“With access to Aadhaar data, these (bodies) could be identified and handed over to their relatives,” he added.

Junior minister (home) Hansraj Ahir said Kumar’s proposal would be discussed in the ministry along with amendments to the Identification of Prisoners Act.

The NCRB director also stressed on the need to float a scheme to modernise all state fingerprint bureaus, so that experts could at least visit most crime scenes.

“Though 50 lakh cases are registered across the country every year, fingerprint experts are able to visit only around 55,000 crime scenes. The reason is many states don’t have adequate fingerprint cadre strength nor do they have proper equipment and labs. Hence, there is an urgent need for the home ministry to float a scheme for modernisation of all fingerprint bureau from all states,” he said.

M Mahendar Reddy, DGP of Telangana who attended the event, said automation of the fingerprint Identification process is a tool by which criminals can be identified more quickly and efficiently and AFIS has played a key role in investigation, virtually replacing traditional manual methods of fingerprint matching and classification.

“Telangana is the first state to incorporate a palm print-based live scanner system for enrolment of criminal’s Fingerprints electronically and also deployed an Android-based single finger identification system to verify the criminal antecedents of a suspect in-the-field within seconds by the SHO himself without any manual intervention at Police station level,” he added.

Altogether 868 undetected cases were solved since installation of Papillon AFIS, of which 480 cases were old unsolved scene-of-crime cases that were not identified by the older FACTS system.

Minister of State (Home Affairs) Hansraj Gangaram Ahir, said the fingerprints being the scientific evidence, it decreases crime rate and increases conviction rate and its accepted by the court and society. If the conviction rate increases, the offenders and people who intend to do crime will have fear, he added. Later the chief guest also released a book titled “Compendium of Finger Print equipment 2018”.