Neerav Modi Seeking Political Asylum in UK

Nirav Modi, the billionaire jeweller at the heart of a more than $2 billion fraud case in India, has fled to the UK, where he is claiming political asylum, the Financial Times reported on Sunday, citing Indian and British officials. Britain’s Home Office said it does not provide information on individual cases.

Nirav Modi could not be contacted by Reuters for comment on the FT report. Punjab National Bank, India’s second-largest state-run bank, said earlier in 2018 that two jewellery groups headed by Modi and his uncle Mehul Choksi had defrauded it of about $2.2 billion by raising credit from overseas branches of other Indian banks using illegal guarantees issued by rogue PNB staff at a Mumbai branch over several years.

Nirav Modi is in London trying to claim asylum from what he calls “political persecution”, the FT reported.

India’s ministry of external affairs told the FT the Indian government was waiting for the country’s law enforcement agencies to approach them before pushing for an extradition, which had thus far not happened. The ministry did not respond to a Reuters request for comment outside regular working hours.

India is already seeking the extradition of Vijay Mallya, a liquor and aviation tycoon, over unpaid loans to his defunct Kingfisher Airlines after the businessman and co-owner of the Formula One Force India team moved to Britain in March last year.

Indian federal police filed charges against more than 25 people in May including Modi, Choksi, former PNB chief Usha Ananthasubramanian, two of the bank’s executive directors and three companies belonging to Nirav Modi. Modi and Choksi have denied any wrongdoing.

Last month, senior executives at the bank were accused by the Indian police, in a charge sheet filed in court, of misleading the central bank in late 2016 over the lender’s handling of the financial messaging system and credit guarantees that were at the centre of the fraud.

CBI is Probing the Role of Top Bankers in Vijay Mallaya Case

CBI is probing the role of top bankers in connection with the loans given by banks to Kingfisher Airlines Ltd (KFAL), promoted by Vijay Mallya.

The agency has written to the consortium that lent to Kingfisher Airlines and a few bankers, including the former chairman of a public sector bank, seeking information and documents. It has also summoned a few bankers for recording their statements, sources said.

The latest investigation was launched after a London court, which is hearing the Mallya extradition matter, asked Indian authorities to explain their case against some of the bankers as it observed that rules were being violated by Indian banks which sanctioned the loans to Kingfisher Airlines.

Apart from this, a report by the government’s fraud office has pointed to the role of bankers in allegedly helping Mallya secure loans despite the weak financials of Kingfisher Airlines. The report suggested that the Central Vigilance Commission, CBI and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), should “look into the aspect of violations of lending norms, if any, by the banks”.

The investigations by the fraud office has alleged several lapses by the public sector lenders of Kingfisher Airlines and the investment banking arm of a state-owned bank

or instance, the report said the Rs 8,000-crore Debt Recast Package (DRP) for Kingfisher Airlines prepared by the investment banking arm of a public sector bank in 2010 had a “number of shortcomings and flaws in respect of entire preparation of DRP financial projections” and “processing of the proposals by the lending banks.”

It said the DRP “did not carry out any independent viability study of the (financial) projections to ensure that the projections were realistic, just and achievable” and that “the banks also did not critically analyze and consider the various remarks made by the auditors in the audited financials of KFAL as at 31.03.2009” that could affect the financials of the airlines.

It said the investment banking arm of the public sector bank “did not do any due diligence on the valuation of the brand Kingfisher Airlines which was valued at Rs 4111.00 crore at the time of DRP and which formed part of more than 60 per cent of security value offered”.

“Political pressure was brought in to get the postponement of liquidation as well for DRP to be sanctioned. (The) DRP was pushed for consideration by banks at the insistence of top officials from GOI (Government of India) because of influence used by VJM (Vijay Mallya),” said the report.

The report also said that one of the state-owned bank sanctioned a loan of Rs 500 crore to Kingfisher Airlines even as the bank’s credit committee had “pruned down” the proposal for sanctioning the loan to Rs 300 crore. A higher loan was sanctioned to Kingfisher without “any reasonings/ rationale” as the then chairman of the bank “was committed to release Rs 500 crore on account of pressure of the officials of the Ministry of Finance,” the report alleged.

The serious fraud office report has cited another instance where bank documents were changed when a public sector bank lent money. According to the report, the copy of loan documents which were submitted to the probe agency did not have a repayment clause in it for a loan of hundreds of crores. However, it says, when the agency questioned the chairman of the credit committee of the bank, the person produced another copy of the document which had a repayment clause in it.

Kingfisher owes over Rs 9,000 crore to at least 17 lenders, including SBI, IDBI Bank, Punjab National Bank, Bank of India, Bank of Baroda and United Bank of India. Mallya has already been declared as a proclaimed offender by a Prevention of Money Laundering Act, (PMLA) Court. Mallya is currently in the UK battling his extradition.

Rs. 46.66 Crores of Farmers Waved Off in Mohali


The sub-registrar of cooperative societies, Amarjit Singh, has said that debt relief amounting to Rs 46.66 crore has been provided to aid as many as 5,070 farmers of Mohali distt.

He added that in the first phase, the farmers with land up to 2.5 acres have been covered. “Verification of 1,470 farmers having land up to 2.5 acres is under process and debt of up to Rs 2 lakh would be waived off,” Amarjit said. Any eligible farmer, who has not been covered under this scheme, could contact sub-registrar of cooperative societies.

Amarjit added that Punjab Government under the leadership of chief minister Captain Amrinder Singh is the first government in the country that is waiving off loans up to Rs 2 lakh.

This farm loan waiver scheme will provide a big relief to the debt-ridden farmers and help them strengthen their financial stature. He assured that the process would be pursued with complete transparency.

Endorsing the claim, farmer Naib Singh, a beneficiary of Punjab government’s loan waiver scheme, said, “Captain Amrinder Singh has given a big relief to farmers who are facing financial crisis.”

Naib said that he had taken a loan of Rs 1.10 lakh from a cooperative bank, which would now be waived off. He said that the previous governments had promised to support the farmers, but nothing was done.

“The state government has given a big support to the farmers in the form of debt relief,” he said. Talking about the condition of agriculture in Punjab, he said the traditional crops were not beneficial because the input cost was higher than output.

‘इंडियन फिल्‍म्‍स इज ऑल अबाउट हिप्‍स एंड बूब्‍स’ : प्रियंका चोपड़ा

हाल ही में प्रियंका ने मीडिया से बातचीत में बॉलीवुड पर टिप्पणी की, जिसे लोगों ने बेहद शर्मनाक बताया.

नई दिल्ली: 

अभी बॉलीवुड एक्ट्रेस प्रियंका चोपड़ा ‘क्वांटिको’ विवाद से पूरी तरह बाहर भी नहीं आई है और वह फिर से एक और विवाद में घिर चुकी हैं. हाल ही में प्रियंका ने मीडिया  से बातचीत में बॉलीवुड पर टिप्पणी की, जिसे लोगों ने बेहद शर्मनाक बताया. जिसका एक वीडियो सोशल मीडिया पर काफी वायरल हो रहा है. वीडियो में एक जर्नलिस्ट को प्रियंका बताती हैं, ‘इंडियन फिल्‍म्‍स इज ऑल अबाउट हिप्‍स एंड बूब्‍स’. प्रियंका के इस बयान के बाद लोगों ने उन्होंने ट्रोल करना शुरू कर दिया है.

एक तरफ जहां लोग इस बयान को शर्मनाक करार दिया. वहीं दूसरी ओर लोगों ने कहा कि लगता है प्रियंका यह भूल चुकी हैं कि वह बॉलीवुड से फेमस हुई है न कि हॉलीवुड से. जाहिर सी बात है प्रियंका के इस विवादित बयान से बॉलीवुड अभिनेत्रियों को काफी दुख हो सकता है. साथ ही साथ उन्हें गुस्सा भी आ सकता है. बता दें, इससे पहले प्रियंका चोपड़ा अपने हॉलीवुड टीवी शो ‘क्वांटिको’ के सीजन 3 के एक एपिसोड को लेकर सोशल मीडिया पर काफी ट्रोल की जा रही थीं. दरअसल, शो के एक एपिसोड में भारतीय राष्ट्रवादियों को आतंकी बताया गया था जिसके बाद से ही प्रियंका को सोशल मीडिया पर आलोचनाओं का सामना करना पड़ रहा था

जिसके बाद प्रियंका ने इस मुद्दे पर ट्वीट किया और कहा कि, “मैं बहुत दुखी और शर्मिंदा हूं कि क्वांटिको के एक विवादित एपिसोड से कई लोगों की भावनाओं को ठेस पहुंची है. मेरा मकसद कभी भी किसी की भी भावनाओं को ठेस पहुंचाना नहीं था. मैं माफी मांगती हूं. मुझे भारतीय होने पर गर्व है.”

बता दें, इससे पहले क्वांटिको के निर्माताओं ने माफी मांग थी. एबीसी नेटवर्क ने यह माफी क्वांटिको के उस एपिसोड के लिए मांगी थी, जिसमें आतंकी हमले के पीछे भारतीय राष्ट्रवादियों के होने की बात कही गई थी. गुरुवार को एक ट्वीट के जरिए एएनआई ने इसकी जानकारी दी थी. अपने ट्वीट में एएनआई ने लिखा था, ‘क्वांटिको’ के एपिसोड को बहुत ज्यादा इमोशनल रिएक्शन मिले हैं और उनमें से ज्यादातर प्रियंका चोपड़ा पर किए गए हैं लेकिन प्रियंका का इसमें कोई हाथ नहीं है क्योंकि न ही उन्होंने शो बनाया है और न ही शो लिखा या डायरेक्ट किया है. इस वजह से ऐबीसी नेटवर्क हिंदुओं से क्वांटिको में हिंदुओं को आतंकी कहे जाने के लिए माफी मांगता है. आपको बता दें कि शो में प्रियंका एफबीआई एजेंट की भूमिका निभा रही हैं.’

सरकार की संवैधानिक ढांचा बदलने की मंशा : विपक्ष

चंड़ीगढ़ 10 जून (राज वशिष्ठ )

सरकार के लेटरल रिक्रूटमेंट के कदम को विपक्ष संवैधानिक ढांचे पर प्रहार मान रहा है.. अपनी तीखी प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए पूर्व आईएएस और कांग्रेस नेता पीएल पुनिया ने सरकार के इस फैसले की कड़ी निंदा की और इसकी मंशा पर सवाल भी उठाया. नियुक्ति के लिए जारी विज्ञापन को लेकर उन्होंने कहा, ‘यह गलत है. इसमें इंडियन नेशनल का जिक्र किया गया है, इंडियन सिटीजन नहीं. तो क्या बाहर रहने वालों को भी बनाएंगे.’

उन्होंने कहा, ‘सरकार बीजेपी और संघ के लोगों को बैकडोर से घुसेड़ना चाहती है. सरदार पटेल ने अधिकारियों की इस श्रेणी को स्टील फ्रेम कहा था. उनका मानना था कि नेता और सरकारें आती जाती रहेंगी, लेकिन इस श्रेणी के अधिकारियों पर उसका कोई प्रभाव नहीं होना चाहिए, यह उनके विजन के साथ भी खिलवाड़ है.’

हम आजतक यह मानते आये हैं कि सरकार कोई भी हो, नेता कोई भी हो राष्ट्र IAS के हाथों ही से चलता है. किसी भी प्रदेश में मुख्य सचिव का पद सर्वाधिक गरिमामय और प्रभावशाली होता है और इसके पीछे होती है सालों की अथक मेहनत और एक बहुर्मुखी सोच जो अनुभव ही से आती है. सचिव का पद कोई थाली का प्रसाद नहीं जो किसी को भी बाँट दया जाय. कोई IAS पहिले कुछ वर्षों में मात्र एक प्रशिक्षु ही होता है, सालों का अनुभव, गूढ़ परिश्रम और बेदाग छवि उसे सचिव के पद पर स्थापित करती है. जैसा कि हमने रघुरमन के समय देखा, एक नितांत अजनबी जो भारतीय परिपेक्ष की तनिक भी जानकारी नहीं रखता, जिसे भारतीय सामजिक ढाँचे का सिर्फ पुस्तकों ही की मदद से पता है वः हमारे रह्स्त्र के शीर्षस्थ बैंक के शीर्षस्थ पद पर आसीन हो कर नीति निर्धारित करता रहा और फिर अब इंग्लैंड के शीर्षस्थ बैंक में कार्य रत है. हम ऐसे कैसे किसी भी व्यक्ति पर भरोसा कर सकते हैं. कल को अमर्त्य सेन जैसे कुशल अर्थशास्त्री जो बिना भारत को जाने हमारी अर्थव्यवस्था पर टीका टिप्पणी करते हैं अथवा आजादी गैंग जैसी किस भी संस्था की विचारधारा से युक्त व्यक्ति यदि ऐसे उच्च पद पर स्थापित होता है तब हमारा तो भगवान् ही सहारा.

आरजेडी के नेता और बिहार के पूर्व उपमुख्यमंत्री तेजस्वी यादव ने भी सरकार के इस कदम की आलोचना की है. उन्होंने ट्वीट करते हुए कहा कि यह मनुवादी सरकार यूपीएससी को दरकिनार कर बिना परीक्षा के नीतिगत और संयुक्त सचिव के महत्वपूर्ण पदों पर मनपसंद व्यक्तियों को कैसे नियुक्त कर सकती है? यह संविधान और आरक्षण का घोर उल्लंघन है. कल को ये बिना चुनाव के प्रधानमंत्री और कैबिनेट बना लेंगे. इन्होंने संविधान का मजाक बना दिया है.

हालांकि विख्यात आईएएस अशोक खेमका ने सरकार के इस फैसले का स्वागत करते हुए ट्वीट किया कि इससे सार्वजनिक सेवाओं में बाहर की प्रतिभाओं के इस्तेमाल किया जा सकेगा.

सरकार की ओर से जारी की गई अधिसूचना के अनुसार इन पदों के लिए वही आवेदन कर सकते हैं, जिनकी उम्र 1 जुलाई तक 40 साल हो गई है और उम्मीदवार का किसी भी मान्यता प्राप्त यूनिवर्सिटी से ग्रेजुएट होना आवश्यक है.

उम्मीदवार को किसी सरकारी, पब्लिक सेक्टर यूनिट, यूनिवर्सिटी के अलावा किसी निजी कंपनी में 15 साल का अनुभव होना भी जरुरी है. इन पदों पर चयनित होने वाले उम्मीदवारों की नियुक्ति तीन साल तक के लिए की जाएगी. सरकार इस करार को 5 साल तक के लिए बढ़ा भी सकती है.

नौकरशाही में लैटरल ऐंट्री का पहला प्रस्ताव 2005 में ही आया था, जब प्रशासनिक सुधार पर पहली रिपोर्ट आई थी, लेकिन तब इसे सिरे से खारिज कर दिया गया. फिर 2010 में दूसरी प्रशासनिक सुधार रिपोर्ट में भी इसकी अनुशंसा की गई. लेकिन इस संबंध में पहली गंभीर पहल 2014 में मोदी सरकार के सत्ता में आने के बाद हुई.


Walmart believes Flipkart’s “ecosystem” of businesses

New Delhi: Walmart believes Flipkart’s “ecosystem” of businesses, including Myntra-Jabong and PhonePe which are part of its mega $16 billion deal with the Indian company, could be a “true advantage” for the US-based retail giant.

Judith McKenna, executive VP, president and CEO of Walmart International, on a recent investor call has said the e-commerce market in India, while it is still nascent at 2% penetration, is forecast to grow rapidly. “… what’s really unusual about Flipkart is that it’s not just an e-commerce retailer. What we’re really interested in as we’ve got to understand this business better is it’s actually creating a platform, an ecosystem, if you like, of operating within that market. And we think that’s one of the areas that gives it a true advantage,” she said.

The executive emphasised that Walmart is also looking at taking its learnings “from this business back into other businesses around the world”.

In May, Walmart had signed a blockbuster deal with Flipkart (registered in Singapore) under which the American retailer will pick up about 77% stake for about $16 billion. The transaction is now awaiting approval from the Competition Commission of India (CCI).

Walmart expects the deal to close later this calendar year, subject to regulatory approvals. Various trader bodies in India have opposed the deal alleging violation of foreign direct investment (FDI) norms as foreign companies are not allowed to operate in multi-brand retail in the country yet.

The American retailer, which has cash-and carry operations (B2B) in India, has clarified that its business will continue to operate separately from Flipkart (which has a marketplace model) but leverage the combined strengths of both the companies. India allows 100% FDI in the e-commerce via marketplace model.

McKenna explained that while Flipkart’s general merchandise site is by far the biggest part of the business, there are other growing businesses like Myntra and Jabong as well. “…there’s Myntra and Jabong. And Myntra and Jabong are apparel, clothing retailers. They’re really interesting in the speed they’re growing at and the mix that they provide with the overall e-commerce business as well,” she said.

McKenna also highlighted the strength of eKart, the logistics arm of the Bengaluru-based company. “You’ve got an infrastructure part, which is eKart…It (eKart) operates over 800 cities already. It is about 0.5 million deliveries a year, but it’s unique to Flipkart, that it’s got its own logistics network that sits behind the trading platform that it’s got,” she said.

McKenna said while the primary function of PhonePe (a part of Flipkart) is to facilitate payments within the Flipkart group, but it also allows users to pay outside the Flipkart ecosystem as it is “open system”.

“And it’s linked with banks in India as well. And as India is digitising and the ability to make mobile payment is increasing all the time. This enables PhonePe not only to connect more broadly across India, but it also helps a huge amount of personalisation back into the total and helps drive the e-commerce business as well,” she said.

Walmart Inc. president, CEO and director Douglas McMillon also highlighted the strengths of Flipkart in the Indian market. “…look at e-commerce growth in the (Indian) market, and then you start to understand that Flipkart has a strong management team. They built out an ecosystem… it’s not just a pure e-commerce business, but there are complementary platforms within that business. We are excited about learning, in an emerging market, what that can mean for us over time, and we’ll use that learning around the world,” he said.

Priyanka (ABC) Apologize, Still to Continue Telecast

Hindu nationalists in India have attacked movies and popular culture in the recent years. Earlier this year, a section of extremists made violent protests and threatened actors over the release of Bollywood film “Padmaavat”, which showed a Muslim ruler pursuing a Hindu queen. In 2016, an Indian super star Aamir Khan, after backlash over his comments on intolerance in India, was dropped as the ambassador of an online retail company: claims ABC


Chandigarh : DFD


After muslim extremists now former Miss India World is pronouncing Hindu sentiments as Hindu Terror; although the US television studio ABC has apologies to Indian fans of its crime drama “Quantico” after an episode featuring Indian nationalists trying to frame Pakistan in a terrorist plot sparked online outrage against Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra, who plays a lead role in the show.

“The episode has stirred a lot of emotion, much of which is unfairly aimed at Priyanka Chopra, who didn’t create the show, nor does she write or direct it,” said Walt Disney-owned ABC in its statement.

The 35-year-old Bollywood star, has earlier been admired for her ability to cross over and achieve success in Hollywood, which has been rare for Indian actors.

But after the recent Quantico episode, she has faced online attacks at home, and even some calls to boycott her work and the brands that she endorses.

Others called on the government to black out the scene where Priyanka, who stars as an FBI agent in the series, holds up sacred Hindu prayer beads as evidence that the plotter in the episode, planning to detonate a nuclear bomb in New York, was an Indian nationalist.

“The myth of Hindu terror, by a fake story, enters American television with the help of Priyanka Chopra. Would any Pakistani actress betray Pakistan or Islam the way she betrays India and Hinduism?”, David Frawley, a Hindu scholar based in the United States, tweeted.

ABC, in its statement, said: “The show has featured antagonists of many different ethnicities and backgrounds, but in this case we inadvertently and regrettably stepped into a complex political issue. It was certainly not our intention to offend anyone,”

The statement further said that Priyanka Chopra had no involvement in the storylines depicted in the series.

Hindu nationalists in India have attacked movies and popular culture in the recent years. Earlier this year, a section of activists made violent protests and threatened actors over the release of Bollywood film “Padmaavat”, which showed a Muslim ruler pursuing a Hindu queen. In 2016, an Indian super star Aamir Khan, after backlash over his comments on intolerance in India, was dropped as the ambassador of an online retail company.

Health Camp & Health Awareness Talk at Fortis


Chandigarh, June 9, 2018:

Fortis Hospital, Mohali organized a free Multispecialty Health Camp & Health Awareness Talk in association with Pushpac Society, Sector 49-B, Chandigarh. Over 200 people attended the camp who got their health check-up for sugar, Bone Mineral Density (BMD), Electrocardiogram (ECG), and blood pressure.

The camp was inaugurated by Chandigarh MP, Kirron Kher. “I truly applaud the kind intentions of Fortis Hospital, Mohali for contributing towards the health & wellness of the society by organizing such camps,” she said.

Dr. RK Jaswal, Director of Cardiology Department at Fortis Hospital, Mohali gave an informative talk on ‘healthy lifestyle to prevent coronary heart disease.’

The talk was followed by an interactive session with other experts from Fortis, including Dr. Gagandeep Kaur, Gynaecologist and Dr. Gurmeet Bakshi, Orthopedician. The camp concluded with positive thoughts on maintaining good health. The doctors gave relevant tips for the same.

Ramdev’s Patanjali To Shift Food Park From UP, Blames Yogi Adityanath


Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has spoken to yoga guru Baba Ramdev after Patanjali Ayurved Ltd announced that it is shifting the proposed Patanjali Food and Herbal Park from Greater Noida citing non-cooperation and a “disappointing attitude” of the BJP-ruled government in Uttar Pradesh. According to reports, the Chief Minister has assured Ramdev that he will personally look into the matter and promised that decisions will be taken at quick pace.

The Haridwar-based Patanjali Ayurved had on Tuesday announced to pull out its proposed Rs 6,000-crore mega food processing project in Greater Noida and blamed the state government for taking this decision. “The mega food park was coming up to make lives of farmers better. We had also asked for permission from the central government. There are paper work for which we requested state government. But due to their disappointing attitude, it couldn’t be done,” Acharya Balkrishna, MD, Patanjali Ayurved Ltd, told news agency ANI.

However, the government said that the project has not been cancelled yet and that Patanjali is yet to comply with the conditions required to get final approval. Food Processing Secretary JP Meena said that the company was earlier given four months to comply with certain rules required for setting up the plant and has been granted a month’s extension to meet the conditions.

“Patanjali was given four months time to meet the conditions required to get the final approval. There are four to five conditions, including land and bank loans, which any party that wants to set up mega food park has to fulfil,” the official told PTI on Tuesday. “We have given one month extension to Patanjali… they have to meet the condition. In case Patanjali does not meet the condition, we have no choice but to cancel. We have done it earlier in many projects.”

In a tweet on Tuesday evening, Patanjali MD Acharya Balkrishna said that the indifferent attitude of the state to be blamed for this decision. “Came to know about quashing of Mega Food Park, approved by the Centre, in Greater Noida. The pledge to bring prosperity to the lives of farmers in the land of Sri Ram and Krishna remained incomplete because of the indifference of the state government.”

The mega food processing project was slated to come along the Yamuna Expressway that runs between Noida and Agra. Former UP chief minister Akhilesh Yadav had in 2016 laid the foundation of food park. It was to be constructed in 455 acres. According to Patanjali, one the food park when become soperational, can produce goods worth Rs 25,000 crore annually and create over 10,000 direct jobs.

ज़मींदारों की हड़ताल ग़रीबों का नुक्सान

शफ्फाफ सफ़ेद कुर्ते, पायजामे जिन्हें पंजाबी में तम्बी बुलाते हैं, पहन कर कलफ लगी पगड़ियों वाले किसान हड़ताल पर हैं. सूती सफ़ेद कपडे जिन पर मक्खी के बैठने का भी दाग नहीं है वह किसान हड़ताल पर है. ग़रीब ग्वालों का दूध सड़कों पर बिखेरा जा रहा है, छीन कर, सब्ज़ी वालों की सब्जियां ठेलों से उठा कर आने जाने वाली बड़ी गाड़ियों के पहियों तले रौंदा जा रहा है. सब्जियां भी इस बुरी तरह से  फैंकी जा रहीं हैं कि कोई जानवर भी उन्हें खाने की जुर्रत न करे, ज़रुरत भले ही कितनी हो.

एक गाँव में मुश्किल से दो या तीन किसान परिवार ही सब्ज़ी उगाते हैं. यह एकड़ या दो एकड़ जमीन पर भरे पूरे परिवार वाले छोटे किसान होते हैं जिनकी प्रतिदिन की पैदावार एक ठेले के बराबर होती है.यह परिवार कमरतोड़ मेहनत कर दो तीन महीनों ही में सारे साल की कमाई करने का जुगत भिड़ाते हैं. यह लोग लम्बी देरी की फसलों में हाथ नहीं डाल सकते. पंजाबी की कहावत “रोजाना खूह पट्टना ते पानी पीना” इन पर मुफीद बैठती है. यह आन्दोलन सिर्फ अमीर ज़मींदारों का मौज मस्ती का सामान है.

यही आन्दोलन करना है तो चावल या गेंहू की कटाई के समय करो.  नहीं, उस समय नहीं, क्योंकि आप बड़े किसान हैं और उस समय आपकी छमाही कमाई का समय है तब आप यह हिम्मत नहीं दिखाएँगे अब जब दो तीन महीने छोटे किसानों की कमाई का समय था तो आपने आन्दोलन की भेंट चढ़ा दिए. इस ग़रीब विरोधी आन्दोलन का विरोध किया जाना चाहिए इन्हें कहा जाए कि आन्दोलन छ: महीने चलाओ और कोई भी किसान अपने खेतों से कोई भी दाना मंडी में नहीं ले कर जाएगा. चावल या गेहूं पैदावार अनुसार मंडी का मुंह नहीं देखेगा अगली फसल की बिजाई पर देखा जाएगा. यकीन मानिए ऐसा कभी भी नहीं होगा क्योंकि इन ज़मींदारों के अपने अपने हित सामने आ जाते हैं इनकी कोठियां दानों और नोटों से भर जातीं हैं यह लम्बी डकार मार कर फिर साठी के दिनों में आ जमेंगे ग़रीब किसानों के मुंह से निवाला छीनने.

मुफ्त की बिजली पानी, 100 किस्मों की सब्सिडियां डकार, धरती पानी हवा को दूषित कर गरीबों को भूखा मारने इनकी फौज निकल पड़ी है. अपने तो खातों में सीधे सीधे पैसा डलवा लेते हैं पर जो रोज़ कमाने वाला है उसे बेघर करने की सोचते हैं, इनके कर्जे तो सरकार भी माफ़ कर देती है पर आत्महत्या गरीब किसान ही करता है.

यकीं मानिए जीरी लगाने की आखिरी तारीख 20 जून है यह आन्दोलन किसी भी बहाने से 10 तारीख से आगे नहीं बढेगा, उससे पाहिले ही समाप्त कर दिया जाएगा यह कह कर कि आन्दोलन में भितरघात हो गयी है या फिर कोई नया पर लचर बहन ले कर इसे टाल दिया जाएगा.


हड़ताल करनी है तो  लीडरान के घरों को घेरो, दूध उनके घरों में उन्ढेलो, सब्जियां उनके घरों में बिखेरो, पाहिले ही से मरने की राह पड़े दिहाड़ीदार मजदूर किसानों और ग्वालों के परिवारों उनके बच्चों के मुंह से निवाला न छीनों. “मरियां नूं होर न मारो”