Friday, February 28

‘Prnoor’Korel, Panchkula

A National level online seminar (Webinar) on Intellectual Property Rightsand Ethical Issues was organised by the IQ AC of Government PG College, Sector 1, Panchkula on 22nd January 2021 in which teachers and research scholars from all over India participated. Principal and chairperson IQAC inaugurated the webinar and welcomed the participants . The convenor of the event Mrs Vineeta Gupta highlighted the aims of the webinar and formally welcomed and introduced the resource persons Dr. Rahul Taneja and Dr. Pankaj Sharma. Dr Rahul Taneja explained various aspects of IPR such as process of filing patent, invention ,novelty, industrial applicability, trademark, service mark, geographical indication etc. Explaining the ethical issues related to IPRsuch as process of filing patent, invention ,novelty, industrial applicability, trademark, service mark, geographical indication etc. Explaining the ethical issues