State Bank of India Officers’ Association, Chandigarh Circle, an affiliate of All India State Bank Officers’ Federation, having a country wide membership of 90,000 officers, strongly condemns the dictatorial attitude of the Management of State Bank of India, Chandigarh Circle which has let loose a rule of terror and repression against the Principal office bearers of SBI Officers’ Association. The members of the Association under the leadership of Suresh Wali, DGS Jammu Module , held a massive demonstration in front of ZBO Building of SBI at Sector 68, Mohali which was attended by a huge number of officers from the Tri-city and Central Committee members from different parts of the Circle.

Arun Sikka, Dy. General Secretary, Mohali Module, addressing the gathering strongly condemned the vindictive action of the Management in calling an explanation on the General Secretary and without allowing him an opportunity to explain his position, took punitive action by transferring both the Circle President and the General Secretary to branches. The direct frontal attack on the Principal office bearers is an attempt of the Management to throttle the voice of the Association and restrain both the Principle office bearers from raising the genuine concerns confronting the officers’ community in the Circle.
Speaking at the gathering Deputy General Secretary , Jammu Module Sh. Suresh Wali said that this vindictive action is an attempt on part of the Circle Management to strangulate the rightful voice of the officers in the Circle. The Association has raised issues from time to time to air the genuine grievances of the officers’ fraternity. Apparently, the Management wants to enjoy an unhindered reign to exercise unbridled authority and sweeping administrative powers by harassing, intimidating, victimizing and torturing the membership. He further said that should the Management refuse to see reason and fail to resolve the impasse amicably, the Association will intensify the agitation by holding protest demonstration at various other centres in the Circle. He further stated that on 18th December officers from tri city hold a massive demonstration in front of ZBO Panchkula.
T S Saggu, Vice President of the Association, while addressing the gathering asserted that the Association is a major stake holder of our esteemed Institution and we have a right to express ourselves freely for the betterment and improvement of our institution, a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the Nation. He further said that we are firm in our resolve to fight each such onslaught tooth and nail, come hell or high water. He declared that the membership is ready to resist any attack on the genuine and legal rights of the officers and put up a joint struggle to thwart all such ill-conceived moves of the Management.