गाँव के शहरीकरण ने बढ़ाया जल संकट

सारिका तिवारी

विलंबित मानसून, पिछले वर्ष की कमी मानसून से पहले, और भूजल के स्तर में गिरावट ने संकट को बढ़ा दिया है। जलाशयों के दो-तिहाई भाग में असामान्य जल स्तर चल रहा है। बढ़ते तापमान, खराब शहरी नियोजन, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप भराव, और निर्माण, आर्द्रभूमि, योजना प्रक्रिया में हाइड्रोलॉजिकल योजनाओं के प्रति कुल उपेक्षा और पारंपरिक जल संरक्षण ज्ञान के दुरुपयोग ने इस खतरनाक स्थिति में योगदान दिया है।

स्थिति और खराब हो जाएगी, 2030 तक पानी की मांग दोगुनी होने की उम्मीद है, अगर युद्धस्तर पर पानी से निपटना तुरंत नहीं लिया जाता है। पानी की कमी का आर्थिक गतिविधि के सभी क्षेत्रों के लिए खतरनाक प्रभाव है। यह कई सामाजिक लाभों के साथ-साथ लड़कियों के साथ, विशेष रूप से ग्रामीण भारत में पानी लाने के लिए स्कूल छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर होने पर घड़ी को वापस कर देगा। यह स्वच्छता क्रांति को भी बाधित करेगा।

रविवार को अपने रेडियो संबोधन में, प्रधान मंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने व्यक्तियों, समुदायों और कंपनियों को एक साथ आने के लिए कहा। जल दक्षता को बढ़ावा देने और अपव्यय को कम करने के लिए सरकार के हस्तक्षेप की तत्काल आवश्यकता है। इस भयावह संकट के लिए कोई चांदी की गोली नहीं है। यदि लोग जल संकट की तीव्रता का एहसास करने में विफल रहते हैं, तो भारत का सामना करना पड़ रहा है ।

अब चेन्नई को ही देखें तो वस्तुतः सूखा चला गया है, जबकि शहरी और ग्रामीण भारत के कई अन्य हिस्से पानी के संकट से जूझ रहे हैं। पानी की बर्बादी न तो नई है और न ही तमिलनाडु की राजधानी तक सीमित है।

अध्ययनों से पता चलता है कि अगले साल तक लगभग 20 शहर शहरों में भूजल से बाहर हो जाएंगे। जलवायु परिवर्तन, आक्रामक भूमि उपयोग परिवर्तन, अनुचित शहरी नियोजन और निर्माण ने देश में जल आपातकाल में योगदान दिया है। इस संकट को हल करने के लिए सभी हितधारकों – लोगों, उद्योग, वैज्ञानिकों, नीति निर्माताओं और सरकारों द्वारा सभी स्तरों पर मजबूत नीतिगत रूपरेखा और ठोस प्रयास की आवश्यकता होगी।

शुरुआत के लिए, भारत सरकार को जल संरक्षण, जल निकायों के संरक्षण, वितरण नेटवर्क को टक्कर देने और नए आवास में वर्षा जल संचयन को एक अनिवार्य विशेषता बनाना चाहिए।

Deepak Sharma is Senior Vice President of AISBOF

Deepak Sharma , General Secretary of State Bank of India Officers’ Association , Chandigarh Circle was facilitated by the members of tricity on his elevation as Senior vice President of All India State Bank Officers’ Federation. Deepak Sharma started his career with State Bank of India  and due to his dedication to serve the members he was unanimously co-opted as Senior Vice President in a meeting held at Hydrabad on 28th June 2019

मारपीट के मामले मे कई आरोपी गिरफ्तार

पंचकुला, 02 जुलाई :-

          पुलिस प्रवक्ता ने जानकारी देते हुए बतलाया कि दो अलग-अलग थानों में लड़ाई-झगड़ों के मामलों मे पुलिस द्वारा कई लोगो को गिरफ्तार किया गया है ।

          पहले मामला थाना सैक्टर-20, पंचकुला का है जिसमे दो आरोपियान राजकिशोर तथा अनिलेश पुत्र सुरेन्द्र को गांव अभयपुर से गिरफ्तार किया गया है । आरोपियो के खिलाफ थाना सैक्टर-20 मे दिलराज पुत्र दिलीप वासी गांव अभयपुर द्वारा अभियोग संख्या 92 दिनांक 01.07.2019 धारा 148, 149, 323, 452, 506 भा0द0सं0 के तहत घर मे घुसकर शिकायतकर्ता व उसकी पत्नी के साथ मारपीट करने व जान से मारने की धमकी देने बारे दर्ज करवाया गया था ।

          दुसरे मामला थाना सैक्टर-5 का है जिसमे आरोपियान कुलदीप, राकेश, सुनील, चन्द्र लाल, सुरेश नम्बरदार को गिरफ्तार किया गया है । सभी आरोपी खड़ग मंगौली के रहने वाले है । थाना सैक्टर-5 मे अभियोग संख्या 268 दिनांक 01.07.2019 धारा 148, 149, 323, 427, 452, 506 भा0द0सं0 कुलदीप सिंह पुत्र बरखा राम की शिकायत पर घर मे घुसकर मारपीट करने बारे दर्ज किया गया था ।

           थाना सैक्टर-5 के ही एक और मामले मे अभियोग संख्या 269 दिनांक 01.07.2019 धारा 148, 149, 323, 427, 452, 506 भा0द0सं0 मे आरोपियान राहुल विजय पाल, परमजीत, संजय उर्फ संजू, कुलदीप उर्फ दीपू व राजू को विधी-पूर्वक गिरफ्तार किया गया है । पकडे गये सभी आरोपी खड़ग मंगौली के ही रहने वाले है ।

दहेज के मामले मे आरोपी गिरफ्तार

पंचकुला, 02 जुलाई :-

पुलिस थाना चण्डीमंदिर, पंचकुला की टीम द्वारा थाना के अभियोगांक संख्या 145/19 धारा 323, 377, 406, 420, 498-ए, 506 भा0द0सं0 के तहत आरोपी नारायण राय को विधी-पूर्वक गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया है । गिरफ्तार आरोपी नारायण राय पुत्र रोशन लाल जिला करनाल के बड़ागांव का रहने वाला है ।

          इस प्रकरण की विस्तृत जानकारी देते हुए बतलाया गया कि दिनांक 25.05.2019 को थाना चण्डीमंदिर मे एक महिला द्वारा दहेज प्रताडना, मारपीट एवं जान से मारने की धमकी देने बारे एक शिकायत दर्ज करवाई गई थी । पुलिस द्वारा अभियोग मे कार्यवाही करते हुए आरोपी नारायण राय को गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया है । आरोपी को पेश माननीय न्यायालय करके न्यायिक हिरासत मे भेजा गया । 

Rallies to conduct only at dharna point by order DM

Korel, Chandigarh, 2nd July 2019: 

The Chandigarh Administration has earmarked the Rally Ground, Sector 25, Chandigarh for taking out processions, rallies, dharnas, and no permission has been granted by the Chandigarh Administration to organize processions, rallies, dharnas, etc. elsewhere in the city other than the designated location, i.e., Rally Ground, Sector-25, Chandigarh and the same has been done to avoid traffic congestion, keeping in view of the convenience of the convenience of the general public.

Whereas, it has been made to appear to Jitender Yadav, IAS, District Magistrate Chandigarh that certain groups of people plans to organize processions, rallies, dharnas, etc., and resort to other agitation methods in the city other than apprehension that such groups /organizations /unions may cause obstruction, annoyance or injury to the persons lawfully employed or other general public and endanger human life and property, disturb public peace and tranquility and cause riots and affrays.

And therefore Jitender Yadav, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh, is of the opinion that taking out procession, rally, protest, strike, making speeches, raising slogans by gathering/ assembly Chandigarh, would cause obstruction, annoyance or injury to persons lawfully employed or other general public, peace and tranquility and cause riots and affrays and that immediate action is necessary for the prevention of the same.

Now therefore, Jitender Yadav, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh, in exercise of the power vested u/s 144 of Cr. P.C., hereby order as a measure of emergency that the public in general or any member thereof is prohibited from taking out procession, rally, protest, strike, making speeches, raising slogans, gathering/assembly of 5 or more people etc within the territory of U.T., Chandigarh other than Rally Ground, Sec-25, Chandigarh, for a period of 60 days.

Further, prior permission for organizing procession, rally, protest, strike making speeches, raising slogans, gathering/assembly of 5 or more people etc. at Rally Ground, Sector 25, Chandigarh must be obtained from the Competent Authority, i.e., the District Magistrate/concerned Sub Divisinal Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh.

Provided that the above order shall not apply to:

(i)                The police Para-Military or military persons or any other Government servant on official duties;
(ii)             The processions or meetings for which prior permission in writing of the District Magistrate/concerned Sub Divisional Magistrate, Chandigarh, has been obtained;
(iii)           The customary and ritualistic procession in connection with weddings and funerals.

This order shall come into force from zero hours on 03.07.2019 and shall be effective for a period of sixty up to and including 31.08.2019. 

Special Lecture at Dept. of Defence and National Security Studies, PU

Korel, Chandigarh July 2, 2019
      The Department of Defence and National Security Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh organised a special lecture on the theme “Importance of the Indian Ocean Region in the world politics” by Vice Admiral H. S. Malhi (Retd.), AVSM, VSM, Former Fleet Engineer Officer of the Western Fleet of the Indian Navy and former Chairman and Managing Director of the Mazagaon Dock Ltd. Mumbai, here today in the department 
      In the lecture, Admiral Malhi explains the significance of Indian Ocean and the challenge posed by the increasing presence and influencing of China in the Indian Ocean. Emphasising the importance of Indian Ocean, he points out that it is the third largest ocean in the world along with the 2.6 billion littoral states’ population. It connects Africa to the East Asia through the South Asia. Majority of the oil and trade supplies of the world passes through the sea lanes of communication (SLOC) of this Ocean. This region would remain the geopolitical hotspot of the 21st century considering its importance.  He also mentioned famous naval strategist Alfred Mahan 
who said that whosoever controlled the Indian Ocean would control the Asian continent. All the major world powers like Portuguese, Dutch, Britisher and now the US controlled all the strategic points in this ocean to control the trade. 
      He said that India adopted continental approach after its independence because majority of foreign invasion it faced via land border not through the sea. It did not aspire to be regional power and pursued policy of non-alignment. It recognized the importance of this region only in the 1970s. In the 1980s, India Showed its involvements in the countries like Mauritius, Seychelles, Sri Lanka and Maldives.   
      While highlighting China’s dependence on its trade passing through the Indian Ocean, the Admiral discussed how China has stepped up its presence in this ocean by deploying its naval assets in the Indian Ocean and construction of several ports in various countries located here. China has pursued it with high enthusiasm after start of it One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative. He also discussed the importance of the straits of Malacca and how its proximity from the Andaman and Nicobar Chain of Islands 
puts India in a strategic position from where it can dominate the trade passing through this choke point. Lastly, he also discussed the various roles and responsibilities of the Indian Navy in the military, diplomatic and constabulary domains. He advised the India to have close relations with the Indian Ocean littoral states prevent them falling squarely in the lap of China.

The lecture was attended by members of various faculty members, serving and retired armed forces officers pursuing various courses in the department, research scholars and students. The lecture was followed by a questions and answers session with the audience.

2nd Counseling- Cum – Admission Session 2019 – 20

Koral, Chandigarh July 2, 2019
      University Business School, Panjab University, Chandigarh shall hold 2nd Counseling-Cum-Admission Session for admission to vacant seats of MBA (Entrepreneurship) of UBS, for the academic session 2019-2020 (as per the Provisional Merit list displayed on the website on http://ubsadmissions.puchd.ac.in ) on  5st July, 2019(Friday) for all  Categories. 
      Candidates have already been informed on their registered email id etc. In case any candidate has not received the official intimation on his/her
registered email address, he/she should contact the O.S. (UBS) on email: 

3 year PU – LLB ass for cross objections

Koral, Chandigarh July 2, 2019
        This is for the information of the candidates in particular and public in 
general that the objections received from the candidates and their resolved status against Answer-key of PU-LL.B. (3 Year Course) Entrance Test-2019 conducted by Panjab University on 22nd June 2019 is available on the Website i.e. http://exams.puchd.ac.in/show-noticeboard.php

      The candidates can file their cross-objections (if any) regarding discrepancy and accuracy of the answers by email at arcet@pu.ac.in, by July 04, 2019 up to 11:00 a.m.

Walk in interview for the post of Counsellors at PU

Chandigarh July 2, 2019 
      Panjab University, Chandigarh has invited eligible candidates for walk in interview for 2 part-time Counsellors/Advisors purely on temporary basis, one male and one female to be hired to counsel the University Students and they will be paid an honorarium of Rs. 20,000/- per month per head. Resume can be sent in advance at dsw@pu.ac.in
      The qualification for the candidates is MA (Psychology) with minimum 55% marks and should have studied the option of counselling in MA. The date and time of counselling is 30.7.2019 at 11.30 am at PU College Bhawan, Near Boys Hostel No. 7.      
        Candidates are advised to bring original certificates at the time of 

UT Administrator launches ‘Online Visitor Pass’ system.

Chandigarh, 2nd July, 2019: Citizens planning to visit UT Secretariat at Sector 9 to meet senior officers of the Chandigarh Administration can now seek appointment online sitting at home. This would benefit especially those who are coming from far off places. The UT Administrator and Governor of Punjab, Sh. V. P. Singh Badnore launched the online visitor pass system for the UT secretariat. The existing system of public visiting hours of meeting officers from 12 pm to 1 pm (except on Wednesday and Friday) would continue for which no appointment would be required. An e Office based File Monitoring System was also launched.

In addition to current system of instant appointment at UT Secretariat, the new system will allow users to seek appointment in a very convenient manner byfilling in some basic information and selecting the officer’s name from a pre-defined list. Citizens can also indicate a preferred date and time. The concerned officer will have the provision to approve, reject or re-schedule the appointment. The visitors will be duly alerted on mobile as and when the status changes. A pass would be issued at the reception when the visitor comes at the scheduled time and shows the SMS and his/ her ID card. Those directly coming to the secretariat building can also get the pass on the spot, subject to the availability of the officer. For frequent visitors, provision for monthly pass would also be there. The appointment can be obtained from the state portal – www.chandigarh.gov.in   and a dedicated online portal – https://evisitors.chd.gov.in/.

File Monitoring System module of eOffice has also been introduced which would help the Administration to track the file on real time basis as it moves within a branch or across offices also. The new system would be officer friendly and aid the administrative functioning by bringing in efficiency. The file pendency would be easily tracked by the officers and SMS alerts for important files would be in place. Important and confidential files could also be tagged. More than 5000 files of the UT secretariat have been digitized and close to 100 staff have been trained. Offices of the UT Administrator and Adviser’s Office have also been covered.

Speaking at the occasion the UT Administrator said, “Our focus should be to use technology keeping the needs of common citizen in mind. There should be no barriers between the government and the citizens. Earlier IT initiatives like online RTI and online public grievances had been introduced.Like the online grievance portal of the Raj Bhawan, this visitor pass system will help in reducing the grievances of the citizens in an effective manner and would also strengthen the grievance redressal systemI am happy that the Administration is taking up initiatives for the betterment of the residents of the UT and improving its functioning.”

The Adviser to the Administrator, Sh. Manoj Kumar Parida, IAS said, “The new initiatives would also help the citizens to come closer to the Government and give an additional option for meeting officers. These initives would be extended to other offices like DC office, MCC and Chandigarh Housing Board.”

During the launch the status of Online Building Plan approval system was also discussed and it was agreed that the Administration remains committed to the finalizing of the system online building plans.

The launching coincides with the fourth anniversary of the ambitious Digital India Programme of the Government of India. Government of India and all States and UTs are running the campaign “#DigitalIndiaNewIndia – 4 Years of Digital Transformation” in this regard. Also present at the launch were senior officers from the Administration and Department of IT. Both initiatives have been developed by Department of IT and NIC Chandigarh State Unit.