Thursday, March 13

Chandigarh March 13,

M/s Mohan Fiber Private Limited in their pursuit of Philanthropy has donated Rs.14.5 lakhs to Dr.Harvansh Singh Judge Institute of Dental  Sciences & Hospital, Panjab University, Chandigarh for upgradation of the Radiographic facilities which willpromote the welfare of the patients, here today. Promoters and Directors of M/s Mohan FiberPvt. Limited, Shri Krishan Kumar and Sh. Muneshwarji accompanied by Shri Madhukar Malhotra, Post District Governor, Rotary presented a cheque of Rs.14.5 lakhs which was received by Professor KaramjeetSingh, Registrar, Panjab University and Professor JagatBhushan, Principal-cum-Professor, Dr.Harvansh Singh Judge Institute of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Panjab University, Chandigarh.

 Dr.Jagat informed that this money would be utilized for digitalization of X-rays in two departments of the Dental Institute along with limited local networking and with suitable contribution from others, they would completing the networking for whole of the Institute which will be immense beneficial for the patients as it would reduce the time required for radiographic investigation as well as would help lot in preserving the records of the patients.

Professor Karamjeet Singh, Registrar acknowledged and appreciated this great gesture and thanked them on behalf of Panjab University, Chandigarh.  On this occasion, all the Professors of the Dental Institute were present.