जींद में सामने आ सकते हैं नए समीकरण

जींद चुनाव को लेकर जननायक जनता पार्टी और आम आदमी पार्टी आएंगे एक मंच पर। दुष्यंत चौटाला ओर नवीन जयहिंद में हुई सहमति। थोड़ी देर में होगी औपचारिक घोषणा।

आज का राशिफल


Today higher education, arts, literature, music, film, technology, medical, related fields will achieve a high level. From some sources you will receive benefits of money. The living standards of family life will get elevated. Today your health will be full of energies. There will be melody in love relationships. In local traveling, care is expected. 


Today there will be tremendous advancement in work and business related. Today in business related fields, you will gain a desired stage in life. Today you may get appreciated at the higher level in your work space. Love relationships today will be in position to get strengthen and there will be more melody. Today you may have sudden expenses situation. 


Today’s day will result in increased compatibility in family members. Interviews give in context of earning livelihood; will give positive and successful results. Today for preserving social values, you will be awarded. Public and private sectors will have high reach to higher level. In context of health, pain can emerge. Proper eating order is required.


Today’s day will result in increased compatibility in family members. Interviews give in context of earning livelihood; will give positive and successful results. Today for preserving social values, you will be awarded. Public and private sectors will have high reach to higher level. In context of health, pain can emerge. Proper eating order is required.


Today in many ways your day will have maximized happiness. Today your health will be completely filled with passion and positive energies. Today old health issues can get ended. Work and business related areas will be at tremendous progress. Today in married life, you will experience more coordination between the wife and children. Today the enemy party may increase disputes. 


Today’s day can give indication of long distance journeys. Today good efforts made will be beneficial for you. Today the strength will get enhanced for defeating the opposing party. For getting success in competitive areas you may need to do more effort. In love relationships today’s day will be favorable. You may need to avoided anger. 


Today there may be indications of resolving your previous financial problems in your life. Today higher education, art, film and beauty have chances of vital progress in the respective areas. Today you can get benefited from somewhere in context of money. In love relationships, today’s day will be more compatibility. Today, building and vehicle properties related issues anticipate controversy. 


Today the livelihood related areas will be in progress. Today in related fields, you will have chances of promotions. In fund investment you luck to earn profits. Today you may receive good news in your family life. Today you will be interested in giving aid to a needy person. Today there can be chances of controversies and disputes between brothers. 


Today’s day will be increasing your fortune. Today, interviews given in private and public sectors will be indicating success for you. Today in social life your popularity will get increased. In love relationships, today your day will result medium. Health wise your day can be sluggish today. Proper eating order is need to be maintained.  


Today’s day you can see progress in relation to your court cases. Good efforts made would be beneficial. Today you will get benefits for your love and healthy relationship with your in-laws house. Today for refining your work skills, you may need to struggle. Old health related troubles may emerge today. You should not neglect your routine and maintain proper eating order. 


Today in context of health you will see a tremendous progress. Any good efforts made today will benefit you. If there are any troubles, are going to end today. Today in family life you will experience more peace and progress. Wife and children will maintain a high level of synergy between them. Today there can be increase in controversy in context of huge capital.


 Today the court cases will be progressive. Today from grandparents, you will receive love and affection and also get benefited in terms of money. In money investment and external references, you will get benefited today. In love relationships you may experience dilemma in context of love. In relation of health, troubles in genitals can emerge. Proper eating order is required.

आज का पांचांग

पंचांग 21 जनवरी 2019

विक्रमी संवत्ः2075, 

शक संवत्ः1940,

मासः पौष़, 

पक्षः शुक्ल पक्ष, 

तिथिः पूर्णिमा प्रातः 10.46 तक, 

वारः सोमवार, 

नक्षत्रःपुष्य रात्रि 02.27 तक, 

योगः विष्कुम्भक प्रातः 10.33 तक, 

करणः बव, 

सूर्य राशिः मकर, 

चंद्र राशिः कर्क, 

राहु कालः प्रातः 7.30 से प्रातः 9.00 बजे तक, 


सूर्यास्तः05.47 बजे।

नोटः आज पौष पूर्णिमा तिथि है। प्रतिपदा तिथि का क्षय है।

विशेषः आज पूर्व दिशा की यात्रा न करें। अति आवश्यक होने पर सोमवार को दर्पण देखकर, दही,शंख, मोती, चावल, दूध का दान देकर यात्रा करें।