Tuesday, February 11


Chandigarh: The Grand Lodge of India organized a two-day event on the issue of free masonry   role in world peace in world peace. On the second day of the program, the Asia Pacific Masonic Confederation Conference was held in Hotel Lalit on Sunday. The program was launched by welcoming all foreign and local members By Grand Master Harcharan Singh Ranauta Grand Lodge of India. The Grand Master of 42 Grand Lodge from, 20 countries to attend this conference

On the event Grand Master H S Ranauta said the  main motive of this conference was to spared massage of peace in world. Now our organization will start working in Islamic countries. We will make some intellectual person. Who can guide the people and spared the message of peace in their country. It will very help to crate peace in world and I think this small contribution of our organization.

Apart from this he describes all social work which were done by society this year. He also describe the future project in front of society members. He added freemasonry do various work  for society. But our main work are Mukti , Invisible prisoners, Senior’s day care centre.

For attend this Event various Grand Master of Grand Lodges came from 20 Countries. The main  Foreign Grand Lodges  MW Bro. Keith Murray, Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Victoria, Australia,  RW Bro Chris Craven, Representative of the Grand Master of United Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT, Australia ,  MW Bro Andrey Bogdanov, Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Russia ,  MW Bro Pavel Stroganov, Grand Chancellor of Grand Lodge of Russia , RW Bro Marco Vidal, Grand Chancellor of Grand Lodge of Chile , MW Bro Norihiro Inomata, Past Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Japan also appreciated the work in India of Society. They also describe their lodges work and future project. End of the Event all the members of freemasonry take oath to do social work for nation and humanity.