Thursday, March 13

Hindu nationalists in India have attacked movies and popular culture in the recent years. Earlier this year, a section of extremists made violent protests and threatened actors over the release of Bollywood film “Padmaavat”, which showed a Muslim ruler pursuing a Hindu queen. In 2016, an Indian super star Aamir Khan, after backlash over his comments on intolerance in India, was dropped as the ambassador of an online retail company: claims ABC


Chandigarh : DFD


After muslim extremists now former Miss India World is pronouncing Hindu sentiments as Hindu Terror; although the US television studio ABC has apologies to Indian fans of its crime drama “Quantico” after an episode featuring Indian nationalists trying to frame Pakistan in a terrorist plot sparked online outrage against Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra, who plays a lead role in the show.

“The episode has stirred a lot of emotion, much of which is unfairly aimed at Priyanka Chopra, who didn’t create the show, nor does she write or direct it,” said Walt Disney-owned ABC in its statement.

The 35-year-old Bollywood star, has earlier been admired for her ability to cross over and achieve success in Hollywood, which has been rare for Indian actors.

But after the recent Quantico episode, she has faced online attacks at home, and even some calls to boycott her work and the brands that she endorses.

Others called on the government to black out the scene where Priyanka, who stars as an FBI agent in the series, holds up sacred Hindu prayer beads as evidence that the plotter in the episode, planning to detonate a nuclear bomb in New York, was an Indian nationalist.

“The myth of Hindu terror, by a fake story, enters American television with the help of Priyanka Chopra. Would any Pakistani actress betray Pakistan or Islam the way she betrays India and Hinduism?”, David Frawley, a Hindu scholar based in the United States, tweeted.

ABC, in its statement, said: “The show has featured antagonists of many different ethnicities and backgrounds, but in this case we inadvertently and regrettably stepped into a complex political issue. It was certainly not our intention to offend anyone,”

The statement further said that Priyanka Chopra had no involvement in the storylines depicted in the series.

Hindu nationalists in India have attacked movies and popular culture in the recent years. Earlier this year, a section of activists made violent protests and threatened actors over the release of Bollywood film “Padmaavat”, which showed a Muslim ruler pursuing a Hindu queen. In 2016, an Indian super star Aamir Khan, after backlash over his comments on intolerance in India, was dropped as the ambassador of an online retail company.