4 Kashmiri Students of Aryans College of Engineering excelled in the merit list of IKG-PTU

Mohali 15th July

4 Kashmiri Students of Aryans College of Engineering, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh excelled in the merit list of IKG-PTU, Jalandhar by capturing top positions in the Merit List generated recently of 2014 batch by the University.

Sameer Javaid (EEE) of Ganderbal got 1st position by securing 87.41%; Javaid Mushraq (EEE) of Kulgam got 4th position by securimg 82.35%; Sajad Ahmad Dar (Civil) of Pulwama got 6th position by securing 85.65% and Jehangir Rashid (EEE) of Budgam got 8th position by securing 80.47%.

Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group while congratulating said that it’s a matter of pride for the College to have its 4 students in merit list of PTU. Kataria said that the credit for this excellent achievement goes to the teachers, Parents as well as the students.

Kataria further added that Aryans JK Students are excelling in all aspects including Academics, Sports, Innovations etc. to make our students all rounders, the force of young teachers are always behind their support.

Feeling ecstasy over the achievement, the toppers of Aryans Group said that the feeling to attain the top of the merit list is something which cannot be expressed in words. We are thankful to our teachers and parents, because of whom we have been able to attain such a beautiful feeling.

बॉम्बे हाई कोर्ट के रिटायर्ड जज अभय एम थिप्से के कांग्रेस में शामिल


महाराष्ट्र के एक रिटायर्ड जज के कांग्रेस में शामिल होने के बाद सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने उन्हें जजों के उस पैनल से हटा दिया जिसे महाराष्ट्र सरकार और स्टेट को-ऑपरेटिव बैंक के बीच के विवाद को सुलझाने की जिम्मेदारी दी गई थी.

प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा बॉम्बे हाई कोर्ट के रिटायर्ड जज अभय एम थिप्से के कांग्रेस में शामिल होने की जानकारी मिलने के बाद सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने यह फैसला लिया है.

थिप्से को महाराष्ट्र सरकार और स्टेट को-ऑपरेटिव बैंक के बीच राजकोषीय विवाद की मध्यस्थता करने के लिए मनोनीत किया गया था लेकिन बीते जून को देश में ‘बढ़ते फासीवाद और असहिष्णुता’ से लड़ने के लिए उन्होंने कांग्रेस पार्टी ज्वाइन कर ली. यहां तक की थिप्से के स्वागत में राहुल गांधी ने एक फॉर्मल पार्टी का आयोजन भी करवाया था.

अब जब इस बात की खबर जजों के बेंच को लगी तो उन्होंने स्टेट कॉउंसल से कई सवाल जवाब किए और उस लेटर की मांग की जिसमें थिप्से के कांग्रेस ज्वाइन करने की बात लिखी हो. जजों को वो लेटर हैंडओवर की गई जिसमें लिखा था कि जस्टिस अभय एम थिप्से ने कांग्रेस पार्टी ज्वाइन कर ली है. ऐसे में उनकी जगह हम पंजाब-हरियाणा हाई कोर्ट के रिटायर्ड चीफ जस्टिस एस.जे.वसीफदार को बेंच में शामिल कर रहे हैं. लेटर मिलने के बाद जजों ने मुस्कुराते हुए इसे बहुत विरले ही होने वाली घटना करार दिया.

CRIKC & CIIC to be developed soon



Dr Pramod Kumar, while speaking on the future of Chandigarh had that  “Chandigarh is emerging as the satellite town of Delhi. It has a potential to develop as a global destination in terms of culture, trade, knowledge exchange. It can locate a diplomatic enclave to realise this potential. The main focus should be to reach out to the people and influence policy planning institutions like CRIKC (Chandigarh Region Innovation and Knowledge Cluster) to be strengthened besides setting up an institution like India International Centre, Delhi.”

Both CM seconded the idea and also promised to contribute to turn the idea into reality.

It has been learnt that the proposed site of CIIC likely to be in one of the posh sectors of Chandigarh.

Here are some of the suggested features of the proposed CIIC

The underlying vision of CIIC will be aimed to have a vibrant space for preservation and dissemination of knowledge. The purpose is to make people’s contribution central in global processes through generation, dissemination and sharing of knowledge.

CIIC will try to support Chandigarh in its journey to emerge as an international city with number of knowledge imparting and disseminating institutions. To consolidate and reinforce its capacity to become a knowledge hub, CIIC shall make an effort to, preserve cultural impulse of the north-western region, promote spirit of enquiry to reinforce scientific temper and sustain dialogue. Chandigarh being a modern city with unique architecture will be used as an example to shape and influence process and pattern of urban development in the region in terms of people-centric growth of planned cities etc.

Chandigarh India International Centre will be a non-government institution, non-commercial in nature and carried out its activities in the spirit of public service. Its basic character and predisposition would be to remain non-aligned, non-governmental and non-affiliate to any political, economic or religious formations.

The aims and objectives of the proposed centre include:

  • To develop a place where statesmen, diplomats, policymakers, intellectuals, scientists, jurists, writers, artists and members of civil society meet to initiate the exchange of new ideas and knowledge in the spirit of international cooperation.
  • To promote dialogical tradition of lokayata  through lectures, seminars, workshops and conferencing etc.
  • To create a world class library fully equipped with modern technological facilities. It will have not only printed material, but also video and audio collections.
  • To invite cultural leaders, scholars, scientists and creative artists, who may or may not be members of the society, to exchange of new ideas, knowledge, art, skills and creativity.
  • To undertake, facilitate and provide for the publication of newsletters, research papers, and books, and of a journal for the exposition of cultural patterns and values prevailing in different parts of the world.

International Vaish Federation’s (Punjab unit)

IVF’s State President (Punjab Unit), Mr. Mahesh Gupta & his team cordially invites you on 15 July 2018 (Sunday) at 12:00 ‘o clock at Chandigarh Club, Sector 1, Chandigarh as the Federation has organized an Honour Ceremony of Meritorious of UPSC Exam 2018. Sh. Sumesh Goyal, IPS, DGP Jail (HP) will grace the occasion as worthy Chief Guest. Chief Justice Sh. Ashok Bhan (R), Superme Court of India; Sh. Madan Mohan Mittal (Ex Cabinet Minister, Punjab); Sh. Bajrang Dass Garg (President, Business Cell); Justice R. K. Garg (R) (Chairman, NRI Commission); Sanjeev Garg (State Information Commissioner); IAS Dr. B. C. Gupta (R) and IAS Sh. J. B. Goyal (R) will also be a part of the event.

‘जिवें राम नुं लक्ष्मण सी’ का विमोचन आज

पद्मश्री डॉ॰ सुरजीत सिंह पात्तर द्वारा पंजाबी के विख्यात लेखक श्री संतोख सिंह धीर  के चुनिन्दा पत्रों के संकलन, ‘जिवें राम नुं लक्ष्मण सी’ का विमोचन पंजाब कला भवन चंडीगढ़  में इतवार को सुबह 10:30 बजे होगा


पगड़ी पहनने के आदेश से सिख धर्म की भावनाएं हुईं आहत : चीमा

अकाली दल के प्रवक्ता दलजीत सिंह चीमा ने दावा किया कि चंडीगढ़ प्रशासन के इस कदम से सिख समुदाय की धार्मिक भावनाएं बहुत आहत हुई हैं.

शिरोमणि अकाली दल (एसएडी) ने शनिवार को केंद्र-शासित प्रदेश (यूटी) चंडीगढ़ के प्रशासन से छह जुलाई की वह अधिसूचना वापस लेने की अपील की जिसमें पगड़ीधारी सिख महिलाओं को छोड़कर बाकी सभी महिलाओं के लिए हेलमेट पहनना अनिवार्य कर दिया गया है.

अकाली दल के प्रवक्ता दलजीत सिंह चीमा ने दावा किया कि चंडीगढ़ प्रशासन के इस कदम से सिख समुदाय की धार्मिक भावनाएं बहुत आहत हुई हैं. चीमा ने कहा, ‘केंद्रशासित प्रदेश को किसी सिख महिला की पहचान परिभाषित या फिर से परिभाषित करने और कानून की नजर में किसी के सिख महिला होने या नहीं होने का पता लगाने का कोई अधिकार नहीं है.’

उन्होंने दलील दी कि सिख सिद्धांत में कोई टोपी या हेलमेट पहनना मना है. चीमा ने कहा, ‘सिख धर्म के सिद्धांतों के मुताबिक, किसी सिख महिला के लिए पगड़ी पहनना जरूरी नहीं है. यह पूरी तरह उसकी मर्जी है. सिख धर्म में पगड़ी सिर्फ पुरुषों के लिए जरूरी है.’

उन्होंने कहा, ‘लगभग 99.99 फीसदी सिख महिलाएं दुपट्टे से अपना सिर ढकती हैं. हेलमेट पहनने से मिली छूट उन सब पर लागू होती है लेकिन नई अधिसूचना ने सिख महिलाओं को उनके अधिकारों से वंचित किया है.’

पूर्व मंत्री ने कहा कि अकाली दल इस मुद्दे को यूटी चंडीगढ़ प्रशासन के सामने उठाएगा और उससे अधिसूचना वापस लेने का अनुरोध करेगा. चीमा ने कहा, ‘यदि जरूरत पड़ी तो पार्टी का प्रतिनिधिमंडल इस बेहद संवेदनशील धार्मिक मुद्दे पर प्रधानमंत्री, गृह मंत्री और राष्ट्रीय अल्पसंख्यक आयोग के अधिकारियों से मुलाकात करेगा.’

Truck body builders resent “forcible” GST recovery

Fatehgarh Sahib, July.14, 2018: The Truck body builders Association protested against alleged forcible recovery of 28% GST by the department officials against 18% as reduced by the Union Government.

A delegation of the Association led by Baljeet Singh Bhutta, Chairman Zila Parishad Fatehgarh Sahib called on Prof. Prem Singh Chandumajra MP and submitted him a memorandum regarding charter of demands to be taken up with Union Government.

Tilak Raj Secretary of the Association told that Union Govt. has reduced the GST from 28% to 18% on the representation of the association as the truck body building is a labour work by which they provide service to truck owner and it should be covered under 18%, but unfortunately the department officials are still pressurizing them and recovering 28% forcibly on one or the other pretext.

He said they have presented charter of demands to Prof. Prem Singh Chandumajra to take up the matter with Union Govt. and to issue clear cut instructions.

Prof. Prem Singh Chandumajra assured the delegation that he will take up the issue with Union Minister and get their problem resolved.

CM, ministers on medication, Capt Amarinder’s government skips the dope test

“Why exempt women from the dope test? When they can be fighter pilots and do the same jobs as men, where is the difference? They should also undergo the test,”, the CM said in an interview appearing in Hindustan Times.

As per reports, the government may heed the advice of Union minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal to exempt women employees; even those on medication. A move which would be seen as bailing out the ruling class.


After pressure from state government employees regarding dope test, the Punjab Government has now decided in principal to give some relaxation in this regard. In the coming days it is likely that the government will exempt women employees and also the employees above 50 years of age from this test. It is learnt that there are approximately 90,000 women employees.

The decision to exempt them is being taken on the ground that the percentage of women addicted to drugs in the state was almost nil thus it does not send the right signal if they are asked to undergo a dope test.

Sources said that the argument given is that the employees above 50 years of age are consuming one medicine or the other as above this age almost all of them have some medical problem.

Thus, those on medication for ailments should also be exempted after they submit their prescriptions from a health expert thus if their dope test is conducted then there result will come positive which will be embarrassing for them in the society as the people will think that they are on drugs.

Thus besides women the government has almost decided to give relaxation to employees above 50 years from dope test.

The Chief Minister Office (CMO) has asked the Chief Secretary Karan A Singh to work out the modalities in this regard.

It is learnt that the government is also mulling the idea that as the dope tests costs Rs 1,500 so the state government employee should be allowed to take reimbursement of this test in his medical bills which one submits to the government.

But those employees whoe fixed medical reimbursements per month from the government the government is not clear on reimbursement to those employees.

As the finance department is of the opinion that these employees are already been paid medical expenses per month. It is quite possible that the government might pay this expense from it’s own pocket but still a final decision has to be taken.

As per the government instructions the dope test will be done during recruitment, promotion and at the annual medical examination which employees need to face. Earlier Punjab Government Employees Organisation (PGEO) threatened state-wide protests if the government singled out employees as they said that all the ministers and MLAs should also give their dope test.

Punjab Minister waits for 45 Minutes but no dope test

As for the second time Rural Development and Panchayat Minister Tripat Rajinder Singh Bajwa yesterday went for his dope test but this time also be could not get it done as he waited at the Government Hospital in Mohali for 45 minutes and had to return back as their doctors and staff were in a meeting with the civil surgeon thus no one attended him.

The fuming Minister then returned back to his office and called up Additional Chief Secretary (Health) Satish Chandra and told him what transpired there.

The officer apologised to the minister. Then the Civil Surgeon of Mohali also called up and apologised to the minister over the incident.

Last week Bajwa had gone there for the dope test and returned back as he was on medication and was told to come after a week.

Rural Dispensaries to help in drug de-addiction

The 1186 dispensaries falling under the Rural Development Department, would also discharge their functions as the drug rehabilitation centres as per the Mission Tandarust Punjab in the villages.

The 786 doctors deputed in these dispensaries and the para medical staff would treat the youth addicted to drugs.

AAP will organise a press conference on July 13 Friday

Aam Aadmi Party state co-president Dr. Balbir Singh and general secretary AAP Punjab & RTI activist Adv. Dinesh Chaddha will address the media on the issue of RTI information regarding Punjab jails tomorrow (July 13, 2018) at 3 PM at People convention centre sector 36 Chandigarh

CM requests Jathedar Giani Gurbachan singh to issue appeal against Drug Abuse

Chandigarh, July 12, 2018:

Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Thursday urged Jathedar Sri Akal Takht Sahib Giani Gurbachan Singh to appeal to the Sikh community not to resort to drug abuse and to strictly follow the path shown by the great Sikh Gurus.
In a letter written to Jathedar Sahib, the Chief Minister said that Sri Akal Takht Sahib-the highest temporal seat of Sikhism had always played a pro-active role whenever the state was faced with any sort of crisis from a religious perspective.

Pointing out that a sizeable chunk of the state’s population had been in the grip of drug abuse for the past many years, the Chief Minister said that several youngsters from the Sikh families had also fallen prey to it. The Chief Minister expressed concern over the gravity of the situation caused by drug abuse, which was contrary to the Sikh tenets.
Though the government has already launched a vigorous anti-drug campaign, its efforts needed to be further strengthened and supplemented, he added.