श्री कृष्ण के नामकरण पर पधारे महर्षि गर्ग ने कुंडली विचार जो भविष्यवाणियाँ कीं वह अक्षरश: सत्य थीं

जगत के पालनहार का कृष्ण अवतार विधि का विधान था और वे स्वयं दुनिया का भाग्य लिखते हैं, उनके भाग्य को कोई नहीं पढ सकता। लेकिन जैसे ही मानव योनि में अवतार आया तो वे संसार के बंधन में पड़ जाता है और इस कारण उसे दुनिया के लोकाचार को भी निभाना पडता है। जन्म से मृत्यु तक सभी संस्कार करने पडते हैं।

इन्हीं लोकाचारों में श्रीकृष्ण के जन्मोत्सव पर महर्षि गर्ग पधारे और उनका नामकरण संस्कार किया। उनका नाम कृष्ण निकाल कर उनके जीवन की अनेकों भविष्यवाणी ज्योतिष शास्त्र के अनुसार की थी जो अक्षरशः सही रही। इस आधार पर श्रीकृष्ण की कुंडली में ग्रह क्या बोलते हैं का यह संक्षिप्त विश्लेषण प्रस्तुत किया जा रहा है।

भाद्रपद मास की कृष्ण पक्ष की अष्टमी के दिन रोहिणी नक्षत्र के संयोग में भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने अवतार लिया। सोलह कला सम्पूर्ण महान योगी श्रीकृष्ण का नामकरण व अन्नप्राशन संस्कार गर्ग ऋषि ने कुल गुरू की हैसियत से किया तथा कृष्ण के जीवन की सभी भविष्यवाणियां की जो अक्षरशः सही रहीं। भाद्रपद मास की इस बेला पर हम गर्ग ऋषि को प्रणाम करते हैं।

अष्टमी तिथिि की मध्य रात्रि में जन्मे कृष्ण का वृषभ लग्न में हुआ। चन्द्रमा अपनी उच्च राशि वृषभ में बैठे व गुरू, शनि, मंगल, बुध भी अपनी-अपनी उच्च राशियों में बैठे थे। सूर्य अपनी ही सिंह राशि में बैठे।

योग साधना, सिद्धि एवं विद्याओं की जानकारी के लिए जन्म जन्म कालीन ग्रह ही मुख्य रूप से निर्भर करते हैं। अनुकूल ग्रह योग के कारण ही कृष्ण योग, साधना व सिद्धि में श्रेष्ठ बने। गुरू अष्टमेश बनकर तृतीय स्थान पर उच्च राशि में बैठ गुप्त साधनाओं से सिद्धि प्राप्त की तथा पंचमेश बुध ने पंचम स्थान पर उच्च राशि कन्या में बैठ हर तरह की कला व तकनीकी को सीखा।

चन्द्रमा ने कला में निपुणता दी। मंगल ने गजब का साहस व निर्भिकता दी। शुक्र ने वैभवशाली व प्रेमी बनवाया। शनि ने शत्रुहन्ता बनाया व सुदर्शन चक्र धारण करवाया। सूर्य ने विश्व में कृष्ण का नाम प्रसिद्ध कर दिया।

जन्म के ग्रहों ने कृष्ण को श्रेष्ठ योगी, शासक, राजनीतिज्ञ, कूटनीतिज्ञ, चमत्कारी योद्धा, प्रेमी, वैभवशाली बनाया। श्रीकृष्ण की कुंडली में पांच ग्रह चन्द्रमा, गुरू, बुध, मंगल और शनि अपनी उच्च राशि में बैठे तथा सूर्य व मंगल अपनी स्वराशि में हैं।

रोहिणी नक्षत्र में जन्म लेने वाला बुद्धि और विवेक का धनी होता है। यही चन्द्रमा का अति प्रिय नक्षत्र और चन्द्रमा की उपस्थिति व्यक्ति को जातक मे आकर्षण बढा देती है। ऐसे व्यक्ति सभी को प्रेम देते हैं और अन्य लोगों से प्रेम लेते हैं। श्रीकृष्ण को इस योग ने सबका प्रेमी बना दिया और वे भी सबसे प्रेम करते थे।

जन्म कुंडली का पांचवा स्थान विद्या, बुद्धि और विवेक तथा प्रेम, संतान, पूजा, उपासना व साधना की सिद्धि का होता है। यहां बुध ग्रह ने उच्च राशि में जमकर इन क्षेत्रों में कृष्ण को सफल बनाया तथा राहू के संयोग से बुध ग्रह ने परम्पराओं को तुड़वा ङाला और भारी कूटनीतिकज्ञ को धराशायी करवा डाला।

स्वगृही शुक्र ने उन्हें वैभवशाली बनाया तो वहां उच्च राशि में बैठे शनि ने जमकर शत्रुओं का संहार करवाया। भाग्य व धर्मस्थान में उच्च राशि में बैठे मंगल ने उनका भाग्य छोटी उम्र में ही बुलंदियों पर पहुंचा दिया। मारकेश व व्ययेश बने मंगल ने धर्म युद्ध कराकर व्यवस्था में आमूल-चूल परिवर्तन कराया।

अष्टमेश गुरू को मारकेश मंगल ने देख उनके पांव के अगूठे में वार करा पुनः बैकुणठ धाम पहुंचाया। अष्टमेश और मारकेश का यह षडाष्ठक योग बना हुआ है और मारकेश मंगल ग्रह को पांचवी दृष्टि से राहू देख रहा। यह सब ज्योतिष शास्त्र के ग्रह नक्षत्रों का आकलन मात्र है। सत्य क्या था यह तो परमात्मा श्रीकृष्ण ही बता सकते हैं।

कर्नाटक में 105 स्थानीय निकाय के चुनावों के नतीजे सोमवार को

सोमवार को वोटों की गिनती होगी. काउंटिंग सुबह 8 बजे से शुरू हो जाएगी. उम्मीद है कि नतीजे रात तक घोषित हो जाएंगे. इन चुनावों में EVM का इस्तेमाल किया गया था

इस चुनाव में 2662 सीटों के लिए 9121 उम्मीदवारों की किस्मत दांव पर लगी है

कर्नाटक में सत्ताधारी जेडीएस और कांग्रेस का गठबंधन निकाय चुनाव में जारी रहेगा. एक स्थानीय नेता ने कहा ‘यह गठबंधन बीजेपी को सत्ता से बाहर करने के लिए है.’

पार्टी नेता ने बताया ‘वैसे तो हमें निकाय चुनावों में पूर्ण बहुमत मिलेगा. यदि ऐसी स्थिति होती है कि बहुमत नहीं मिलता तो हम लोग नगर निगम में भी एक साथ आएंगे. इसका एक उदाहरण मई 12 को हुए विधानसभा चुनाव में भी सभी देख चुके हैं.’

कर्नाटक में 105 स्थानीय निकाय के चुनावों के नतीजे सोमवार को आनेवाले हैं. इस चुनाव में 2662 सीटों के लिए 9121 उम्मीदवारों की किस्मत दांव पर लगी है. इस चुनाव के नतीजे कांग्रेस और जेडीएस के लिए चुनौती बन सकते हैं. हालांकि बीजेपी इस चुनाव में उम्मीद जता रही है कि उसे फायदा हो सकता है.

बता दें कि इस चुनाव में कई उम्मीदवारों को पार्टियों ने टिकट नहीं दी थी इसलिए वह निर्दलीय चुनाव लड़े थे. सूत्रों के मुताबिक कांग्रेस ने सबसे ज्यादा लोगों को चुनाव से बेदखल कर दिया था क्योंकि इन लोगों पर पार्टी के अनुशासन को तोड़ने का आरोप था.

भारी बारिश होने की वजह से कई इलाकों में वोटिंग पर भी असर पड़ा था. स्कूल और कॉलेजों को भी बंद कर दिया गया था. हालांकि शांति के साथ चुनाव संपन्न करने के लिए भारी सुरक्षा की व्यवस्था की गई थी.

गौरतलब है कि इन चुनावों के नतीजे सियासी पार्टियों के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण हैं क्योंकि 2019 के चुनाव नजदीक हैं, ऐसे में वोटों का गिरता या बढ़ता हुआ ग्राफ पार्टियों की आगामी रणनीति की दिशा तय करेगा.

सोमवार को वोटों की गिनती होगी. काउंटिंग सुबह 8 बजे से शुरू हो जाएगी. उम्मीद है कि नतीजे रात तक घोषित हो जाएंगे. इन चुनावों में EVM का इस्तेमाल किया गया था.

स्टेट इलेक्शन कमीशन के मुताबिक, 2,662 नगर वार्ड, 29 शहर नगर पालिकाओं, 53 शहर नगर पालिकाओं, 23 नगर पंचायत और 135 कॉर्पोरेशन वार्ड पर वोटिंग हुई थी. जेडीएस निकाय चुनावों में कांग्रेस का समर्थन करने के लिए तैयार है. यह समर्थन बीजेपी को सत्ता से बाहर करने के लिए किया जा रहा है. सभी सीटों पर 8,340 उम्मीदवार थे. वहीं कांग्रेस के 2,306, बीजेपी के 2,203 और 1,397 जेडीएस के थे.

Bharat Ratna Sh.Atal Bihari Vajpayee First International Girls & Boys Cricket Trophy from 20th November

Chandigarh / Panchkula:

According to Mrs.Latika Sharma ,Chairman & Amar jit Kumar ,Secretary Genetal of Haryana Sports Welfare Association (regd.) is organising the First Bharat Ratna Shri.Atal Bihari Vajpayee (Former Prime Minister of India ) International Women’s (Seniors) and Boys U-15 International Cricket Championship at Cricket Stadium,Panchkula (Haryana) & Chandigarh (U.T.) from 20th November to 24th November,2018 between Our Asia Region Neighbouring Countries Bangladesh ,Nepal ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan & India as a mark of tribute to the former Prime minister. According to Latika Sharma & Amarjit kumar It is to be mentioned that the After the demise of the late Prime Minister and to showcase his contribution to the nation which was highly appreciable and as he was one among the few leaders who was universally accepted by all political parties,Sports Lovers all our India as well as World and people from all walks of life the tournament has been named as { Bharat Ratna Sh.Atal Bihari Vajpayee Trophy }

According to Secretary General In this Bhartiya Rural Premier International Girls (Seniors) & Boys under-15 Cricket League day/night Championship total eight Girls cricket teams from Bangladesh, Nepal,Afghanistan,,Pakistan & India shall participate in this mega championship at Cricket Stadium’s Panchkula (Haryana ) & Chandigarh(U.T.) (India.) from 20th to 24th November ,2018. According to Mrs.Latika Sharms,Chairman & Secretary General Amarjit kumar the Haryana Sports Welfare Association (regd.) the main motto to organise the 2nd Girls International Rural league cricket championshipas ” BETI KHILAYO” to follow the theme of “BETI BACHAYO,BETI PADHAYO”is a Social Campaign of the Government of India that aims to Generateawareness & improve the efficiency of welfare services intended for Girls.According to Amarjit kumar ,Secretary General of Haryana Sports Welfare Association (Regd.) the main motive of the First Boys under-15 International Junior League Cricket Championship is to restrain the young Generation of our Rural / backward Area from the drug addiction and shall given chance to villages / Rural Area Junior players to show their talent in International Stadiums Chandigarh (U.T.) and Panchkula (Haryana) with international teams. Amarjit Kumar said that the main aims is to promote and develop the game of cricket for men from the grass root level in the Junior age Grouos.Amar Jit Kumar said that the organising Committee will provide Top class Boarding, Lodging and Transport facilities to all participants and officials accompanying the International girls (Seniors) & boys under-15 cricket teams fromBangladesh,Nepal,,Afghanistan, Pakistan & india.
The Association shall give Glittering trophies and individual prizes. The Haryana Sports Welfare Association (Regd.) will distribute every Man of the match, best batsman, best bowler, best all rounder, best wicket keeper, best fielder of the championship and Up-Coming Cricketers.

All the matches of the Championship will be played at International Cricket Stadium’s Chandigarh (U.T.), Panchkula (Haryana), on day/night affairs with coloured clothing and white ball. Qualified umpires, scorer and officials will be deputed in the League Championship.

Bharat Ratna Sh. Atal Bihari Vajpayee Trophy from 20th to 24th Nov. 2018

Panchkula :

The Haryana Sports Welfare Association (regd.) is organising the First Bharat Ratna Shri.Atal Bihari Vajpayee (Former Prime Minister of India ) International Women’s (Seniors) and Boys U-15 International Cricket Championship at Cricket Stadium,Panchkula (Haryana) & Chandigarh (U.T.) from 20th November to 24th November,2018 between Our Asia Region Neighbouring Countries Bangladesh ,Nepal ,Afghanistan ,Pakistan & India as a mark of tribute to the former Prime minister. It is to be mentioned that the After the demise of the late Prime minister and to showcase his contribution to the nation which was highly appreciable and as he was one among the few leaders who was universally accepted by all political parties,Sports Lovers all our India as well as World and people from all walks of life the tournament has been named as { Bharat Ratna Sh.Atal Bihari Vajpayee Trophy }.

Land grab case: FIR registered against Robert Vadra, former CM Hooda

BIZARRE: Robert Vadra Responds To His FIR, Calls It A ‘decade Old Issue’


A first information report has been registered against former Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda and Robert Vadra, son-in-law of UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, in connection with the decade-old Shikohpur village land deal between Mr. Vadra’s company and the real estate firm DLF.

The case was registered at the Khedki Daula police station here on Saturday on charges of criminal conspiracy, cheating and forgery under the Indian Penal Code and Section 13 of the Prevention of Corruption Act following a complaint by social activist Surender Sharma. DLF and Onkareshwar Properties are also named in the FIR.

‘Political vendetta’

Mr. Hooda, however, denied the charges saying that it was “political vendetta” by the government aimed at hiding its failures.

In the FIR, Mr. Sharma alleged massive corruption in connivance with the government officials and politicians in the deal. He said Mr. Vadra’s company, Skylight Hospitality, registered in 2007 with total assets of ₹1 lakh, bought 3.5 acres of land from Onkareshwar Properties for ₹7.5 crore. But Onkareshwar Properties did not encash the cheque and struck a deal with Mr. Vadra to help procure a housing licence through his influence in the Haryana government. The complainant alleged that Mr. Vadra, as the son-in-law of Ms. Gandhi, had considerable influence in Haryana’s Congress government headed by Mr. Hooda.

He further alleged that the Hooda government in violation of the law, granted licence for a commercial project to Skylight Hospitality for the said land and Mr. Vadra sold it to DLF at a whopping ₹58 crore.

Mr. Sharma, in the FIR, said Mr. Vadra’s company did not the meet the criteria for the commercial licence which was granted to it in unprecedented haste. He said that the officers overlooked the laws which proved their connivance.

The FIR further said that then Director General, Land Consolidation, Ashok Khemka, cancelled the mutation of 3.5 acre land, but Mr. Hooda constituted a three-member committee to revoke the cancellation. This, he said, was illegal as only the Punjab and Haryana High Court had the authority to revoke the mutation cancellation order.

Mr. Sharma told reporters that he had given a written complaint to the police on Saturday morning, but did not expect them to register the case so quickly. “The SHO told me that he would carry out a preliminary investigation before the registration of case. However, he called me in the evening to inform that an FIR was registered,” Mr. Sharma said. He said that the Congress government hushed up the matter and the present BJP government also seemed to be acting under the influence of the accused.

The Haryana government had also set up Justice Dhingra Commission in May 2015 to enquire into the circumstances of grant or rejection of licences for development of colonies, group housing societies and commercial complexes in those sectors of Gurgaon for which land of Shikohpur, Sikanderpur, Badah and Kherki Dhaula was used, including the Vadra-DLF land deal.

PU VC meets Finance Minister

Photo by Rakesh Shah


Chandigarh September 1,  2018

Panjab University Vice Chancellor Prof Raj Kumar  met   Sh  Arun Jaitley , Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs yesterday in New Delhi. PU VC  requested for implementation of 7th Pay commission for PU employees.

Prof Kumar also had a meeting with Sh. Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, Minister of State for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. He discussed in details about Research and Development of Bio-Fuels and Bio-Diesels to improvise upon agricultural practices in the state of Punjab.They deliberated on introducing newer technology for doing so.On the basis of these discussions, a proposal shall be submitted by PU for suitable grants for three affiliated colleges in Punjab and PU Rural Regional Centre.

CJI Dipak Misra sticks to tradition, recommends Justice Ranjan Gogoi’s name as his successor

Justice Ranjan Gogoi is a judge of the Supreme Court of India. His father Keshab Chandra Gogoi was a  staunch Congressman and former Chief minister of Assam

Ending months of speculation over the name of the next Chief Justice of India, incumbent Dipak Misra has endorsed Justice Ranjan Gogoi, the senior-most judge in the Supreme Court, for the post.

According to sources, CJI Misra has sent his recommendation to the Ministry of Law and Justice endorsing Justice Gogoi as his successor. As per convention, the outgoing CJI sends the recommendation about his successor 30 days before he is to demit office.

The outgoing CJI usually recommends the name of the senior-most judge of the Supreme Court as his successor.

Justice Gogoi is likely to take oath as 46th CJI on 3 October. He is due to retire on November 17, 2019.

Earlier, rumours about the government introducing a bill to increase the retirement age of judges were doing the rounds in media, only to be later put to rest by Law Ministry denying such speculations.

It is worth the mention that Justice Ranjan Gogoi was one of the four senior Supreme Court judges — Justices J Chelameswar, Ranjan Gogoi, MB Lokur and Kurian Joseph — who virtually revolted against CJI Misra over “selective” case allocation and certain judicial orders in January this year.

The four senior Supreme Court judges had called a press conference in New Delhi in the second week of January and said the situation in the top court was “not in order” and that many “less than desirable” things had taken place.

At the unprecedented press conference, Justice Gogoi had hinted that the allocation of a case seeking an investigation in the death of special CBI judge BH Loya to a junior judge led to the ‘revolt’.

Earlier this month, CJI Misra broke his silence on the judges’ revolt saying that the real challenge to the judicial system was to transform it into a performing one with composure and rationality.

“To criticise, attack and destroy a system is quite easy. What is difficult and challenging is to transform it into a performing one. For this one has to transcend one’s personal ambitions or grievances,” CJI Dipak Misra had said while speaking at the Independence Day function organised in the Supreme Court by the Supreme Court Bar Association.

“Concrete reforms must be undertaken with rationality, maturity, responsibility and composure. It’s necessary to be productive instead of being counter-productive,” he said.

“Only then the institution can go to greater heights,” Misra added.

Opp. Pits Stalin Against Modi

Since the Opposition parties are yet to find out a suitable candidate, leaders like Farooq Abdullah and Azad had said Stalin should lead the country,” said A Saravanan, the DMK spokesman

The demand from regional party satraps to lead a united Opposition in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections and the gradual fade away of sibling rivalry has clearly gave an edge to M K Stalin, the 65-year-old president of the DMK and he seems to be on course of leaping to the stature of a king maker in the national politics.

Though Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee is currently leading the race, Stalin could be the regional parties’ answer to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, if the words of some of the leaders ~ who addressed the public meeting held at Chennai on Thursday in memory of former chief minister of Tamil Nadu late M Karunanidhi ~ are any indication.

In the meeting Farooq Abdullah, leader of the National Conference and former chief minister of Jammu & Kashmir, urged Stalin to unite and lead the secular forces in the country against the BJP.

“Who is going to lead the flock? Stalin, I tell you. Lead us to the nation that Gandhi could not take us and Karunanidhi could not take us. Please take my children and grandchildren to an India where we can live with honour and dignity and walk with freedom,” said Abdullah who also alleged that the country was undergoing a regime of dictatorship.

The way regional parties pictured Stalin’s importance in the national politics, one could easily analyse that he will be a catalyst of a maha gat bandhan taking shape in Tamil Nadu.

Ghulam Nabi Azad, the Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha and the senior leader of the Congress also declared that Stalin would be the ideal person to take on the BJP. “Under the leadership of Stalin, we will fight oppression and discrimination of the worst kind India has ever faced,” said Azad.

The words of these two leaders were played again and again by Kalaignar TV, the channel owned by the Karunanidhi family. Former Prime Minister Deve Gowda too paid rich compliments to Stalin, though he did not endorse the candidature of the latter for the post of Prime Minister.

Barring the BJP, leaders of all political parties who were present were vying with one another in praising Stalin and attacking Narendra Modi, though indirectly.

“Yes, it was an endorsement of Stalin as the Prime Ministerial candidate. He has all the qualities to be the Prime Minister of the country. Since the Opposition parties are yet to find out a suitable candidate, leaders like Farooq Abdullah and Azad had said Stalin should lead the country,” said A Saravanan, the DMK spokesman

Sudha Bhardwaj denies Maharashtra police’s claims, terms letter “concocted”, “fabricated”


At a press conference in Mumbai on Friday, the Maharashtra Police said that Bharadwaj had written a letter to a certain “Comrade Prakash”.

Activist Sudha Bharadwaj, who was arrested along with four others on 28 August, rejected the Maharashtra Police’s accusation that the accused had “clear links” with Maoists. In a hand-written statement issued on 1 September, Bharadwaj, who is currently under house arrest, said the police had “totally concocted” a letter to implicate her.

“It is a totally concocted letter fabricated to criminalise me and other human rights lawyers, activists and organisations,” the letter read.

Bharadwaj’s statement was shared through her lawyer Vrinda Grover.

At a press conference in Mumbai on Friday, the Maharashtra Police said that Bharadwaj had written a letter to a certain “Comrade Prakash”. The police had also read out passages from seized letters allegedly establishing the links between the Naxals and those arrested.

Bharadwaj, a visiting professor of Law-Poverty and tribal rights at the National Law University (NLU), Delhi, said that the purported letter shown by the police is a “mixture of innocuous”.

She claimed a number of human rights lawyers, activists and organisations were deliberately named to cast a stigma over them, obstruct their work and incite hatred against them.

“I categorically state that I have never given Rs 50,000 to hold any programme in Moga. Nor do I know any Comrade Ankit who is in touch with Kashmiri separatists,” she wrote.

The activist, who is also the general secretary of People’s Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) in Chhattisgarh, said that she knows Gautam Navlakha as “a senior and respected human rights activist whose name has been mentioned in a manner to criminalise and incite hatred against him”.

Navlakha is journalist and civil rights activist who is also involved with PUCL. He has also served as a convener for International People’s Tribunal for Human Rights and Justice in Kashmir. He was picked up by the Pune Police from New Delhi on the same day as the other four.

Early this week, the police raided the homes of activists and lawyers from five states – Varavara Roa in Hyderabad, Vernon Gonsalves and Arun Ferreira in Mumbai, Bharadwaj in Fariadabad and Navalakha in Delhi. All five were arrested.

Lawyers of the arrested activists slammed the Pune Police for trying to indulge in media trial by publicly sharing sensitive information that is part of investigation.

“What police has done today in the press conference is wrong. Even defence lawyers do not have access to these documents, which the police claim as evidence against accused persons. It is clear that the police is indulging in media trial to put pressure on the judiciary,” Rohan Nahar, lawyer for P Varavara Rao, was quoted as saying by Indian Express.

Vernon Gonsalves’ lawyer Tosif Shaikh, too, backed the “media trial” claim stating that the police does not have strong evidence to prove allegations.

On Friday, ADG (Law and Order), Maharashtra Police, Parambir Singh said at a press conference in Mumbai that the arrests were made only after “we were confident that clear links have been established”.

“Evidence clearly establishes their roles with Maoists,” he said adding that letters exchanged between the activists point to the plotting of a “Rajiv Gandhi-like” incident

Loans given on phone calls from ‘naamdars’ will be recovered: Modi

Speaking at the event, the PM took a jibe at the Congress accusing the party of forcing banks to give loans to known defaulters.

During the previous regime, the majority of bank funds were reserved only for the rich who were close to a particular family, says the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) service today at a ceremony in New Delhi. Calling it the beginning of his government’s aim at bringing banking facility into the rural heartland of the country, the PM said that the IPPB will bring banks at the doorstep of the rural population.

“Through the IPPB, the path to the doors of every Indian, every tribal, every person living on faraway mountains and ever poor is being paved. The IPPB service will be available in 650 districts – touching every nook and corner of India,” said the PM at the event in Talkatora Stadium.

Praising the service of the post office and the postman, the PM said, “Starting today, the postman will be the bearer of both the letter and bank.”

“The faith in the government may have wavered but the faith in postman has never wavered. The postman has always enjoyed a special status in the lives of the people. Technology has changed everything but the emotion and faith associated with the postman remains the same,” said the PM.

The PM said that the IPPB will be monitored by both the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Ministry of Communication.

“Our government has taken the responsibility of bridging the postman with technology,” said the PM adding that the IPPB has the “power to expand the banking system and digital transactions”.

“All services are available not only at the IPPB counters but also the postman will be able to come at the doorstep to provide facilities,” he said.

“Even the smallest of trader can open a current account in IPPB. A worker from UP or Bihar will be able to send money to his family easily. An IPPB account can be used for every banking transaction, including transfer to another bank,” he said.

Speaking at the event, the PM took a jibe at the Congress accusing the party of forcing banks to give loans to known defaulters.

“From 1947 to 2008, all the banks of the country had extended just Rs 18 lakh crore in loans. But from 2008 to 2014 the banks extended Rs 52 lakh crore as loans,” said the PM.

“Even though bankers knew that loans extended by them to such borrowers will turn bad, they were forced to do so by the naamdars (dynasts). Those who kept defaulting were given fresh loans in name of loan restructuring,” Modi said.

The PM’s comment can be seen in the light of the multi-crore loan default cases involving absconding fugitive Nirav Modi and liquor baron Vijay Mallya.

“Swift action is being taken against 12 biggest defaulters who were given loans before 2014. I want to assure the country that none of these big loans was given by our government,” the PM said.

Modi accused the Congress of leaving the nation’s economy on a land mine.

The IPPB is aimed at providing banking and financial services to people in rural areas through post office branches. The government aims to link all the 1.55 lakh post offices to the India Post Payments Bank system by 31 December, 2018.

IPPB began operations on 30 January 2017 with one pilot branch each in Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.

According to reports, the IPPB will offer 4 per cent interest rate on savings accounts and accept deposits of up to Rs 1 lakh per account from individuals and small businesses. It can also serve as an agent of other financial service providers in case of certain services such as offering loans.

IPPB has been allowed to link around 17 crore postal savings bank (PSB) accounts with its accounts.

“IPPB has been envisioned as an accessible, affordable and trusted bank for the common man, to help speedily achieve the financial inclusion objectives of the Central government. It will leverage the vast network of the department of posts, which covers every corner of the country with more than 300,000 postmen and Grameen Dak Sewaks. IPPB will hence significantly augment the reach of the banking sector in India,” the government had said in a statement on 31 August.

“The IPPB will offer a range of products such as savings and current accounts, money transfer, direct benefit transfers, bill and utility payments, and enterprise and merchant payments. These products, and related services, will be offered across multiple channels (counter services, micro-ATM, mobile banking app, SMS and IVR), using the bank’s state-of-the-art technology platform,” said the statement.

Communications Minister Manoj Sinha said on Wednesday that by the end of 2018, the number of IPPB access points would increase to 1.55 lakh, of which 1.30 lakh branches would be in rural areas.

“Further, account holders of the Post Office Savings Bank would also be able to avail IPPB services by linking their accounts,” he said.

“The account holders in the payments bank would be provided a QR card and they can authorise transactions with the card and their biometrics,” he added.