Saturday, March 15

Chandigarh February 5, 2019

Prof Raj Kumar,  Vice Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh in his address emphasized upon the prominence of contribution of researchers and scientists towards the society and the implication of a precise mode for its channelization. He also encouraged the audience specifically, the upcoming researchers and young generation to carry out a research that is specific and focuses on thrust areas and explicitly solves the need of the society, as the 21st century is the era of marketing and commercialization.

Prof. Promila Pathak, Coordinator PU Colloquium Series briefly introduced the eminent speaker. She apprised that Dr Girish Sahni, PU Alumnus, is currently serving as Bhatnagar Fellow, CSIR and has been Former Secretary, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research & DG-CSIR

The speaker for the occasion, Dr Girish Sahni delivered lecture on the topic “A Challenge for Our Times: Balancing the Human Quest for Truth, Abundant Scientific and Managerial Talent, Some Ivory Towers and Societal Expectations”. He began the lecture feeling nostalgic and recalled his time at the University 40 years ago listening to Prof. M S Randhawa’s lecture. He said “I also want to state that Panjab University is one of the most distinguished centers of learning with a go-getter attitude and has deepest intellectuals. We are a part of a society who doesn’t have intellectuals of the past or the future but the bravest soldiers. He also added that “just as a soldier has virtue of bravery, he or she also has compassion and scientists also need this sort of passion towards their research. Dr. Sahni remarked India to be the top most nation in terms of publications of high value and has tailor made science with a strong knowledge base but stressed upon the great challenge our country has met with i.e.generating researches which are cost-effective for poor people and has value addition for the society. The talk accentuated upon the central role of a scientist or a researcher about how he or she has to remain inside the golden circle of research and be a part of it from the starting point till the end and it is essential to mobilize research from laboratory science to industrial science. To achieve this, Dr. Sahni explained about the responsibility of the scientific community as well as the political leadership to form a trustful collaboration and synergy with academia. Lastly, he emphasized over the point asserting refocus on affordable and viable off shoots and a link to convert it into applications, as quoted by him “it is necessary to convert a seed into a sapling and further into a tree and take out the fruits from it”. The lecture highlighted the importance of willingness of a scientist to participate in this chain from lab to market and realize how much value he or she is creating and adding from his or her research for the benefit of society.

On this occasion, many distinguished scientists and guests, CRIKC Members, a large number of senior and young faculty members, research scholars and UG/PG students from Panjab University, Local Colleges, and neighbouring institutes attended the lecture. The event ended successfully by a vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Shruti Bedi, a member Colloquium Committee