Thursday, March 13

Koral ‘Purnoor’, Demokratic Front, Chandigarh  – 26 December:

The Malviya Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTC) Panjab
University Chandigarh has started the refresher course for the teaching faculty, which is coordinated by Prof. Anuradha Sharma from Department of Community Education and Disability Study.  The theme of the programme is “Higher Education: National Policy and Implementation” from 26th .12.2023 to 08.01.2024 which is held at HRDC building  The programme is scheduled for 14 days having 28 participants from different states i.e. Panjab Haryana, Uttrakhand, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Chandigarh. The main focus of the refresher course is on the implementation of National Education Policy 2020 in Higher Education.

, Prof. Anju Suri (Director MMTTC) honoured the chief guest Prof. Harsh Nayyar Dean and Director of Research and Development Cell, Panjab University

          Dr. Anuradha Sharma, Course Coordinator enlightened the participants about the course she said course  will cover the main criteria of NEP -2020 implementation  i.e. Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary, Teaching Pedagogy, Research Quality, Internationalization of Higher Education, Online Education and use of academic content in a better way and to upgrade knowledge in Higher Education. Prof. Anju Suri (Director MMTTC) briefed the participants about the refresher course and importance of the NEP 2020 and ice breaking session was done

Prof Harsh Nayyar Dean and Director of Research, Panjab University Chandigarh emphasised that NEP is expected to bring a transformation in the higher education and it will bring holistic and inclusive development in the youth and prepared them for the jobs.

           The programme ended with a vote of thanks by  Prof Anuradha Sharma  course coordinator