Monday, February 24

Koral ‘Purnoor’, Democratic Front, Chandigarh  –  29 November:

University Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (UIPS)organized the Pharmaceutical Sciences Convocationon Wednesday, 29th November 2023. The event began with the Panjab University anthem. Prof. Y P Verma, Registrar, Panjab University declared the convocation ceremony open in the presence of Chief Guest Dr. Pushvinder Jit Singh, MD, Tynor Orthotics, Mohali Punjab, Prof Harsh Nayyar, Director RDC Panjab University Chandigarh, Prof. Anil Kumar, Chairperson, UIPS, Prof. Poonam Piplani, Dean, Faculty Pharmaceutical Sciences and others.

Prof. Anil Kumar delivered the welcome address and welcomed the guests and advised students to inculcate three virtues of courage, kindness and value of time.

Professor Harsh Nayyar sensitized the young graduating students to keep thriving to aspire for achieving high echelons and strive hard to keep this hard-earned legacy of their alma mater alive as they are the future of the nation. He motivated them to march forward in the profession with utmost sincerity and brighter innovative ideas and motivated them to initiate new start-ups.”

The Convocation Address was given by the Chief Guest, Dr Pushvinder Jit Singh.He cheered the audience by sharing his personal, beautifully cherished moments spent at UIPS, sharing his roadmap of professional journey, he highlighted how each milestone taught him life skills. He congratulated and gave blessings to all the upcoming young graduates.

The Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science Prof. Poonam Piplani then administered the “Pharmacist’s Oath for Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics” to the graduands. Around80 students including B.Pharm. and M.Pharm. graduates were conferred their degrees.

The valedictorians, Yuvraj and Hemant from M.Pharm and Miss Sanchita and Miss Rubal from B. Pharm. presented their salutations for the Institute describing how the UIPS nurtured and shaped them and their future both personally and professionally. The event concluded with the National Anthem.