Wednesday, March 12

Koral ‘Purnoor’, Democratic Front, Chandigarh  –  02 November:

7-day workshop on Vedic Svaras begins in PU

Panjab University’s Sanskrit department has begun a 7-day workshop on Vedic Svaras today. The title of the workshop is ‘Vaidika-Svara-Paribodha’, where participants shall be taught about the peculiar system of tones or pitches of Vedic Sanskrit. The instructor of this workshop is Mr. Sandeep Kumar, research scholar at the Dayanand Chair for Vedic Studies, Panjab University. Teachers, research scholars and students of the department attended the first day of this workshop. This workshop has been organised under the celebration of Swami Dayanand Saraswati’s 200th birth anniversary.

Mr. Sandeep Kumar introduced the participants with the basics concepts of Svaras and then moved to its peculiar application in Vedic Sanskrit and mantras. He said, “in Vedic Sanskrit, the meaning of a word changes with the change in where the svara is placed in the word.” Mr. Kumar demonstrated the rules regarding svaras with help of a mantra from Yajurveda.

Academic Incharge of the department, Prof. V. K. Alankar said that through this workshop, participants shall become well informed about the established system through which the Vedic mantras are to be understood. He said, “without understanding Vedic svaras, we cannot understand Vedic mantras and the knowledge which is kept within them”.