Thursday, February 6

All the pending issues of the Teachers of Aided Colleges must be immediately sorted out by the Chd. Admn. : PCCTU
Demand raised to immediately implement the 7th Pay Commission Pay Scale for Un-aided Teachers

Demokratic Front, Chandigarh, 16 October  :

Prof. Vinay Sofat, President & Gurdas Singh Sekhon, General Secretary of PCCTU ( Punjab and Chandigarh College Teachers Union ) convened an executive meeting of said body which was held at DAV College, Sector 10, Chandigarh. Members of  PCCTU attended the meeting from all over Punjab and Chandigarh. Dr Vinay Sofat said that the managements of the Govt aided colleges of Chandigarh should immediately implement the 7th Pay Commission Pay Scale for their Un-aided Teachers. Dr Gurdas Singh Sekhon urged the Director Higher Education to expedite the process of CAS promotions in Chandigarh without any further delay. Dr Surjit Singh, President, Chandigarh District Council reiterated that all the pending issues of the Teachers of Chandigarh Aided Colleges must be immediately sorted out by the Chandigarh Administration and the respective Managements. Many other pertinent issues concerning Chandigarh and Punjab such as Pension from EPFO, issue of M.Phil., Ph.D. increments etc. were also discussed at length. In case, if the process is delayed, the District will launch an agitation to get their demands met as the District Council has been frequently sending representations to both the Government and private managements, but to no avail. The teachers are suffering gravely due to the un-responsive attitude of the Chandigarh Administration and the management. Dr Navneet K Pruthi, General Secretary, District Council and others were also present in the meeting.