Chandigarh,State President Arun Sood & Medical Cell convenor Prince Bhundella met & requested the Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandavya to Cover all citizens of city under ayushman Bharat Card scheme couple of months back to which Health Ministry replied with favourable response with a letter. Then union health Ministry asked the U.T. health deptt for their opinion & asked U.T health deptt to write a letter regarding this. BJP Chandigarh then gave representation to U.T. health deptt. & Letter was written to Union Minister. Today Arun Sood , Prince Bhundella again met & requested Mansukh Mandavya regarding that when Minister was in city for inauguration of CGHS Wellness center to which Minister asked the U.T. Health Deptt to issue letter regarding this. Then Both leaders had a meeting with Advisor to Administrator Dharmpal & U.T. health secretary Yashpal Garg regarding pendency of Ayushman cards, incomplete cards & cards for all beneficiaries of Ration cards pending so far. Yashpal Garg assured leaders of all help & compilation to cards at the earliest. Arun Sood said that BJP is committed for total social welfare of Chandigarh under PM Modi govt.
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