Saturday, March 15

Demokratic Front, Chandigarh – May 06     :

The delegation of CRAWFED comprising  Hitesh Puri Chairman and Senior Vice Chairman and Nominated Councillor  Umesh Ghai along with delegation of Chandigarh property shareholder welfare association  includes it’s president Harpal Singh and two members lead by  Arun Sood President of Chandigarh state BJP met the Administrator of Chandigarh and Governor of Punjab The issues regarding lifting of Ban on sale of share in case of residential property in Chandigarh was taken up 

Detailed memorandum after keeping in view the judgement of hon’ble Supreme Court of india was submitted for the consideration of The Administrator CRAWFED also took up other issues like 

Practical solution of CHB violations  issue ,

  • Reasonable charges for the conversation of lease hold to freehold charges of residential properties,
  • Single window system for addressing the complaints,
  • Issue of street vendors, *Effective policy for sterilization of stray dogs 
  • Stopping of e sampark centre’s facilitation charges. 
  • The Administrator assured the delegation for an immediate action on the said issues With regards Hitesh puri Chairman CRAWFED