Saturday, March 15
  • Experts acrossed country gathered and shared their experience by performing live surgeries
  • A special series of workshops held for skill enhancement of the medical professionals
  • Dr. MS Dhillon(HOD PGI), Dr.  Sudhir Garg (HOD GMCH 32) and Dr. Ravi Gupta (Senior consultant Fortis Mohali)

Demokratic Front, Chandigarh – 11 April : 

With motto of education the routine orthopedic surgeon, a special dedicated arthroscopy conference CACRC 2023 held in Chandigarh. This was for the first time in north india that city based society OERT ( Orthopedic Education Research and Trust) Chandigarh held  a special arthroscopy conference CACRC 2023 (Chandigarh Arthroscopy Confrence and Rehab Course) over weekend in Chandigarh. The event was honoured with the presence of esteemed and renowned experts in the field of arthroscopy Dr. MS Dhillon (HOD PGI), Dr.  Sudhir Garg (HOD GMCH 32) and Dr. Ravi Gupta (Senior consultant Fortis Mohali).  Apart from city, over 300 Doctors and medical professionals from Mumbai, Amritsar, Banglore, Coimbature, Rajasthan, Jammu, Kolkata, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh attended this two days confrence. Seven live surgeries, Eleven lectures sessions cum pannel discussion and Nine workshops were held during the event. Many experts from all over the country shared their experience in different session held during the confrence thereby performing live surgeries. Also hands on workshops in continual bid of skill enhancement of the medical professionals.

The leading orthopaedic surgeons from Chandigarh and Punjab – Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal and Dr. Inderdeep singh has taken this initiative in northern india of organaising this arthroscopy confrence. Dr. Siddharth Aggarwal said, As we are aware, Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive keyhole surgery. Its advancement will help many sports enthusiasts and players to recover and continue playing in field even after injury. Many a times after injury career of a player is finished but with this technique and proper rehab it is possible for the player to come back on field and win accolades for the country. The basic purpose of this conference is to educate and train orthopedic surgeons to provide treatment and expertise to perform ligament surgeries in routine with standard care that people are anaware of. While Dr. Inderdeep Singh said, Sports medecine and arthroscopy is quite weak link and there are less expert doctors in this area. We have tried to get across doctors across the country and educate the routine and orthopedic surgeon. So that it ultimately add to patient care. 

Also, the experts added that these kind of events are the need of hour and therefore it should be conducted on regular basis to train the budding surgeons.