Sunday, February 23


Democratic Front

Chandigarh December 29, 2022

            Today, Vice Chancellor released the revised and improvised version of PU Accounts Manual 2022. CA VikramNayyar (FDO), Prof Jagtar Singh (DSW), Prof Sanjiv Sharma (Director, IQAC), Prof Anupama Sharma (Dean Alumni Relations), ShPardipKumar (Assistant Controller Local Audit), ShJatinderMoudgil ( Manager Press) were also present. This manual prescribes comprehensive rules  and procedures to be followed for all financial matters. For promotion of E-Governance as a part of ‘Digital India’ programme of Government of India, this manual incorporates realigned and rationalized rules/procedures to create an enabling framework for the overall financial management of the University.

            In the last 5-6 years extensive amendments have been carried out in the manualto be in consonance with GFR 2017 as well as the contemporary financial eco-system, while ensuring the fundamental principles of the finance, propriety and transparency. The present manual is the improvised and updated version of the Accounts Manual 2012, which has been revised after incorporating the various decisions of the governing bodies of the University.

            It aims to bring efficiency and effective decision making with rationalized processes, decentralized functioning and with adequate internal controls & checks in place.It is expected that the provisions incorporated in Panjab University Accounts Manual shall help in ensuring that fiscal management of the University is carried out by following systematic, efficient, effective, transparent and fair procedures and practices. Panjab University is one amongst the few Public Universities, which has devised such a comprehensive financial code through Accounts Manual.