Thursday, March 13


डेमोक्रेटिक फ्रंट 

Chandigarh 4 Nov Christ Church CNI-Sector-18-A, Chandigarh has started its 27th Annual Varshik Masihi Sammelan (Annual Convention) from 04th November, to 06th November 2022 at Church premises.This Annual Convention was instituted in the year 1994 by the then Presbyter-In-Charge Rev. Warris.K.Masih. The Chief guest of Day 1 was Rt. Rev. Denzel Peoples, Bishop of Diocese of Chandigarh and the main speaker was, Pastor Philip Rakesh, who is Vice Chairman of Diocese of Chandigarh and Pastor in Charge of Golaknath Church, Jallandhar who shared the word of God from book of “Ephesians” chapter 2 verse 10 of the New Testament in the Holy Bible.Sh John Barla ,Minister of state ,Ministry of Minority Affairs of India was Guest of Honour .At this Annual convention, Choirs sung songs of praises and Our Speaker Pastor Philip Rakesh preached from Bible and his theme was“GOD’S PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE”Many residents from tri-city and its churches attended the first day of convention.Rev Rajiv masih presbyter-In-Charge along with his office bears extended a heartiest warm welcome with greetings to all the people gathered.Fellowship meals (Dinner) was also served after the prayer service.