Wednesday, February 26

Koral ‘Purnoor’, demokretic front, Chandigarh – 15 September :

Inaugural function presided over by Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor Panjab University and attended by Director Inst Mohali Director Niper and Executive Director NABI.

The Vice Chancellor PU laid stress on interdisciplinary approach in science. 

Prof Rajiv Ahuja talked about sustainable fuels and hydrogen as a  Lena sustainable fuel 

Prof Dulala Panda talked about developments in anti cancer agent.

Prof Pareek from Nabi talked about technologies for developing agricultural Rey.

Prof Amitav Patra, Director Inst talk about nano particles for proton harvesting and energy.

Prof Yashwant Gupta from TIFR Pune talk about advanced radio telescopes.

Prof J Srinivasan from IISC Bangalore tales about effects of climate change. 

Ms Hargunjit Kaur Secretary Industries Chandigarh administration talked about start up policies of the Govt.

The sessions were actively interactive and students interaction. 

The coordinator Prof Desh Deepak Singh and the organising team have coordinates the events and there are also exhibition stalls where technology centres and companies start ups are showcasing their products.