Monday, February 24

Koral ‘Purnoor’, Demokretic Front, Chandigarh  –   12 August 22  : 

A.C. Joshi Library, Panjab University, Chandigarh celebrated the Librarian’s Day on 12th August on the 130th birth anniversary of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, Father of Library Science.  Dr. Neeraj Kumar Singh, Deputy Librarian welcomed Dr. V.K. Anand, Former University Librarian who was the guest speaker on this occasion, Prof. Sudhir Kumar, University Librarian and all the library professionals.

 Dr. V.K. Anand talked on the topic “Ranganathan’s Contribution in Library Science”. He stated Dr. Ranganathan’s contributions in the field of colon classification, facets of library science, prolegomena to library classification, five laws of library science.  He stressed upon Dr. Ranganathan’s work which was well appreciated all over the world and had formidable influence on the growth of library science in the academic field. He also sensed that it is high time to relook Dr. Ranganathan’s works in relation to the modern age.

Prof. Sudhir Kumar, University Librarian also talked about Dr. S.R. Ranganathan as an academician and mentioned his contribution which was equally valid in terms of indexing, classification, cataloguing. Even google has admitted about the theories and principles laid down by  Dr. S.R. Ranganathan , he added.

            Dr. Suman Sumi, Assistant Librarian proposed the vote of thanks.