Saturday, March 15

Koral ‘Puroor’, Demokretic Front, Chandigarh July 25, 2022 :

A five days workshop on ” Learning Startup Skills” for Ph.D Scholars was organized by HRDC PU CHD and inaugurated by Prof. Sudhir Kumar, Director RPC PU at 10 am today I.e. 25th july 2022. Prof. Sudhir emphasized on the need of initiating Startups by PU students to serve the community and common people.

            Dy. Director HRDC Jayanti Dutta explained the dire need to make PU researh scholars ready for the upcoming challenge for entrepreneurship and owning Startups to enhance positive contributions of the intellectual capital to the development of the society. The cordinator of the workshop Prof. Sushil Kansal introduced the audience about the workshop by stating that this 5 days workshop is meant to inculcate in  students the requisite start up capabilities and knowledge required to start a startup be it conception, business idea, funding, govt. Schemes and marketing of their products.

            The Guest of Honor and Keynote speaker was Ms. Ritika Singh, CEO Kontent Factory and entrepreneur eventaligst.In her keynote address she addressed upon the need to develop self reliance specially for women and how to think creatively and use available and required skills to initiate a startup and grow it and earn money and generate employment and serve the society. She gave her own example that she started a business based on content writing from home and established her own company. The students were mesmerised by her talk and the skills she discussed. The inagural session ended by a vote of thanks to the dignatiries, chief guest, keynote speaker and the audience. Dr S S Bhinder presented the vote of thanks. 30 research students are attending the workshop.