Sunday, March 16

Koral ‘Purnoor’, Demokretic Front, Chandigarh July 18, 2022

  The University of Peradeniya delegation from Sri Lanka paid a formal visit to Panjab University in Chandigarh to discuss ways to improve their mutual cooperation in the areas of excellence, physical education & sports, education, and the sciences. These areas are to be jointly considered on the basis of reciprocity and mutual benefit. The parties shall work to promote connections and collaboration between and via the organizations that are relevant to the sectors of sports and youth affairs of the respective Without limitation, the Parties should foster and promote the exchange of programmes, experiences, skills, techniques, information, and knowledge in the following areas in order to realize the objectives of cooperation in the domains of physical education & sports and youth affairs:

1. athletes’ and athletic teams’ practice and competition,

2. coaches’ technical support and training

3. exchange programmes and visits for professionals, administrators, technicians, and support staff in sports,

4. programmes for the growth of sports sciences professionals, including training, exchange, and attachment opportunities,

5. programmes for training, exchanging, and attaching in the fields of coach education, curriculum development, sports education, sports management, and the creation and administration of sports infrastructure,

6. training, technology transfer for infrastructure, and initiatives for the growth of knowledge and research in the sphere of sport;

7. programmes for training, interchange, and attachment, as well as technology and research exchanges in the area of physical education and fitness;