Saturday, March 15

Koral ‘Purnoor’, Demokretic Front, Chandigarh July 9, 2022 :

An initiative  “Granthvarta” was initiated today by the library professionals of AC Joshi library, Panjab University. Prof. Sudhir Kumar, Officiating University Librarian, inaugurated it by a deliberation  on the book entitled “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power” written by Shri Rajiv Malhotra.

     Prof. Sudhir Kumar  emphasized that artificial intelligence is making a growing number of people cognitively and psychological dependent on digital network. He further opined that Artificial intelligence is making us immune to this system and we are mentally colonized with the same. He discussed five battlegrounds as mentioned in this  book where the struggle for survival of humanity will take place. Ideas raised in the book were presented by the speaker in a succinct manner.

    Dr. Jayanti Dutta, Deputy Director, HRDC appreciated the initiative taken by the A.C. Joshi Library and  suggested to have more such academic discussions in future not only on the books but also on the current topics where the experts of the subject can be invited to share their views in the concerned area.Dr. Neeraj Kumar, Deputy Librarian gave a brief overview about the Granthvarta initiative and welcomed all the faculty members, library professionals and other staff who attended this discussion. Dr Jeevesh Bansal, deputy librarian,  presented the vote of thanks. It was decided to make this feature a periodic and regular one.