Sunday, March 16

Koral’Purnoor’, Demokretic Front, Chandigarh June 14, 22 :

The Boys Hostel No. 3 celebrated its Annual Day function in the common room of BH3. On this special day, Sh. R.S. Verma, IAS, Special Secretary (Revenue and Disaster Management), Govt. of Haryana presided over the function as the Chief Guest and Sh. Ram Gopal, DSP(CID) Chandigarh Police graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour. All the residents, Mess Canteen Worker & employees were also invited on this day. Professor Jagtar Singh Dean Student Welfare, Men and Prof. Rupali Garg, Dean Student Welfare, Women and Prof. Sh. Ashok Kumar, Associate Dean were also present there and graced the occasion. Common room and other places of BH3 were completely decorated with flowers. The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp. Simultaneously, the Warden and Senior Assistant, BH3 also lit the lamp. The cultural show began with P.U. Anthem. After that, one by one, the residents of different courses performed various programs. Residents performed a beautiful group dance program and they also sang songs.  Chief Guest and Guest of Honour also gave a speech on how they prepared themselves for civil services exam and also inspired students to make careers in civil services too. Finally, the warden came on stage and thanked everyone, especially Chief Guest and, Guest of Honour and DSW Men and Women for coming to our annual day function