Sunday, March 16

Koral’Purnoor’, Demokretic Front, Chandigarh June 14, 22 :

The Departments of Emerging Areas Building comprising Centre for Human Rights and Duties, University Institute of Fashion Technology and Vocational Development, Centre for Police Administration, Centre for Social Work, Department-cum-Centre for Women Studies and Development and Department of Lifelong Learning and Extension, and NCC Panjab University, Chandigarh organised an interdisciplinary lecture series on the theme “Indian Culture and Human Rights” and “Food Safety and Standards : A Public Health concern” .

Professor Raj Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh welcomed the guests on a warm note, talking about their achievements and expertise. He discussed about the importance of human rights, culture and food safety measures.

Dr. Satya Narayan Sabat, IPS, Director General (Vigilance and Enforcement) U.P. Power Corporation Limited in his lecture titled “Indian Culture and Human Rights” discussed about his experiences related to the past lectures delivered by him, held at various educational institutions with respect to human rights. He began the lecture focusing on the core concept of human rights like introduction, scope and different levels of human rights. Heimbibed the students on the concepts of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, Magna Carta’ 1215, UDHR’1948 . He  further discussed the difference between the Indian and western concept of human rights andgave an insight on Dharma, Kautilya’s Arthshastra, teachings of Bhagwat Gita, Reformist movement, Bhakti movement and teachings of various Sufi saints. He concluded his lecture after mentioning the importance of UDHR and discussing its articles in a comprehensive manner.

Prof (Dr.) Sunita Mishra, Head of the Department , Food and Nutrition, Human Development and Family Studies, Dean, School of Home Science BBAU (A Central University), Lucknow in her talk titled “Food Safety and Standard: A Public Health Concern” talked about food safety. She emphasised on the advancement of nanotechnology in food safety. “Food safety issues have been the most wanted intervention in the field of nutrition all over the world”, she added. She discussed about the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 in particular. She talked about HACCP, PRP Pre Requisite Program, FSSAI, General principles of food hygiene, CODEX guidelines and NCCP. She also discussed four food quality standards which are legal standards, company or voluntary label standards, industry standards and consumer or grade standards. She further talked about basics of food safety focusing on food contamination, chemical contamination, fungal contamination and ready to consume food. WTO standards and TQM system (GPH and ISO). She talked about the food recall procedures and its authority and the commission of food safety. She explained the importance of licensing and registration of food business.

The event also showcased display of products by various student led start-ups such as Aapni Dharohar “Our Culture, Our Pride” started by Ms. Poonam and “Kalakaari” started by Manisha and Manak of UIFT. Their stalls were put up outside the seminar hall for display.

The session was also attended by faculty and students from various departments. Prof Jagtar Singh (DSW), Prof Ashok Kumar (Asst DSW),  Prof.J.S Sherawat graced the session with their presence.