Chandigarh : A RUSA (Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan) sponsored one day capacity building workshop on “Revised Accreditation Framework for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education Institutions” was organised by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Post Graduate Government College, Sector-46, Chandigarh. Principal of the college, Dr. Abha Sudarshan welcomed the chief guest Dr. Dalip Kumar (Ex ASPD, RUSA Chandigarh Registrar, Amity University, Mohali). In her address, Dr. Sudarshan said that expansion of higher education has induced a growing need to upgrade higher education institutions. She added accreditation is a vital tool in ensuring accountability. The motive of the workshop was to acquaint the members of staff about revised criteria for accreditation of higher educational institutions. Dr. Kumar highlighted the seven parameters for judging and analysing the qualitative and quantitative improvement in the higher education institutions. He added that digitization has widened the scope to bring out the transparent outcomes in higher education. He further averred that academic activities and administrative functioning of the institution go hand in hand in deciding the ranking of the institution. Ms. Arvinder Kaur, co-ordinator RUSA, and Dr. Rajinder Singh Koura co-ordinator, IQAC organised the whole program successfully. The vote of thanks was proposed by Dr. Koura.
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