Saturday, March 15

Koral’Purnoor’, Demokretic Front, Chandigarh June 1, 22 :

Dr. S.S. Chadha the alumni of psychology department of Panjab University Chandigarh Retired Joint Director of Employment Directorate, Govt of Haryana has conducted a workshop on  “Careers in Psychology” The expert Panel comprised of Dr. D.S. Parrmar, Retired Joint Director of Employment Directorate, Govt of Haryana, both has been conducted a workshop for  psychology students. After the Corona the students were very uncertain about their careers.
Dr. Roshan Lal Chairperson of Psychology department Panjab University, Chandigarh welcomed and introduces the speakers and shared that career counseling at right time help the students to make right career.

Dr. S S Chadha shared that Un-Employment is not the problem but the problem is between agencies that they don’t know where the right talent is available and students don’t know as per their talent where the vacancy is vacant. So there is a gap and such gap can be filled by giving right career counseling at right time.
Dr. D.S. Parmar said today’s counselors are just providing occupational information because majority of our students are studying to get job or to go for good marriage. So, the Government must work for Right guidance with right career counseling and opening of Modern Schools or giving laptop free to the students will not resolve all such problems to choose the right career.

Further added that India is having a list of 35000 occupation consisting of lack of adequate information and could not reached up to the masses while USA is having 40 thousands  occupation very much commonly known at every levels with full of information. In Chandigarh around 87 school counselors are working but still school students are not getting right career counseling as majority of them may be untrained or involved with some other assignments.

Psychology Department also organized Global Virtual Conclave (online) in which Dr N.K. Chadha (Prof Emeritus) based at USA has guided the students for RESUME WRITING and Interview Skills. He suggested that the resume of the student must be self explanatory because it reflects the worth and qualities of students. He shared very valuable inputs to write an impressive resume and how to face the interview.

Dr. Pankhuri Aggarwal from Miami University, USA, also enlightened the students about scope of psychology in USA, she mentioned that there is huge scope of psychology in USA because psychology is considered in Medical field and psychologists or counselors are contributing a lot to the society in USA and all they are well settled and happy with their profession. Dr. Pankhudi further shared that in India especially in rural or non elite class the concept of psychological consultation is just negligible where as in USA all people are well benefited with psychological services.

Dr, H.K Chhabra Professor of Psychology proposed vote of thanks and shared that aptitude testing should be made compulsory at 9th and 10 levels in every schools and further suggested that Department of psychology should take a lead to mediate with Chandigarh Administration for extending career counseling in schools and Dept of Psychology, Panjab University can be the Nodal agency.