Friday, March 7

Chandigarh May 24, 2022

An interaction of Department Chairpersons with the residents and office staff of Boys Hostel Number 1, was organized by Mehr Chand Mahajan, Boys Hostel Number 1, Panjab university, Chandigarh on May 24, 2022. The interactive session was initiated by Dr. Rajeev Kumar who introduced the hostel staff to the Chairpersons. Chairpersons/Director of various departments and Institutes of Panjab University namely Prof. G.R. Chaudhary, Prof. Simrat Kahlon, Prof. Yogesh Rawal, Dr. Jaskaran Singh, Dr. Avneet, Dr. Rohni, Dr. Anju Goel, Dr. Ravneet and Dr. Simranpreet Kaur took part in this progressive initiative. The interaction was an effort to discuss and share the difficulties related to fulfilling official formalities and administrative difficulties faced by the staff and chairpersons in executing the university hostel rules and managing residents. After the deliberations it was mutually agreed that there is a whitespace w.r.t the proper communication between the departments and the hostels. Efforts should be directed towards filling these gaps.

During this session prizes were also given to the winners of the Photography competition organized by Boys Hostel Number 1 to celebrate International Biodiversity Day on May 22, 2022 to sensitize the students towards biodiversity and make efforts towards its conservation. Fourteen students participated in this competition. Kamal Kishore of BH1 won the first prize, Komal of GH3 won the second prize and Tanvir Digra  from Deptt. of Laws won the third prize.