Wednesday, March 12

 Koral ‘Purnoor’, Demokretic Front, Chandigarh May 16, 2022 :

Centre for Social Work, Panjab University, Chandigarh has organised three days workshop (13th, 14th  May, & 16th May 2022) regarding an orientation to gender based discrimination by Professor Jyoti Seth, Head (Retd.) Department of Sociology, Post Graduate Govt College for Girls sector 42, Chandigarh. The session started with the brief discussion on Gender and sex, she explained that gender which is not male and female but man, woman, and transgender. Gender discrimination is faced by mostly women and transgender’s. This discrimination is because of patriarchy that is prevalent in India from roots and to remove this discrimination not only women have to speak about their right but also men have to change their views. Individual and group activities were performed which made students made to think about various topics (dowry, domestic violence, sayings about men and women, against birth of girl child etc.) which are main factors leading to discrimination. The session was interactive and group activity further refined the learning process of the students. The masters in social work students and research scholars participated in the workshop.

Dr. Gaurav Gaur, Chairperson alongwith Prof. Jyoti Seth answered the queries related to the theme asked by the students. The students asked questions from live-in-relationship, marriage, divorce and cultural practices prevalent in our society. The token of gratitude was presented to the resource person by the faculty and the students. It was very interactive and enlightening session for the students.