Tuesday, March 11

Koral ‘Purnoor’. Demokretic Front, Chandigarh May 12, 2022 :

            A special lecture on ‘Child Rights’ was delivered by Professor Devinder Singh, Chairperson, Department of Laws, Panjab University on 12th May, 2022.  This lecture was organised by Dr B.R. Ambedkar Centre and University School of Open Learning.  The rights of a child even before it is born were elaborated upon by the speaker.  It was highlighted that children should be granted specific rights for them to develop to their full potential.  The speaker underscored that a child should be protected in various environments, be it home or school.  The orator pointed out various problems that a child had to endure that did not see the light of the day.  Numerous solutions were suggested for the protection of the rights of children.  The talk was attended by over 90 people that included students, faculty and members of the law profession.  The talk ended with a lively discussion on the theme.