Monday, March 10

Chandigarh April 29, 2022

“Russian war in Ukraine may not be confined to Eurasia in terms of its implications for the world. It will affect the nature of unipolar world which at present is marked by US hegemony” argued experts participating in one-day seminar on “Ukraine Crisis, Emerging World Order & Implications for India” organized by Department of Defence and National Security Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh today that is 28th April, 2022.

Dr Jaskaran Singh Waraich, Chairperson of the department, welcomed the guests present for the event and also highlighted the significance of the theme, while also giving the details of the objectives and the programme of the seminar. While inaugurating the seminar Vice Chancellor Professor Raj Kumar emphasized on the changing nature of geo-political scenario of the world in the context of the ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict. He also highlighted the issues concerning India’s foreign policy in this context. The inaugural speaker Admiral Sunil Lanba (retd.) former chief of Indian Navy, also, highlighted the historical perspective of the ongoing conflict and geopolitical trends. In his keynote address Lt Gen Raj Shukla (retd.) delved on the major implications of Ukraine-Russia conflict and the change which may result in the aftermath of war.

In the first technical session, Dr Meena Singh Roy, former senior researcher with IDSA discussed the genesis of the Ukrainian Crises. She highlighted the historical seeds of discontent and power balance emerging out of various alliances. Maj Gen Amarjit Singh (retd.) pointed out the trends unfolding in various parts of the world specifically in West Asia and their linkages with India.

Professsor Kuldip Singh from GNDU examined the way global order has undergone a change since 9/11. He argued that India should exercise its strategic autonomy to utilize changes unleashed by war to its advantages. His argument was that India should take a lead to reorient global order away from West-Centric system, reactivating forums like BRICS and refashioning Bretton Woods institutions designed by the West for which global situation favoured India.

Maj. Gen. Raj Mehta (Retd.), Professor Sanjay Kumar Pandey form JNU and Lt Gen R S Panwar (Retd.) elaborated upon the Interests of various world actors and their likely intentions.

The technical session on the theme ‘contours of technology, military strategy and operations of war’ was chaired by Lt Gen KJ Singh (Retd) and co-chaired by Simrit Kahlon. In this session Dr. Shalini Chawla from Center for Air Power Studies, Lt Gen P R Shankar (retd) highlighted the lessons for India and emerging world order and balance of power. Employment of various weapons systems disruptive technologies in the ongoing conflict was also elucidated for the benefit of attendees and students.

In the valedictory session, Lt Gen Bhopinder Singh, former Lieutenant Governor of Andaman and Nicobar Islands & Puducherry was key speaker. In his valedictory address, he pointed out that academicians and defence forces have to work in sink for deriving the appropriate lessons from this ongoing conflict to make our nation strong for any and all future challenges.

The Chairperson of the department Dr. Jaskaran Singh Waraich gave the vote of thanks to all speakers, organizers and attendees for the resounding success of the seminar.