Sunday, March 9

Koral ‘Purnoor’, Demokratic Frot, Chandigarh – 26.04.2022

  • ·                I am pleased to inform the honorable members that the 69th Annual Convocation of our university will be held on May 6, 2022 and the Hon’ble Vice President of India & Chancellor of our University has very kindly consented to be the Chief Guest. I extend a hearty welcome to you all to attend the convocation.
  • ·                Professor Naveen Aggarwal and Dr. Manoj Sharma of UIET alongwith Professor Ashima Goyal and Dr. Manoj  Kumar Jaiswal of PGI have been granted  patent for an invention entitled “An Oral Healthcare Educational Appratus and a system thereof”. This device will be of great help to the visually impaired students and has been developed in 15 languages with the active help of the Design & Innovation Centre of UIET.
  • ·                Dr. Rakesh Malik, Deputy Director, Sports Department has been appointed as Director Sports at Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University. Dr. Malik has made distinguished contributions for the growth of sports at our University and working beyond the call of duty for getting MAKA trophy for three consecutive years.
  • ·                Professor Ajay Kumar Sood, our alumnus from Physics Department and Vigyan Rattan awardee from our University has been appointed as Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India.
  • ·                Dr. Gurmeet Singh, Department of Hindi has been appointed on ICCR Chair of Hindi at University of Naples for a period of one semester w.e.f. 13.04.2022.  He has also been nominated as a member of the Hindi Advisory Committee of Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communication.