Sunday, March 9

Koral ‘Purnoor’, Demokratic Front, Chandigarh April 26, 2022

PU Senate Meeting

  • The first item was regarding creation of separate entity i.e. a company of PU under Section 8 of the Companies Act 2013 be established for the operation/maintenance of the multi purpose auditorium complex which is coming up in Sector 25 Panjab University Campus. The members were of the unanimous opinion that the project should run on self sustaining model and the annual recurring expenditure of the project should not be made a part of the University budget. As in the approved structure of this entity, Vice Chancellor would be as Ex-Offico Managing Director/Chairperson and the Board of Directors shall  be nominated by the Vice Chancellor from amongst the Senior functionaries of the University. The proposed entity shall ensure generation of adequate resources from this multi purpose auditorium complex.

In the second item, the physical presence of candidate/candidates will not be necessitated at the time of Ph.D Viva Voce during ongoing Covid 19 pandemic restrictions or similar extra ordinary conditions if arise in future.

            The third item regarding the recommendations of the Regulations Committee pertaining to different courses in different departments of the Panjab University. The regulations were for B.Ed Special education (learning disability), certificate course in Corporate Security, Safety and Fire Protection Management, Master of Architecture, Bachelor of Pharmacy and M.Pharmacy and three year course for Shastri, M.Sc in Microbial Biotechnology, Certificate course in Vedic Studies, Master of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Master in Tourism and Travel Management, PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication, PG Diploma in Radio Production, PG Diploma in Adverting and Public Relations, M.Sc. in Nuclear Medicine, 5 Year Integrated Programme in Social Sciences, MBA in Pharmaceutical   Management and MBA in Hospital Management, MSC in Fashion Designing, BA B.Ed 4 year Integrated Course.

            An important discussion on the preponement of admission schedule and the duration of summer vacation was also held during the meeting.

            There were certain items for ratification including the Choice Based Credit System and Masters in Computer Science and Engineering, Masters in Mechanical Engineering (Robotics), Masters in Electronics and Communication Engineering (Artificial Intelligence).

            There were certain other items which were only for the information of the members of the Senate.