Thursday, March 6

Koral’Purnoor’ Demokratic Front, Chandigarh April 23, 2022

Boys Hostel 2 & 4, Girls Hostel 3 & 6 and Working Women Hostel collectively celebrated ‘Earth Day’ today in the premises of Girls Hostel No. 6, Mother Teresa Hall, P.U., Chd.,  under the guidance of Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, P.U., Chd. and supervision of Prof. Jagtar Singh, DSW, Prof. Meena Sharma, DSW(W) and Prof. Ashok Kumar, Associate DSW, P.U., Chd.

Prof. Promila Pathak, Chairperson, Dept. of Botany, P.U., Chd. was the keynote speaker on this occasion.

Abha Bansal, Shivani, Teetikshavi Thakur and Tulsi residents of the hostel spoke on importance of World Earth Day. Teetikshavi introduced  Prof. Promila Pathak to the audience.

Dr. Manisha Sharma, Warden, Women Hostel No. 6 welcomed Prof. Pathak and wardens of other hostels.

Prof. Promila Pathak said that World Earth Day is commemorated every year on April 22 to emphasize the significance of environmental protection. ‘Invest In Our Planet’ is the official theme for 2022, and while the concept may seem difficult, it is simple to give back to the planet. As the father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi said “Earth offers enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” She said we can contribute to earth in many ways by efficient use of energy sources and zero emission. We have to develop innovative ideas in agriculture, technology etc. There is a need to increase passion our young generations for our earth. Cleanliness drives in the areas by hostellers should be done and there should be proposal disposal of wastes. She said we should go for afforestation. Economy of countries depends on species of plants. We should not misuse earth resources. She said we should take a pledge to invest in major or minor way.

Dr. Manisha Sharma, thanked Prof. Promila Pathak for motivating our residents. She also thanked wardens of other hostels and the residents. The residents along with Prof. Pathak and wardens took pledge to plant a tree every year on their birthdays.