Koral’Purnoor’ Democratic Front, Chandigarh April 18, 2022
The Department of Library & InfoKorrmation Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh celebrated World Heritage day, today on 18.04.2022. Every year World Heritage day is organized on 18th April, 2022. The theme of the event was “Heritage and Climate: Significance of Heritage with respect to International Day for Monuments and Site’’. Dr. Shiv Kumar, Chairperson, initiated the event introducing the theme. Prof. Preeti Mahajan coordinated the event. All the faculty members of the department presented their views on the relevance of World Heritage Day. They emphasized that heritage sites are not just for entertainment; rather they are the place which recalls the memory of our glorious past. Taj Mahal is the one of the most visited heritage site among others. Students took part in various activities like presentation, shared their previous visits to the heritage places and also shared their viewpoints regarding preserving these places in the future through innovative solutions. Overall, the event was fruitful with proactive participation of students, research scholars and the faculty members.