Wednesday, March 5


Chandigarh April 8, 2022

A pictorial booklet ‘Green Verdict-2021’  highlighting key National Green Tribunal decisionin public language released

A public awareness pictorial booklet named ‘Green Verdict-2021’ is released by Honarable Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel, Chairperson, National Green Tribunal (NGT), in the presence of Anirudh Tewari, IAS and Chief Secretary to the Government of Punjab, Justice Pritam Pal, Ex-Judge to Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh, Justice Jasbir Singh, Former Judge of the Punjab and Haryana High Court, Sh. Anirudh Tewari, Chief Secretary, Government of Punjab, Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice-chancellor, Panjab University, Smt. Urvashi Gulati, former Chief Secretary, Haryana, Prof. Adarsh Pal Vig, Chairman, Punjab Pollution Control Board and Er. Krunesh Garg, Member Secretary, Punjab Pollution Control Board and

The booklet has been conceptualized and designed by Dr. Ravindra Khaiwal, Professor, Department of Community Medicine and School of Public Health, and Dr. Suman Mor, Chairperson, Department of Environment Studies, Panjab University to create awareness about the major judgment in simple languages to strengthen the action for a sustainable future for all.

During the event, Adarsh Kumar Goel mentioned that a clean environment is a foremost requirement to sustain a healthy planet and human lives and is a fundamental right of citizens. He added that thus, it is a need of the hour to monitor compliances appropriately to meet the environmental challenges in the fast-developing world and act on time to minimize the death and disease and conserve natural resources and biodiversity. Further, he stated that Green Verdict 2021 pictorial booklet would be helpful to create awareness and strengthen the action for a sustainable future for all, including the future generation.

Dr. Khaiwal highlighted that this booklet aims to strengthen the public’s legal rights and ensure environmental sustainability. He emphasized that due to our increasing needs, we have polluted air, water and soil. Hence, we need to learn to live with nature by playing our role to protect our planet and our health.

Dr. Suman Mor mentioned that this booklet would be a valuable tool for effectively implementing rules and regulations by active engagement of regulatory bodies and policymakers. She stressed that we need to focus more on green recovery to minimize the emerging threat related to environmental degradation and climate change. 

The booklet highlights the recent judgments of the National Green Tribunal in year 2021. It also depicts information about the environmental laws and standards for easy reference, including the major initiative by the Government of India toward a greener and cleaner India.

The book release event was part of the  inaugural ceremony of ‘Environment Protection  awareness campaign being organised by the Department of Law, Panjab University and Punjab Pollution Control Board. Dr Devinder Singh, Chairperson,  Dept of Laws stated that such booklet will certainly help to create awareness.