Sunday, February 23

Chandigarh March 8, 2022

From 8th March to 12 March 2022

            A five days Capacity Building Program for Security Guards of Panjab University was inaugurated in the seminar hall of Centre for Police Administration, Panjab University on 8th March 2022 being organized by Centre for Police Administration in collaboration with Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), Panjab University, Chandigarh. Anil Monga, Chairperson, Centre for Police Administration and Coordinator of the program, while welcoming the participants highlighted the significant role of the security staff in building positive perception of the University in the minds of various stakeholders visiting Panjab University.

            Prof. Deepti Gupta, Dean International Students, Panjab University, interacted with the participants and highlighted the significance of effective communication and proactive behavior in public dealing. The session used role play and activities for training of security guards.

            Dr. Shahid Quraishi from Max Hospital, Mohali interacted with the participants on how to respond to various health emergency situations and provide first aid to the people in need. He gave practical demonstrations and trained the security staff in giving CPR to the accident victims to save the precious lives during the ‘golden hour’. He also trained the security guards in handling dog/monkey/snake bite cases on the campus. The third session was devoted to sensitize the security guards about the road safety education and traffic management. Mr. Rajeev Sharma, Senior Constable from Chandigarh Police shared with the participants about various rules and regulations on road safety and traffic handling on the campus. The capacity building program is being attended by 40 security guards of Panjab University, Chandigarh.