Saturday, February 22

Chandigarh March 2, 2022

The Department of Microbiology, Panjab University, Chandigarh in association with the Punjab State Council of Science and Technology inaugurated the “Faculty development training program” in “Industrial Microbiology and Fermentation Technology” under “DBT-GOI skill vigyan program” today which will be held from 2nd March to 26th March, 2022.

The inauguration function  started with a welcome address by Dr. Deepak K. Rahi, Chairman, Department of Microbiology, Panjab University, who gave an overview of the Department and briefly discussed how industrial fermentation technology is a vibrant and fast growing area of biotechnology, absorbing an ever increasing processes and products. Dr. Dapinder Bakshi, Joint Director, PSCST who discussed about the “Skill vigyan program” of DBT and PSCST.

Chief Guest of the program Dr. Jatinder Kaur Arora, Executive director, PSCST, emphasized that we should commercialize the technologies developed, she also discussed about the AVSAR programs, different research fellowships and the importance of connecting theoretical knowledge of the students to the practical knowledge.

Dr. Manu Sharma, Director, CIIPP and TEC, PU, Chandigarh was the Guest of Honour who gave a brief note on the use of green technologies and how the microbes can help in achieving this goal.

The key note speaker of the program, Dr. Prince Sharma, Former Dean Science, Punjab University, Chandigarh and Professor, Department of Microbiology delivered a talk on “Opportunities for green, sustainable technologies and start-ups.” Prof. Sharma started with summarizing the history of industrial enzymes, their use, economics and major companies involved in the enzyme production. He also discussed about the studies on enzymes being carried out in his lab, technologies transferred to the industry, various start-ups, and how these enzymes can act as an alternate to chemical derivatives for various processes.

Prof. S.K. Soni, Professor, Department of Microbiology and the coordinator of the program briefed the participants about the theme and duration of the program. He also discussed about the importance of microorganisms and their exploitation for the formation of value added products such as antibiotics, probiotics and clean fuel.

The program ended with a vote of thanks which was delivered by Dr. Naveen Gupta, Senior faculty, Department of Microbiology.