Thursday, February 27

Chandigarh February 25, 2022

M.E. (ECE) course of Department of ECE, UIET, Panjab University Chandigarh has been accreditation by NBA for three years  up till 30.06.2024. It is a matter of great pride for UIET, as currently, it is the only M.E. (ECE) course in North India which has the prestigious NBA accreditation. Also, the graduate course of department is already accreditation since years.

Dr. Naresh Kumar, Coordinator (ECE), congratulated all the Faculty members and technical and support staff for their hard work and dedication for this process. He also welcomed Prof. Renu Vig,  who has recently been appointed as DUI of Panjab University. Prof. J.K Goswamy, Director UIET, also graced the event by his presence.

Director UIET congratulated all  and further laid emphasis on  recommendations and suggestions of NBA committee. He insisted on making these recommendations as the work culture of the department for coming years. Prof. Renu Vig  motivated  all to keep working hard.